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  1. #1
    detroitdeisel is offline New Member
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    keto diet while cycling?

    can you be on a keto diet (or a low carb) and still get good gains on a deca -sus stack. if not any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I don't think so. Carbs are a big part in muscle building. I think there are some threads on this already, so I wont try and get into detail, but try a search and see what comes up.

  3. #3
    JDMSilviaSpecR's Avatar
    JDMSilviaSpecR is offline Vicious With Malicious Intent
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    The keto diet tears away at both muscle and fat, you will get very minimal gains even with intense training.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by detroitdeisel
    can you be on a keto diet (or a low carb) and still get good gains on a deca-sus stack. if not any ideas?
    To get really good gains, you want to replace muscle glycogen stores immediately after lifting. Simple carbs are the best/most efficient way to do so....also the insulin spike as a result of the post w/o simple carbs is great for shuttling all sorts of necessities into your muscle. You can still be on a low carb diet, but don't skimp on the carbs after lifting, if you want max gains. You won't be on a real "keto" diet, but IMO, that's a good thing.

  5. #5
    detroitdeisel is offline New Member
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    i lke what i'm reading. so what your saying is stay on the low carb, then load
    up after workouts. i'm going to try that because i feel better on a low carb but not so great on the no carb.

  6. #6
    BrownBomber's Avatar
    BrownBomber is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    To get really good gains, you want to replace muscle glycogen stores immediately after lifting. Simple carbs are the best/most efficient way to do so....also the insulin spike as a result of the post w/o simple carbs is great for shuttling all sorts of necessities into your muscle. You can still be on a low carb diet, but don't skimp on the carbs after lifting, if you want max gains. You won't be on a real "keto" diet, but IMO, that's a good thing.

    Bump to this!!! IM currently on a extr, cal. restrcired diet. I go from 2300-2500 cals a day (I weigh 250-260) Its a high protein, med fat, low carb (al carbs PW only) type diet.

    My fat loss is quite good, but the strangest thing is that Im gaining muscle and getting stronger despite being on such a low cal diet. The Tren and Test are helping to I think

    So in short yes you can gain muscle while on a low carb diet. Just make sure to consume some dextrose/maltodextrin post workout. However, if your goal is to gain some real mass eat your carbs (the good ones)


  7. #7
    detroitdeisel is offline New Member
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    thanks for the info

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrownBomber
    Bump to this!!! IM currently on a extr, cal. restrcired diet. I go from 2300-2500 cals a day (I weigh 250-260) Its a high protein, med fat, low carb (al carbs PW only) type diet.

    My fat loss is quite good, but the strangest thing is that Im gaining muscle and getting stronger despite being on such a low cal diet. The Tren and Test are helping to I think

    So in short yes you can gain muscle while on a low carb diet. Just make sure to consume some dextrose/maltodextrin post workout. However, if your goal is to gain some real mass eat your carbs (the good ones)

    Thank you for posting this. it just plain makes sense. Not only do you have to consider WHAT you eat, but WHEN you are taking in certain things. It's still impressive you're gaining, at your weight, and at that low cal intake. More people should pay more attention to this type of thing.

  9. #9
    Solrock's Avatar
    Solrock is offline Member
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    Low carb works great for me. I absolutely love it, both on gear and off. I do have carbs after a workout like Einstein1905 mentions. I have always been pleased with my gains while on gear and a low carb diet... but i am also not training for the Olympia.

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