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Thread: sustanon cycle

  1. #1
    razzer is offline New Member
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    sustanon cycle

    thinking of going with 500mg sustanon 250 per week on its own any thoughts??
    Last edited by razzer; 03-06-2004 at 06:59 PM.

  2. #2
    razor67's Avatar
    razor67 is offline Banned
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    ok, but enanthate would be a better choice...
    how bout anti-e's and pct?

  3. #3
    razzer is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by razor67
    ok, but enanthate would be a better choice...
    how bout anti-e's and pct?
    any particular enanthate, what rate, and ya probably tamoxifen for last couple of weeks

  4. #4
    razzer is offline New Member
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    ok so, what the hell is pct?

  5. #5
    GeoQuadzilla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by razzer
    ok so, what the hell is pct?
    eeeek i hope you just dont understand the abbriviation... Post cycle treatment... If you don't know what that is maybe you should consider reading up a lot more in steroid profiles. Clomid, nolvadex , hcg ... etc.

  6. #6
    Docta-G's Avatar
    Docta-G is offline Junior Member
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    Go with ICN's on the enanthate !!! Good SHEET

  7. #7
    Jjdigs74's Avatar
    Jjdigs74 is offline Member
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    Your a newbie on here and it sounds like you are a newbie with AS as well. 500mg sust250 would be ok in your position. I take it, that it would be your first cycle and its good to hear you only ask that question! Most newbies have the attitude:::: " Ok hows this for a cycle... Ill run some sust,some test E some deca , with primo as well as winny tabs and anavar with Clen , and not to forget the EQ and i hint of GH. OH and throw in some A Bombs " ( <==== JOKE )
    Take your time with this cycle because your first cycle is your best. If you were to be running 500mg of sust i would recomend you pick up some Nolva and take 20mg a day for the whole cycle and 3 to 4 weeks after your last injection. For s h i t s and giggles i would look up some info on clomid but to tell you the truth your doing such a small dosage that clomid wouldn't really be in need. Your body should adapt back to its normal self, faster than a guy thats on his 6th cycle!

    Simple terms:

    1-16 nolva 20 mg/day
    1-12 Sust250 500mg/week
    Week 6 Hcg ( research HCG )

    if clomid is in need the standard 300 100 50 would be fine

  8. #8
    razzer is offline New Member
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    thanks guys. ya just didn't get the abbrev.! nolvadex (tamoxifen ) the whole way through sounds like a good idea. never know better to be safe. also if i go with sus for say 10 weeks with a healthy appetite and rigorous workout sched. how much weight should i expect to gain?

  9. #9
    Jjdigs74's Avatar
    Jjdigs74 is offline Member
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    One you should run that cycle longer than 10 weeks. Run it for 12 weeks, you will be surprized of how much that 2 weeks matters. You will see your best results in those weeks ahead!

    As for the weight? that all depends on your diet and sleep! Get 8 hours of sleep a night
    Increase your diet to 4000 to 5000 calorie ED, and eat clean! NO SUGARS NO SALTS tons of protein and don;t discard the carbs you need those for energy. Get in the habbit of making meals for yourself; on the go meals. Eat every hour if you can. Make a stop at GNC and pick up some protein and Glutumine. take in the morning and throughout the day. More importantly right after work out. WHAT YOU EAT DIRECTLY AFTER YOUR WORKOUT IS WHAT'S IMPORTANT!!!! You just put your body threw hell, you stressed it, you asked it for all the water and nutrition it can produce, your drained. Tons of water, tons of protein, refresh your body with clean food. Chicken, steak, protein shakes. Vitamins===== Multi V, Vit E, Vit C, Vit A, Fish OIL ( Omega 3 fatty acids, Amino acids! be careful with vitamins bro you can go over board. A good way to notice this? If you start to smell really bad, farting all the time,lol. I mean really foul smell ( sewer smell ) your probably taking to much. Don't go smelling your first nasty fart and go running to the hills. Your protein intake will also make you smell pretty bad as well. I learned that Protein proserves food in your stomach. I.e the more protein you eat the longer last nights super will be in your stomach. What happenes to food when its broken down? It smells, starts to stink! Get fiber in your diet, that will speed up the process. Making it alittle bit more tolorable for you and the girl,lol
    Good luck bro lift hard

  10. #10
    razzer is offline New Member
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    ok thanks man. read a few threads sounds like maybe enth might give me what i am after. been training for a while maintaing around 185 clean. diet seems pretty close to your suggestions so looks like i might get my $$ worth here! 12 weeks sounds good. at 500mg/wk should i split inj. up or all at once?

  11. #11
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    M/TH or T/F or W/S etc. I prefer E3d, works for me, in regards to keeping blood levels steady.HOW, i dont know, no i dont have a machine,lol, but im feelin fine, no shakes.

  12. #12
    razor67's Avatar
    razor67 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jjdigs74
    Your a newbie on here and it sounds like you are a newbie with AS as well. 500mg sust250 would be ok in your position. I take it, that it would be your first cycle and its good to hear you only ask that question! Most newbies have the attitude:::: " Ok hows this for a cycle... Ill run some sust,some test E some deca , with primo as well as winny tabs and anavar with Clen , and not to forget the EQ and i hint of GH. OH and throw in some A Bombs " ( <==== JOKE )
    Take your time with this cycle because your first cycle is your best. If you were to be running 500mg of sust i would recomend you pick up some Nolva and take 20mg a day for the whole cycle and 3 to 4 weeks after your last injection. For s h i t s and giggles i would look up some info on clomid but to tell you the truth your doing such a small dosage that clomid wouldn't really be in need. Your body should adapt back to its normal self, faster than a guy thats on his 6th cycle!

    Simple terms:

    1-16 nolva 20 mg/day
    1-12 Sust250 500mg/week
    Week 6 Hcg ( research HCG )

    if clomid is in need the standard 300 100 50 would be fine
    so your sayin with 500mg of test a week clomid isnt necessary,, well i have to disagree with this... pct is necessary...

  13. #13
    LuvMuhRoids's Avatar
    LuvMuhRoids is offline Anabolic Member
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    In my opinion, sustanon is not meant for novice users. Even if you did run sustanon E3D to atleast get the action of the prop in it. Either way it causes unstable test levels unless it is done ED or EOD. I always say E3D just to be generous because it is expensive to do that many amps in an ample cycle. For a first time cycle I suggest a longer acting ester that is more stable and easier to deal with like enanthate or cypionate . These two tests hold blood levels with test much more stable thus less side affects better gains.

    Point to a cycle and run it correctly is to keep consistant levels, reach a saturation peak and hold it there as long as possible. If not this could hinder gains, cause unstable levels, keep your body from leveling out correctly and not adjust properly.

    I suggest Enanthate or Cyp at 400-500mg EW for 10weeks only. It is also the golden rule to have nolvadex on hand and clomid waiting for PCT(post cycle therapy ) You will need to run clomid to help restore your HPTA to normal restore natural test and keep gains. Also nolvadex to hold down estrogen levels with the estrogen back lash you will get during PCT.

  14. #14
    Jjdigs74's Avatar
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    Thinking about it more i would say he's right, you would need clomid to get you back up an started again. What i was leading toward was the fact that he's young and hes doing such a short cycle. If Hcg is done on the 6th week i really think he won't have a problem getting his test levels back up again! But it wouldn;t hurt to through some clomid toward your PCT bro...

  15. #15
    razor67's Avatar
    razor67 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jjdigs74
    Thinking about it more i would say he's right, you would need clomid to get you back up an started again. What i was leading toward was the fact that he's young and hes doing such a short cycle. If Hcg is done on the 6th week i really think he won't have a problem getting his test levels back up again! But it wouldn;t hurt to through some clomid toward your PCT bro...
    hcg does stimulate test production.... but, does NOT reestablish htpa.

  16. #16
    shootdeep's Avatar
    shootdeep is offline Member
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    run the clomid bro, it's better to be safe than sorry and you never know how you'll react

  17. #17
    Jjdigs74's Avatar
    Jjdigs74 is offline Member
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    So in this case would he " Need " clomid to recover successfully or would it be used as a method of a " faster " test production recovery?

  18. #18
    razor67's Avatar
    razor67 is offline Banned
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    Almost all anabolic androgenic steroids will cause an inhibition of the bodies own testosterone production. When he comes off the steroids he has no natural test production and no more steroids. The body is left in a state of catabolism (catabolic hormones are high and anabolic hormones are low) and as a result much of the muscle tissue that was gained on the cycle is now going to be lost. Clomid stimulates the hypophysis to release more gonadotropin so that a faster and higher release of follicle stimulating hormone aud luteinizing hormone occurs. This results in an increase of the body's own testosterone production.
    now, do you NEED it, no.. you will eventually recover... is it wise to use say yes..if you want to keep what you worked so hard for..

  19. #19
    LuvMuhRoids's Avatar
    LuvMuhRoids is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good post. This is true.
    Quote Originally Posted by razor67
    Almost all anabolic androgenic steroids will cause an inhibition of the bodies own testosterone production. When he comes off the steroids he has no natural test production and no more steroids. The body is left in a state of catabolism (catabolic hormones are high and anabolic hormones are low) and as a result much of the muscle tissue that was gained on the cycle is now going to be lost. Clomid stimulates the hypophysis to release more gonadotropin so that a faster and higher release of follicle stimulating hormone aud luteinizing hormone occurs. This results in an increase of the body's own testosterone production.
    now, do you NEED it, no.. you will eventually recover... is it wise to use say yes..if you want to keep what you worked so hard for..

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