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  1. #1
    BigCheer's Avatar
    BigCheer is offline Junior Member
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    HCG dosage? Which is correct?

    Ok bros i have heard many ways to take HCG during a cycle.
    -Find out when you would normally start your clomid therapy.
    Inject hcg 500iu everyday, either intramuscular or sub q, for 10-14 days. Place the hcg so that the LAST hcg shot is about 5 days before clomid therapy starts.

    -I have also heard 2500 iu MWF for two weeks b4 clomid thearpy

    Or are there any other ways to do it?

  2. #2
    Solrock's Avatar
    Solrock is offline Member
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    Most go with either 500iu E4D or 500iu on sat and sun. Do a search... you will find a ton of opinions...

  3. #3
    BigCheer's Avatar
    BigCheer is offline Junior Member
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    I appreciate the help but thats the thing there are many options. Are any better than the other?

  4. #4
    johnsomebody's Avatar
    johnsomebody is offline Senior Member
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    Well, if you do the research you'll find that 2500iu per shot is way too high.

    Also that you don't need HCG unless you have shrinkage.

    I use it every 3-4 days on a cycle myself, 500iu. But it depends on how shrinky they're feeling -they actually ache and start feeling tight if they need it. I'm getting so I go by how they feel more than a schedule any more, but I personally never do more that 500iu/shot.

  5. #5
    BigCheer's Avatar
    BigCheer is offline Junior Member
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    Well i did research. real gains stated this:
    Some use it post cycle at higher doses after their testes have already shrunk. This method works but I do not believe that it is the best way to use HCG . In this method one injects a high dose of hcg right near the end ofa cycle but before clomid. The opening dose is often 3000iu's followed sometimes by another 3000 4 days latter and then 1500iu's every 4th or 5th day and then the last shot is usually only 1000iu' time three weeks.
    No use taking clomid or nolav with the HCG since HCG will supress the hpta all by itself via the testosterone production it stimulates.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigCheer
    Well i did research. real gains stated this:
    Some use it post cycle at higher doses after their testes have already shrunk. This method works but I do not believe that it is the best way to use HCG . In this method one injects a high dose of hcg right near the end ofa cycle but before clomid. The opening dose is often 3000iu's followed sometimes by another 3000 4 days latter and then 1500iu's every 4th or 5th day and then the last shot is usually only 1000iu' time three weeks.
    No use taking clomid or nolav with the HCG since HCG will supress the hpta all by itself via the testosterone production it stimulates.
    He's not recommending this method. Not taking it w/ nolva and clomid just means not still use your nolva/clomid.

  7. #7
    BigCheer's Avatar
    BigCheer is offline Junior Member
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    Well someone from another board wrote this.
    Find out when you would normally start your clomid therapy.
    Inject hcg 500iu everyday, either intramuscular or sub q, for 10-14 days. Place the hcg so that the LAST hcg shot is about 5 days before clomid therapy starts.

    An example cycle:

    Wks 1-10 enanthate 1000mg wk
    Wks 1-12 tren 100mg ed
    Wks 5-12 winstrol 50mg ed.
    Wks 1-16 liquidex 1mg ed
    Last shot of enanthate is day 70.
    Last shot of winny and tren are day 84.
    Hcg is run days 72-82, 500iu ed.
    Nolvadex is run 10mg ed days 72-87.
    Clomid is run on days 87-108.

    Just reposting what he stated

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    500iu 2 X's per week is one way.
    500iu ED for 2 weeks E6thW is another.
    It goes on and on. But generaly, anything over 1000iu is not necessary.

    I currently am going 500iu twice weekly, and if I notice it's not keeping up (and I have) I'll do a week straight or so until the boys seem....umm, "Better" but this usually doesn't happen for a couple months and on heavy doses (needing an extended HCG run of a week)
    It's what I've found works best FOR ME so far.

  9. #9
    capinatl's Avatar
    capinatl is offline Junior Member
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    I know most of us say 2500ius is way too much and may desensitize the LH receptors, but the Physicians Desk Reference manual suggests that as a dose for Gonadotropin (SP?) suffering youths. Makes me wonder if that really is too much. I've done 2500ius 3x per week for 2 weeks between my last shot of a cycle and clomid with great success. HCG is some amazing stuff - testes drop down on day 3 and stay that way.

    However, I currently prefer the 500iu 2x per week throughout lengthy cycles.

  10. #10
    LuvMuhRoids's Avatar
    LuvMuhRoids is offline Anabolic Member
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    Big I have a PCT link that explains HCG a bit. In my opinion, like some have suggested above it is not neccessary unless you suffer from testicular shrinkage. If so then 500iu's daily for short periods of time. I have used it.

  11. #11
    Taurus is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigCheer
    Well i did research. real gains stated this:
    Some use it post cycle at higher doses after their testes have already shrunk. This method works but I do not believe that it is the best way to use HCG . In this method one injects a high dose of hcg right near the end ofa cycle but before clomid. The opening dose is often 3000iu's followed sometimes by another 3000 4 days latter and then 1500iu's every 4th or 5th day and then the last shot is usually only 1000iu' time three weeks.
    No use taking clomid or nolav with the HCG since HCG will supress the hpta all by itself via the testosterone production it stimulates.

    When u say 'No use taking clomid or nolav with the HCG since HCG will supress the hpta all by itself via the testosterone production it stimulates', does this refer to PCT or the entire cycle? I have heard of this during PCT but never through the entire cycle!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Taurus
    When u say 'No use taking clomid or nolav with the HCG since HCG will supress the hpta all by itself via the testosterone production it stimulates', does this refer to PCT or the entire cycle? I have heard of this during PCT but never through the entire cycle!
    It means that, if you're taking HCG after your cycle, there is no need to begin clomid until after your last shot of HCG (about 3 days after). You can still use nolva during this period for its anti e properties though.

    If you meant your question this way, then yes, you use HCG during a longer cycle to prevent testicular atrophy. 500IU 2x/wk for 2-3 weeks somewhere in the middle of a longer cycle and then again at or near the end of a longer cycle. You can still be using nolva throughout your cycle. They just mean that if you're using nolva as your primary pct (instead of clomid), it won't restore HPTA function while you're using HCG at the same time.

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