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Thread: Second Cycle

  1. #1
    spencerinla is offline New Member
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    Second Cycle

    Hey guys - don't post much because I just listen and learn. Going to make it short and simple... 23 years old 5'9" 179 16%. Working out/footb/baseb since 9th grade on and off and steady for the past year with good diet results. Last year put into my system carelessly Brovel t200 10ml and d200 10ml with no diet and no PCT with good gains.. lost a good bit of it but still have a shapely physique from it. I am going to do it right so, below is my upcoming cycle:

    Wk 1-10 500mg QV Enanthate 250/ml/10ml vial
    Wk 1-10 400mg Norma Deca 200/ml/2ml vials
    Wk 1-10 20mg Nolva ED
    Wk 7-11 50mg Winstrol Oral Brittish Dragon
    Wk 14-16 Clomid

    Few questions:
    1) Since I have 100 of the Winny tabs, could I run them the whole cycle and is it okay to let them run over the last poke of Deca or Test?
    2) With this given cycle, what dosage of Clomid and How long? I know there are a lot of noob posts for PCT, but I would like opinions.
    3)Would it be safe running Clenbuteral with all this? Where would you place it?

    Thanks... and I am open to suggestions of reorginization of the cycle or a b1tch slap for being totally wrong Like I said, I've been reading for around a year with no questions... this is just what I feel safe doing and think would be a good stack for me. Thanks again guys for making such a wonderful contribution to this wonderful sport/hobby...
    Last edited by spencerinla; 03-17-2004 at 04:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    You can go wk 9-13 on the winny and start pct the day after.Be cause of the deca I would run the clomid 28 days.

  3. #3
    TRE's Avatar
    TRE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Run the enth one week longer as well. Cant run winny longer then 6 weeks due to liver problems.

  4. #4
    spencerinla is offline New Member
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    Okay so...

    Wk 1-11 500mg QV Enanthate 250/ml/10ml vial
    Wk 1-10 400mg Norma Deca 200/ml/2ml vials
    Wk 1-13 20mg Nolva ED
    Wk 9-13 50mg Winstrol Oral Brittish Dragon
    Wk 13-17 Clomid

    Looks good!!!

    Bull, thanks for the info. I would not have known that.
    Tre.. given the fact that I would need two more cc to run the Enant a week later I would have to purchase another 10ml vial and would have 8ml left over. Would you recommend against starting it a week later to compensate?
    Also, instead of Enant I have access to Sust, Prop, Cyp, and Bold200 (EQ). Would one of those be a better fit in replace of the Enant?
    The 6 wk liver deal on the Winny, is that just because of oral form or just Winny in general? I thought Winny was a little safer..must have missed that in my study. If its because of oral, you recommend liq?
    Any other substance I should add to my PCT?

    And last, TRE... your cycle sig makes my gluts cringe
    Last edited by spencerinla; 03-17-2004 at 04:51 PM.

  5. #5
    TRE's Avatar
    TRE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Actually all winny will affect your liver, liquid or oral. Its not as bad as lets say dbol or anadrol and thats why you can run it 6 weeks instaid of only 4. Cyp is fine for a replacement for enth and if you can get prop for those last few weeks that would be great. You could run the prop with the winny right to the end.

  6. #6
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by spencerinla
    Okay so...

    Wk 1-11 500mg QV Enanthate 250/ml/10ml vial
    Wk 1-10 400mg Norma Deca 200/ml/2ml vials
    Wk 1-13 20mg Nolva ED
    Wk 9-13 50mg Winstrol Oral Brittish Dragon
    Wk 13-17 Clomid

    Looks good!!!

    Bull, thanks for the info. I would not have known that.
    Tre.. given the fact that I would need two more cc to run the Enant a week later I would have to purchase another 10ml vial and would have 8ml left over. Were you recommend against starting it a week later to compensate?
    Also, instead of Enant I have access to Sust, Prop, Cyp, and Bold200 (EQ). Would one of those be a better fit in replace of the Enant?
    The 6 wk liver deal on the Winny, is that just because of oral form or just Winny in general? I thought Winny was a little safer..must have missed that in my study. If its because of oral, you recommend liq?
    Any other substance I should add to my PCT?

    And last, TRE... your cycle sig makes my gluts cringe
    I saw what you had in test so I didn't mention it....since you have access to prop you could always run it along side the winny,but stop the prop injection three days before finishing up the winny.This way you can still start pct the day after winny.Other than that,just leave the cycle as'll be fine that way also.
    Get some milk thistle for a liver protectant.Run it at 900-1000 mgs ed.

  7. #7
    spencerinla is offline New Member
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    What do you guys think I should run on dose for Prop from wk 9-13?

  8. #8
    TRE's Avatar
    TRE is offline Anabolic Member
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    100mg ed

  9. #9
    spencerinla is offline New Member
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    Wk 1-10 500mg QV Enanthate 250/ml/10ml vial
    Wk 1-10 400mg Norma Deca 200/ml/2ml vials
    Wk 9-13 50mg Winstrol Oral Brittish Dragon
    Wk 9-13 100mg ED QV Test Propyonate 100/ml/10ml vial
    Wk 1-13 20mg Nolva ED
    Wk 1-13 1000mg Milk Thistle ED
    Wk 13-17 Clomid

    Done. Thanks for the help!
    Last edited by spencerinla; 03-18-2004 at 12:24 PM.

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