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  1. #1
    GetPumped's Avatar
    GetPumped is offline Senior Member
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    Pheedno, Vets, Mods, or Experienced I need some bloodwork results

    Ok here is my situtation. I got some bloodwork done for my accutane that I am taking and got my results back this morning. My CPK levels were abnormal (high), so the nurse at the dermatology asked me if I work out a lot and I told her yes (I didn't tell her I was on steroids right now). I just told her I worked out 5-6 days a week and do cardio 4-5 days a week. So she told me not to work out for 3 days and drink at least 8 glasses of water then to come back on friday to get my blood tested again. I just started the fourth week of my cycle and it looks like this:

    wks 1-6 fina EOD 75mg
    wks 1-6 prop EOD 100mg
    clen added at the beginning of last week started at 20mcg per day and increased to 140mcgs per day

    Now, the nurse said the CPK levels can have something to do with either your heart or your long muscle fibers(?), so I think I will stop taking the clen for sure. What should I do about my cycle I want to finish these last 3 weeks? I was taking milk thitsle, saw palmetto, and lycopene. Should I add some r-ALA and up the milk thitsle? Also, is the CPK a liver enzyme? If so, would the r-ALA and upping the milk thhitsle while stopping the clen be enough to lower the levels? Any input would be great I have until Friday to take my bloodwork again. Thanks bros.

  2. #2
    Mallet's Avatar
    Mallet is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why not finish your cycle and then go back for the blood work, Or tell them the reason your levels are high!...AAS! Most dermatologist won't give you a script for accutane if your liver enzymes are high or your cholesterol!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    I'm about to go I'll bump this for you.

  4. #4
    GetPumped's Avatar
    GetPumped is offline Senior Member
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    Ok I just talked to the nurse. Here is what she said. CPK is an enzyme in your heart muscles. The normal range is about 174-190 and mine was 1600!!!! Now, I think the majority of that has to do with the clen , but I may be wrong. I know clen increases your heart rate and blood pressure also increasing your force of contractions. Thus making my heart muscles work harder. I am going to drop the clen and not workout until friday to see if I can get them lowered. My SGOT levels were 80 normal (high) and my SGPT was 53 (slighty high). I am going to up the milk thitsle and get some r-ALA also for those two liver enzyme to lower them. Is there anything I can take OTC to help lower the CPK levels besides dropping the clen and not working out, I will be taking bloodwork again on friday??? Thanks bros.
    Last edited by GetPumped; 03-24-2004 at 11:16 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    If GGT is normal and CK is elevated, the cause could very well be associated with muscle breakdown due to heavy lifting. Those levels are pretty high.....It could very well be that the clen is contributing to the elevation because cardiac muscle also will elevate ck levels upon catabolism. I wouldn't blame the prop/fina, but the clen could be knocking the values way up there.
    Bump for Doc to take a look.

  6. #6
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Do you know what your AST and ALT levels were, as well as GGT?

    I would not be concerned at this point. An elevated Creatine Kinase level can be from muscle trauma/tissue damage. Discontinue the clen , and follow the protocol that the nurse gave. If you have a consistant elevated level, then you can start assessing possible concerns.

  7. #7
    GetPumped's Avatar
    GetPumped is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    Do you know what your AST and ALT levels were, as well as GGT?

    I would not be concerned at this point. An elevated Creatine Kinase level can be from muscle trauma/tissue damage. Discontinue the clen, and follow the protocol that the nurse gave. If you have a consistant elevated level, then you can start assessing possible concerns.
    Pheedno, my AST and ALT were in normal range. My SGOT levels were 80 (high) and my SGPT was 53 (slighty high). I am going to up the milk thitsle and get some r-ALA also for those two liver enzyme to lower them. Is there anything I can take OTC to help lower the CPK levels besides dropping the clen and not working out, I will be taking bloodwork again on friday??? Thanks bros.

  8. #8
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Well, SGOT = AST and SGPT = ALT

    IF you have elevated SGOT and SGPT with a normal GGT, the elevated CK is almost a definite sign of muscle trauma. I'm pretty sure you'll be relieved with blood work taken after a break from the gym.

  9. #9
    GetPumped's Avatar
    GetPumped is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    Well, SGOT = AST and SGPT = ALT

    IF you have elevated SGOT and SGPT with a normal GGT, the elevated CK is almost a definite sign of muscle trauma. I'm pretty sure you'll be relieved with blood work taken after a break from the gym.
    Oh ok, I didn't know that SGOT and SGPT were AST and ALT. So, if i don't workout until friday and drop then clen while upping my milk thitsle and start to take some r-ALA, should that help my AST, ALT, and CPK levels go down enough? Also, is there anything I can take OTC besides what I am already taking right now. Thanks Pheedno.

  10. #10
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I don't think anything OTC will significantly help it go down IF the cause is muscle breakdown. Furthermore, I wouldn't take anyhting anyway. This will be a good gauge on your body. Keep the Milk thistle at your regular maintenance dose for the cycle, stop the clen , and break from the gym untill testing. See what you got after that

  11. #11
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetPumped
    Oh ok, I didn't know that SGOT and SGPT were AST and ALT. So, if i don't workout until friday and drop then clen while upping my milk thitsle and start to take some r-ALA, should that help my AST, ALT, and CPK levels go down enough? Also, is there anything I can take OTC besides what I am already taking right now. Thanks Pheedno.

    Bro, seriously it sounds like you treat the supps like remedies. They are good anti-oxidents and all, but better used for prevention of damage. Sounds like you just need some rest and to cut the clen .

    I had a buddy in basic whose CPK levels were through the roof. They said that it was some serious condition, I forgot what it is called, but he was sent to the hospital for a few days. His symptom was muscle soreness. I doubt you have anything wrong with you, but just thought I'd throw this out there.

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