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  1. #1
    john004 is offline Associate Member
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    1" in the glute?

    Im just curious if its possible, i injected in the glute lastnight with a 23 g 1" pin, is that enough. Im 5' 9'' 175 with like 14% b/f.. i did it because i only got some 22g 1.5" pins and i can't take the 22g, hurts to much.. is it ok?

  2. #2
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    It should be ok...but if possible try to hit quads and delts with a 1" and glutes with a 1.5"...especially at 14%. I'm at 18% and I stay away from my glutes because, I too , have 23g 1" pins. Good luck bro.

  3. #3
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    My take, FWIW: Using a 1" pin for a glute injection is likely a waste, especially if you have any significant degree of body fat. You may or may not hit the muscle, but you will not get deep into the muscle.

    It doesn't address glutes, but I found some interesting stuff on IM injections in the delt that puts the whole notion of IM shots in perspective:

    Injection must be accomplished with a needle long enough to ensure intramuscular deposition of the vaccine. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has recommended that "For all intramuscular injections, the needle should be long enough to reach the muscle mass and prevent vaccine from seeping into subcutaneous tissue, but not so long as to endanger underlying neurovascular structure or bone . . . " For adults they state that ". . . the deltoid is recommended for routine intramuscular vaccination among adults . . . The suggested needle size is 1 to 1 ½ inches and from 20 to 25 gauge."

    (Source: PDR product literature for Vaqta, the Hepatitis A vaccine from Merck.)

    At least in the case of vaccination, then, the "official" recommendation for pin size is up to 1-1/2" for the delts (which do not have as much fat as the glutes).

    There is not much difference between 22 and 23 gauge needles - unless, of course, you're about to stick one into your own ass. My suggestion would be to stick with the 22 gauge (pun intended), but if you know someone else who does AS, have someone else do the shot. It won't hurt as much when you are not the sticker as well as the stickee, and a second set of hands can do a safer glute shot anyway. (I never shoot my own glutes, regardless of gauge - it's hard to get the angle right and be able to aspirate when you do your own glutes.)

  4. #4
    juicedup8 is offline New Member
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    dont waste ur juice, pins are easy to come by, go with 1.5, or u will be sorry.

  5. #5
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    i have used 1" in the glutes many times..just have to make sure you get it all the way in...but to be honest with you i don't have much bf on my 14% you should be okay...
    Last edited by Shredz; 01-29-2002 at 02:01 PM.

  6. #6
    Mallet's Avatar
    Mallet is offline Anabolic Member
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    I alway's use 1.5" 22g for the glutes. better to be safe than sorry!

  7. #7
    john004 is offline Associate Member
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    to tell you the truth, my ass is pretty small, im a fairly small person the 14% was just somewhere around where i think i am. I have some fat on my tummy, but other than that im pretty lean. The reason for the 23g 1" was because i was shooting my own glute. I usually shoot my delts, but this ** sustanon makes my shoulders hurt so damn bad i can't work them out for half a week. I tried a quad and couldn't run for 3-4 days. Im going to buy 23g, 1.5" pins and ill just have a friend shoot me, thanks for your advise.

  8. #8
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cool A-ha!

    Originally posted by john004
    The reason for the 23g 1" was because i was shooting my own glute. I usually shoot my delts, but this ** sustanon makes my shoulders hurt so damn bad i can't work them out for half a week. I tried a quad and couldn't run for 3-4 days. Im going to buy 23g, 1.5" pins and ill just have a friend shoot me, thanks for your advise.
    "A-ha," he says! Didn't you know, SUST=EVIL?

    Seriously, John, that explains everything. The burn alone from ** Sust will do you in. In fact, I wouldn't even attempt it in the quads, let alone the delts.

    Your solution is the correct one, although you would likely find that the 22 g. is just as smooth if someone else is doing the shot. (You will always tense up more when you're about to stick a 1-1/2" needle into yourself. You end up going too slow and are more sensitive to everything.) But if you're doing sust, I would certainly stick with the glutes.

  9. #9
    Full Intensity's Avatar
    Full Intensity is offline Anabolic Member
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    As i've said b4 i have used both 1.5 and 1 inch in the glutes. Pain wise, it don't make a difference, its just the poke u feel, u could drive it in 2 inches (if u had one) and it wouldn't feel any different then a 1.5. But if u do use a 1 inch make sure your bf is really low and drive it in all the way. otherwise stick with the 1.5, this way u can leave some out incase it breaks, and remember no pain no gain

  10. #10
    xlegend is offline New Member
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    how bout me? im 145 lbs i have no clue wut my body fat is, im thinkin 23g and 1 inch for me for sust .. sounds good?

  11. #11
    G Child's Avatar
    G Child is offline Anabolic Member
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    My "friend" is 205 and is using 22g 1" for his glutes. Don't see any probs so far. The alternate choice would be the 21g 1.5" that I have... I don't see that happening anymore! Now that's a fuckin' needle I won't be using anymore!

  12. #12
    MorMass is offline New Member
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    I must have very few nerves or my ass is just hella fat, but I stick a 22 1 1/2 to the hilt myself and it never hurts...until 2 days later. The only problem I have is wasting the last little bit that I couldn't quite seem to squeeze out in that semi-awkward position. One of my buddies puts his "left overs"in a separate vial in the refrigerator, but I told him that it doesn't sound too sanitary. What do you guys do with that last little bit?

  13. #13
    Methuselah's Avatar
    Methuselah is offline Member
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    This is a great post. I have injection questions too. It seems that in a glute shot that the needle kind of goes in at a slight angle. Should I be trying to go straight in and as deep as possible. I have skinny glutes and worry about hitting a bone.

  14. #14
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by Juice Junkie

    I have been juicing for over 6 years now and never have used a 1-1/2" needle. I have shot everything from glutes, quads, bi's, tri's, and delts. A 1" and on occasion a 1/2" has always been more that sufficient depending on the location and the thickness of the skin/fat layer.
    Where do you use your 1/2" pins? delts and tri's?

  15. #15
    Jayflex is offline Banned
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    1.5 in the glutes works the best. Remember the others may work but the deeper you get the better.

  16. #16
    bizznach's Avatar
    bizznach is offline Associate Member
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    my bf is 9-10 is 5/8 inch ok for my delt? using fina.

  17. #17
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    I have 3cc 25g 1" pins so i know i will get deep enough into the delts,quads and calves (since im doing eod fina)

    Should i leave out 1/4 an inch when hitting delts or calves? i know i should never go all the way in case it breaks somehow and i have to go in after it.

  18. #18
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bump this for everyone. Just doing some re reading.

  19. #19
    gwendels is offline Junior Member
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    My friend injected me with a 21 ga 1 1/2 yesterday and I barely felt it. Same friend stuck a 22 ga 1in needle 2X in the bottle, then in my ass. Needless to say, it hurt like a motherfucker! 1in will get IM in the glute, but 1 1/2 in is a better choice.

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