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  1. #1
    UCFgymguy is offline New Member
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    Talking A Revelation for those who get really sore after they shoot

    Ok for the past couple weeks of my first cycle, I have been getting unbelieably sore after I did each shot for like 4 days straight limping around like an old man. I started to get discouraged because it would really hinder me walking to class or going out to the club or at work and I was starting to think it was almost not worth it. Apparently the gear I have is notorious for having the most BA which was one of the problems. But my most recent shot I tried a new technique that some of you may probably already do and I wasnt sore at all the next day. It actually felt normal like I didnt even shoot at all (no limp )

    Anyways this is what I did. I filled my bathtub up with the hottest water it could do and took a nice hot bath for about 10 minutes. During that time I was massaging the area I was going to poke. (quad) Then I got out slowly and swabed with alcohol, aspirated, and then pushed in the plunger as SLOW as I could go, Im talking snail ass slow. Then I held an alcohol swab for a minute or two on it and massaged. Then I jumped back in the hot bath tub water and massaged very very hard deep into the muscle in the hot water for about 10-15 minutes. This is after I got back from the club and was about to go to sleep. I went to sleep and woke up the next day to find a perfectly fine leg. If any of you are having this problem of severe soreness, I suggest you try this because it really helped me out. If everyone already does this then sorry for the post. Let me know if any of you try it and it works. I know it seems like alot to do but its so worth not walking around like captain obvious for 4 days straight. Later fellas
    Last edited by UCFgymguy; 04-01-2004 at 02:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Sorken's Avatar
    Sorken is offline Member
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    Cool.. nothing for me.. but maby for others !!

  3. #3
    Jjdigs74's Avatar
    Jjdigs74 is offline Member
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    Ya if its that much of a problem, I'd try it as well. But to be honest with you that sounds like alot of time that i don;t have. I doubt anyone could do that everyday!?!

  4. #4
    UCFgymguy is offline New Member
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    I only have to shoot every 4 days or so. I couldnt even imagine doing it everyday

  5. #5
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    yeah that seems like it takes awhile.. time i dont have. Right now Im doin prop shots EOD in my quads and butt and I feel ya, I limp around everywhere but I only got 5 shots left (jumpstart) so Ill just suck it up .

  6. #6
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    Yeah, I'm doing fairly painful ed prop shots right now, but that's too much work. I'll just limp.

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