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Thread: Jc football cycle "i understand my actions"

  1. #1
    BlueMann is offline New Member
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    Jc football cycle "i understand my actions"

    Hi there!!!!

    """Before I Ask Any Questions, I UNDERSTAND my actions and the consequences that come with it."""

    Age 18
    Height 5'10"
    Weight 270ish
    Body Fat ?? (I can tell you that im on the heavy side of 270.)
    Build: short stocky frame

    Lift Numbers:
    Squat 450
    Bench 315
    Clean 275

    I play JC Football in Cali and need to tear it up in off-season but i want an extra kick. my football postition is center. im in the need of a cycle and doages that will put on some good size and mucle, speed and strength. My coach wants me to stay at 270 but all mucle, but being an O-Line coach he is allowing me to have a little gut. Also i have from Janurey to August. These was the gear i was looking at, Tren Test(Not sure which test to take) Win and T-bol. Any Traing Routies would be cool as well.

    Please if you guys could help me out that would be great. """Agian I Understand The Doing of My Actions"""

  2. #2
    Marsoc's Avatar
    Marsoc is offline Productive Member
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    Jeee dude 5'10" only and ur 270 ..pretty fat. No offense. If U were old enough like say 26 when ur body stops developing. U should drop to your natural best bf %. And physical condition before attempting steroids lol. For max gains.
    I'm 32 and considering my first cycle now.
    if your diet isn't proper and your training lacks the intensity then any amount of roids won't change a thing I imagine. Just to be safe. Plus what if u fuck up your bodies natural production then u have to be on roids ur whole life I feel u can get them that is...

  3. #3
    Marsoc's Avatar
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    Plus ur cycle idea sucks from what I've seen and head. Nothing beyond testosterone for ur first cycle to see how ur body reacts. Not saying to do it at 18 lol. Stupidest shit idea I've ever heard lol stop being a soft ass pussy trying to take the easy way out. Which it's not. It's just more risk. With little benifet to risk ratio at ur age. For what lol. High school football. Lmao so be dedicated and train harder. Diet correctly and recover lots

  4. #4
    Marsoc's Avatar
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    Ps ..I'm sure more red and knowledgeable fellas will chime in soon

  5. #5
    BlueMann is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply

  6. #6
    RigPig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueMann
    Hi there!!!! """Before I Ask Any Questions, I UNDERSTAND my actions and the consequences that come with it.""" Info: Age 18 Height 5'10" Weight 270ish Body Fat ?? (I can tell you that im on the heavy side of 270.) Build: short stocky frame Lift Numbers: Squat 450 Bench 315 Clean 275 Question: I play JC Football in Cali and need to tear it up in off-season but i want an extra kick. my football postition is center. im in the need of a cycle and doages that will put on some good size and mucle, speed and strength. My coach wants me to stay at 270 but all mucle, but being an O-Line coach he is allowing me to have a little gut. Also i have from Janurey to August. These was the gear i was looking at, Tren Test(Not sure which test to take) Win and T-bol. Any Traing Routies would be cool as well. Please if you guys could help me out that would be great. """Agian I Understand The Doing of My Actions""" Thanks
    You understand the consequences...ok. What are your goals? Do you think you're going pro? Is that the goal here?
    Tell us what you know about the consequence so we know you have done some research.

  7. #7
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueMann View Post
    Thanks for the reply
    Are you in college now? JC means Junior College correct?

  8. #8
    BrockBadger is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueMann View Post
    Hi there!!!!

    """Before I Ask Any Questions, I UNDERSTAND my actions and the consequences that come with it."""

    Age 18
    Height 5'10"
    Weight 270ish
    Body Fat ?? (I can tell you that im on the heavy side of 270.)
    Build: short stocky frame

    Lift Numbers:
    Squat 450
    Bench 315
    Clean 275

    I play JC Football in Cali and need to tear it up in off-season but i want an extra kick. my football postition is center. im in the need of a cycle and doages that will put on some good size and mucle, speed and strength. My coach wants me to stay at 270 but all mucle, but being an O-Line coach he is allowing me to have a little gut. Also i have from Janurey to August. These was the gear i was looking at, Tren Test(Not sure which test to take) Win and T-bol. Any Traing Routies would be cool as well.

    Please if you guys could help me out that would be great. """Agian I Understand The Doing of My Actions"""
    Steroids are a part of college sports. But you're really too young 18. You may run into other players doing steroids anyway while your up there. but I would avoid it and stay on track naturally. Your testosterone is likely higher already. And adding in these designer steroids who knows the effect it will have on your body. I heard winstrol metabolizes in the liver and can decrease liver function or destroy the liver if in pill form. Ask some of the guys on here more about these other steroids and the effects they can have because I'm not as knowledgeable about this topic. I have heard clenbuterol damages heart tissue. Maybe some of the other members will be more knowledgeable and can correct me if I've over emphasized the negative effects. But recognize perhaps there are health tradeoffs. At your age you don't need any. Having played college sports myself I know it's part of the game but I also forgone the players advances to try them.
    Last edited by BrockBadger; 08-25-2017 at 02:12 AM.

  9. #9
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueMann View Post
    Hi there!!!!

    """Before I Ask Any Questions, I UNDERSTAND my actions and the consequences that come with it."""

    Age 18
    Height 5'10"
    Weight 270ish
    Body Fat ?? (I can tell you that im on the heavy side of 270.)
    Build: short stocky frame

    Lift Numbers:
    Squat 450
    Bench 315
    Clean 275

    I play JC Football in Cali and need to tear it up in off-season but i want an extra kick. my football postition is center. im in the need of a cycle and doages that will put on some good size and mucle, speed and strength. My coach wants me to stay at 270 but all mucle, but being an O-Line coach he is allowing me to have a little gut. Also i have from Janurey to August. These was the gear i was looking at, Tren Test(Not sure which test to take) Win and T-bol. Any Traing Routies would be cool as well.

    Please if you guys could help me out that would be great. """Agian I Understand The Doing of My Actions"""
    At 18, I can assure you that you have no clue of consequences. Drop your body fat and your natural testosterone will increase. Just work your ass on in the guy and focus on your education!

    If you were to study this site you would know that none of the things you suggest would be good for you.
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  10. #10
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I agree with everyone else. Your bf is off the charts and poses a greater risk if cycling along with problems controlling estrogen.
    Your cycle sucks. Sorry, not trying to be rude.
    Now the third strike and the biggest is your age. You say you know the consequences.... can you let us know ? I am sure that you do not. You are getting near your natural potential of test production and you want to shut it down? The risk/ reward is a decision that only you can make, but you first need to be educated. Read the sticky of steroids and the young.
    I first suffered low test at 45. I struggled with it and I cannot imagine a 18-20 year old going through the same thing that I did. You have no desire for sex and you are tired all the time .
    Think about that risk at 20.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. #11
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    A good suggestion would be ignoring your coach in the offseason as far as weight goes. You will make huge gains in your cardio and strength by losing weight. Train like you will be playing both sides of the ball so when late spring / summer hits your body is has that expolsive power. Then you can worry about mass vs mass that is needed on the O line. It is never hard to put on weight if they are providing your meals. You will be different that all of the other guys on the team in your coaches eyes when you show up after your break. They will be yelling at the other guys to pick it up due to the fact that they will just be fat and out of cardio shape while you will be coached on eating to gain weight.

    Much better to do it naturally and revisit the AAS later. Football is only a couple of years of your life so why risk the entire rest of your life dealing with injuries, sex drive, being overweight, mental issues, and health issues from doing AAS at too early of an age.

  12. #12
    SwoleAnchelada is offline New Member
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    Like everyone else has said: "You're too young"

    You're lifts are strong, but compared to strength:bodyweight ratio they are weak. You don't need any ass assistance because you haven't plateaued yet. I know this without knowing you because it takes at least a year at peak strength to even consider the idea of being plateaued and this really only happens once you've matured

    I wouldn't even be concerned at maintaining 270 bw, you should be much much stronger before being that weight even while on the o-line. Think of your role in that position, protect the qb, you just need to stop there d-line getting through. The difference between you being 250 vs 270 is irrelevant compared to adding 20 more "pounds of force resistance" with your legs or arms. A task much better in terms of performance. Power should be your priority, you can barely clean your bodyweight, my next guess is your slow. If you work speed from the line into your opponent you'll be far more effective at Filling your role.

    Recommendations: work on recouping naturally, get down to 260 bw by dropping fat, while getting stronger and faster, 260 pounds hitting me at 1.5m/s is more effective than 270 hitting me at 1.47m/s (because physics) so it will probably be more beneficial to worry about strength, speed and power at 240-260 for now, then getting up to 270 with a better body comp. This will take time if done correctly but assuming you have 20 weeks before training camp you could easily be 255-260 with increased strength and speed before season starts

    You'll also appear bigger, fat hanging off you makes you look out of shape, muscle suspends better through their attachments at the joints through the tendons even while relaxed which will make you appear as if you're heavier than if you were simply fat

    You'll take a few years before you're really at your peak, by the time your ready to actually consider aas you'll at least be old enough with a bit more experience to decide if it's going to be worth it

    Good luck with your decision

  13. #13
    Obs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleAnchelada View Post
    Like everyone else has said: "You're too young"

    You don't need any ass assistance because you haven't plateaued yet.

    Damn right! Stay outta the ass! No ass for you! We are ass Nazi's!

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