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  1. #1
    livnnfit's Avatar
    livnnfit is offline Female Member
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    Depths of hell waiting for you

    weight loss plateau

    Is it better to lower calories or increase cardio and when weight loss slows down and why? (calories are pretty low right now)

  2. #2
    silverfox's Avatar
    silverfox is offline Retired Moderator
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    Personally I have had better luck by bumping up calories or having a bing for a whole day. You gain 2lbs or so from bing but then you tend to drop it and then some more, jump start your metablism. If your calories are too low your body will go into servial mood and hold onto whatever it can. Cardio shouldn't need to be more than 40min 4-5x week at most. Anymore and your going to be burning off muscle. Also i find never eating the same amount of calories, so day 1 might be 1800 day day 2200 and then back down a bit you get the ideal. Also don't forget to EFA's they help a lot too.

  3. #3
    williampowers is offline Junior Member
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    Re: weight loss plateau

    Originally posted by livnnfit
    Is it better to lower calories or increase cardio and when weight loss slows down and why? (calories are pretty low right now)

    Always increase cardio. The key to busting plateu's is variety and change. Look at your cardio is it repetetive in the sense that you are always doing the same thing. The body has a great way of adapting so the key is to fool it. I would HIGHLY recommend purchasing a heart rate monitor from POLAR their like 40 bucks nothing fancy. Target is 65-75 maximum heart rate 220-age x .65 is max. Also cardio should be done on empty stomach for 30-60 min it increases the percentage body fat two fold. Precor machine can be used for sprints towards the end of the work out definately aftyer 20 min cause that when you begin to bnurn fat that's theory so it might be less or more.

    On the flip side if you decrease calories you will slow you matabolism so that will definetyaley create a pleatu. I like to manipulate carbs start high in low glycemic index carbs in the beginning of the week and work my way down towrds saturday but always keep protein at 1-1.5 of protein to each lb of weight. Always start the day with complex carbs and decrease to fibrous carbs(vegetables, lettuce ) later in your day.

    Here is a thread that will also help
    Last edited by williampowers; 05-31-2002 at 12:56 PM.

  4. #4
    Dr. Derek is offline Member
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    Eat More Food, if your not losing weight. Your metabolism is stagnet. The only way to stimulate it is to eat more food, EC is right about the 4 to 6 hour binge, it works.

  5. #5
    Dr. Derek is offline Member
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    As a matter a fact the thing, and I call it the "thing Diet", that I got from EC worked to good. I could hardly stop the weight lose. All it is is a binge out for pretty much a day, eat until you just about puke, donuts cake anything you want pretty much, the first few days you gain a few pound but in the next seven days you loose weight like crazy. Good luck

  6. #6
    wild-one is offline Female Member
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    Yes, definitely need to bump the kcals up if you've slowed your metabolism. Once you've reset your metabolism, you can cycle calories and carbs to prevent it in the future.

  7. #7
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Good advice.

    Too few calories will cause your body to enter survival mode and stop burining fat. Upping the calories and increasing cardio will help.

  8. #8
    Dr. Derek is offline Member
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    I think even the same amount of calories over a period of time will make your metabolism stagnet, that is why, as W8 has said, you should rotate the amounts often.

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