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  1. #41
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    I'm doing The Nationals here.

    It's on August 20th.

    I'm just over 190 right now.

  2. #42
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    Sunday June 5th 2005

    Today was 'experiment day'




    Set 1: 45 lbs: 20 reps
    Set 2: 90 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 3: 135 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 4: 180 lbs: 8 reps


    Set 1: 105 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 2: 175 lbs: 6 reps; 105 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 3: 195 lbs: 3 reps; 105 lbs: 7 reps (this set was a personal best)

    Barbell Squat:

    Set 1: 305 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 2: 305 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 3: 305 lbs: 3 reps; 215 lbs: 7 reps; 125 lbs: 10 reps

    (**sidenote** may have to drop some of my barbell squat poundage or risk serious patellar trauma)


    Standing Uni-lateral Leg-curl:
    4 sets: 45 lbs: 15 reps; 12 reps; 12 reps; 12 reps

    Lying Unilateral Leg-curl:

    This was done by chaining a low-pully cable to my ankle...
    2 sets: 10 reps

    Smith-Machine Stiff-leg Deadlift:

    Set 1: 70 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 90 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 90 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 4: 140 lbs: 8 reps


    Improvised Donkey Calf raises:

    I trained alone...decided to try different angles today. The gym was empty so with no one so sit on my back (as is the customary donkey calf-raise position) I used the weight belt with the chain (the one used for weight dips and chins) and strapped three 45s to my waist and assumed the donkey calf position. The weight wasn't heavy persay...just uncomfortable. In any event presented a very nice pre-exhaustin movement

    4 sets: 125 lbs: 20; 15; 15; 15

    Seated Calf-Raise:

    Set 1: 150 lbs: 6 reps; 100 lbs: 8 reps; 50 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 200 lbs: 4 reps; 150 lbs: 4 reps; 100 lbs: 5 reps; 50 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 150 lbs: 6 reps; 100 lbs: 12 reps (rest-pause)
    Set 4: 100 lbs: 20 reps (rest-pause)

  3. #43
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    Monday June

  4. #44
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    Tuesday June 7th... Shoulders

    Clean and Press:

    2 warm-up sets: bare bar

    Set 1: 115 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 135 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 3: 165 lbs: 2 reps; 115 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 4: 115 lbs: 6 reps (fore-arm failure)

    Barbell press-behind:

    **Start position...barbell on bench... cleaned to the overhead position**

    Set 1: 125 lbs: 5 reps; 105 lbs: 3 reps; 85 lbs: 3 reps; 65 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 2: 125 lbs: 3 reps; 105 lbs: 2 reps; 85 lbs: 3 reps; 65 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 3: 125 lbs: 2 reps; 105 lbs: 2 reps; 85 lbs: 3 reps; 65 lbs: 4 reps

    Upright Row:

    Set 1: 75 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 125 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 125 lbs: 5 reps; 75 lbs: 7 reps
    Set 4: 125 lbs: 5 reps; 75 lbs: 7 reps

    Standing Lateral Raises:

    Set 1: 45 lb dumbells: 7 reps; 30 lb dumbells: 5 reps
    Set 2: 45 lb dumbells: 5 reps; 30 lb dumbells: 5 reps
    Set 3: 30 lb dumbells: 10 reps

    Bent Laterals:

    Set 1: 25 lb dumbells: 15 reps
    Set 2: 30 lb dumbells: 10 reps
    Set 3: 40 lb dumbells: 8 reps; 25 lb dumbells: 7 reps

    1 hr Cardio on treadmill PWO

  5. #45
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    Wednesday 8th June.... Legs

    ***I've been training by myself was no exception. Upon arrival to the gym my knee was aching i decided to attempt squatting with a 2" block beneath my heels to ease some pressure. Might've been flawed logic considering biomechanics...but i believe it made a difference***

    Abbreviations: ATG (ass to the ground), PTG (parallel)


    3 warm-up sets: bare olympic bar

    **2" block beneath my heels**

    Set 1: 125 lbs: 12 reps {ATG}
    Set 2: 215 lbs: 10 reps {PTG}
    Set 3: 265 lbs: 6 reps {PTG}
    Set 4: 305 lbs: 4 reps {PTG}
    Set 5: 215 lbs: 8 reps {ATG}
    Set 6: 215 lbs: 6 reps {ATG}
    Set 7: 215 lbs: 8 reps {PTG} (constant tension: no pause at top)
    Set 8: 215 lbs: 8 reps {PTG} (constant tension: no pause at top)
    Set 9: 215 lbs: 8 reps {PTG} (constant tension: no pause at top)
    Set 10: 215 lbs: 8 reps {PTG} (constant tension: no pause at top)

    Standing Unilateral Leg-curl:

    Set 1: 35 lbs: 20 reps
    Set 2: 45 lbs: 20 reps (10 reps + 10 forced reps)
    Set 3: 70 lbs: 14 reps (8 reps + 6 forced reps)
    Set 4: 70 lbs: 12 reps (8 reps+ 4 forced reps)

    Standing Smith-Machine Calf-raises:

    Set 1: 90 lbs: 20 reps
    Set 2: 180 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 3: 270 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 4: 360 lbs: 7 reps
    Set 5: 180 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 6: 180 lbs: 13 reps (+ bodyweight reps at end: rep-out)

    30 minutes Cardio on stationary bike PWO

  6. #46
    Served is offline Associate Member
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    Just wondering how long you have been training back that way? Never seen a competitor do only 2 exercises in one session.

    edit: sorry i seen you changed it on june 1st work out

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Served
    Just wondering how long you have been training back that way? Never seen a competitor do only 2 exercises in one session.

    edit: sorry i seen you changed it on june 1st work out
    It actually depends.

    Sometimes when i go all out...2 movements are all i can handle...not counting chins.

  8. #48
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    Thursday 9th June 2005... Chest and Tris


    Flat Dumbell Fly:

    Set 1: 25 lb dumbells: 25 reps
    Set 2: 30 lb dumbells: 20 reps
    Set 3: 35 lb dumbells: 15 reps
    Set 4: 50 lb dumbells: 10 reps

    Flat dumbell press:

    Set 1: 80 lb dumbells: 7 reps; 50 lb dumbells: 7 reps
    Set 2: 90 lb dumbells: 3 reps; 50 lb dumbells: 7 reps; 40 lb dumbells: 5 reps
    Set 3: 80 lb dumbells: 4 reps; 50 lb dumbells: 5 reps; 40 lb dumbells: 4 reps
    Set 4: 80 lb dumbells: 4 reps; 50 lb dumbells: 4 reps; 40 lb dumbells: 4 reps

    Incline Dumbell Press:

    Set 1: 80 lb dumbells: 3 reps; 50 lb dumbells: 4 reps
    Set 2: 80 lb dumbells: 4 reps; 50 lb dumbells: 4 reps
    Set 1: 80 lb dumbells: 3 reps; 50 lb dumbells: 3 reps
    Set 1: 80 lb dumbells: 2 reps; 50 lb dumbells: 3 reps


    {extreme} Close-grip Straight-bar Press-down:

    Set 1: 55 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 2: 75 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 75 lbs: 4 reps; 55 lbs: 6 reps; 35 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 4: 75 lbs: 5 reps; 55 lbs: 5 reps; 35 lbs: 10 reps

    {E-Z curl bar} Close Grip Bench-press:

    Set 1: 65 lbs: 13 reps
    Set 2: 85 lbs: 9 reps
    Set 3: 115 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 4: 115 lbs: 4 reps; 65 lbs: 4 reps

    30 minutes cardio PWO...

  9. #49
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    Friday... 10th
    Sunday... 12th June


  10. #50
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    Monday 13th June:

    Back, Biceps, Triceps


    2 warm-up sets (deadlits)...with a bare olympic barbell. 1 Set of stretching from the chinning rack.


    Set 1: 305 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 2: 395 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 3: 445 lbs: 2 reps (personal best)
    Set 4: 395 lbs: 6 reps

    Barbell Rows:

    Set 1: 205 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 2: 205 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 3: 205 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 4: 115 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 5: 115 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 6: 115 lbs: 10 reps

    Lat-Machine Pull-down:

    Set 1: 105 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 125 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 3: 140 lbs: 5 reps; 125 lbs: 5 reps; 95 lbs: 5 reps

    Low-Cable Row:

    Set 1: 140 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 170 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 3: 200 lbs: 4 reps; 140 lbs: 4 reps; 125 lbs: 4 reps

    Barbell Pullovers:

    Set 1: 75 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 2: 75 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 3: 75 lbs: 6 reps


    Warmup: 2 sets...bare olympic barbell

    {Extreme} Close Grip Barbell curls [elbows in front of torso]:

    Set 1: 45 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 85 lbs: 4 reps; 65 lbs: 3 reps; 45 lbs: 3 reps
    Set 3: 105 lbs: 3 reps; 85 lbs: 3 reps; 45 lbs: 4 reps

    Alternate Dumbell Curls:

    Set 1: 50 lb dumbells: 4 reps; 30 lb dumbells: 3 reps
    Set 2: 40 lb dumbells: 4 reps; 30 lb dumbells: 3 reps
    Set 3: 30 lb dumbells: 6 reps


    Bench dips:

    (with multiple 45-lb plates suspended in my lap)

    Set 1: 135 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 180 lbs: 6 reps; 90 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 3: 225 lbs: 5 reps; 180 lbs: 3 reps

    Bodyweight dips:

    Set 1: 8 reps
    Set 2: 8 reps
    Set 3: 8 reps

  11. #51
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    Tuesday 14th June


    Stretching prior to partners took long to arrive


    2 warm-up sets...the first 5 sets were done with a 2" block under my heels

    Set 1: 125 lbs: 20 reps
    Set 2: 215 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 3: 305 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 4: 405 lbs: 3 reps; 305 lbs: 4 reps; 215 lbs: 3 reps
    Set 5: 405 lbs: 4 reps; 305 lbs: 4 reps; 215 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 6: 215 lbs: 8 reps (constant tension: so pause at top)
    Set 7: 215 lbs: 8 reps (constant tension: so pause at top)
    Set 8: 215 lbs: 8 reps (constant tension: so pause at top)
    Set 9: 215 lbs: 8 reps (constant tension: so pause at top)
    Set 10: 215 lbs: 8 reps (constant tension: so pause at top)

    Standing Unilateral Leg-curl:

    Set 1: 45 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 2: 70 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 3: 90 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 4: 90 lbs: 8 reps; 45 lbs: 7 reps

    Donkey Calf raises:

    There was a deliberate two-count pause at the top of each rep

    Set 1: 170 lb man: 21 reps (7 reps: toes out; 7 reps: toe straight; 7 reps: toes in)
    Set 2: 170 lb man + 50 lb dumbell: 21s
    Set 3: 170 lb man + 70 lb dumbell: 21s

    Seated Calf-Raise:

    There was a deliberate 2-count pause on both the top position...and the full-stretch position.

    Set 1: 70 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 100 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 3: 150 lbs: 6 reps; 100 lbs: 6 reps; 50 lbs: 6 reps

    I wobbled home on my bike after this

  12. #52
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    Wednesday June 15th 2005

    5 a.m.
    Cardio: 45 minutes

    6 p.m


    Clean and Press:

    These were done from the hang-clean position

    Set 1: 125 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 125 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 125 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 4: 125 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 5: 125 lbs: 8 reps

    Barbell Press-behind:

    These were done with a 5-count negative phase...culminating with an explosive positive phase. Starting position: barbell on bench...cleaned to the overhead position

    set 1: 75 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 125 lbs: 4 reps; 75 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 3: 125 lbs: 6 reps; 75 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 4: 175 lbs: 2 reps; 125 lbs: 4 reps; 75 lbs: 4 reps

    Seated Lateral Raises:

    Set 1: 20 lb dumbells: 20 reps
    Set 2: 30 lb dumbells: 15 reps
    Set 3: 40 lb dumbells: 13 reps; 20 lb dumbells: 4 reps

    Bent Lateral Raises:

    Set 1: 40 lb dumbells: 12 reps
    Set 2: 60 lb dumbells: 8 reps
    Set 3: 60 lb dumbells: 8 reps

  13. #53
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    Is anyone following my log?

    lol..this sucks.

    Thursday 16th June

    3 pm...

    Cardio: 45 minutes...stationary bike


    Hanging Leg-raises:
    5 sets

    Rope Crunches:
    4 sets

    7 p.m.

    Cardio: 30 minutes...walking

  14. #54
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    Friday 17th June 2005

    Chest: 5:45 a.m.-6:45 a.m

    Cardio: 7a.m.- 7:30a.m.

    Beforehand i had decided that i wasn't training today. The decision was the result of multiple factors: 1. the only way i could train was if i got to the gym around 5a.m. 2. last nite i went to the drive-in and got in at 1 a.m. ...and went to sleep at 2a.m. (and got up at 5a.m.) 3. Friday nites i have to work a long night shift (8p.m. until)... so that pretty much screws everything up

    Waking up at 5 a.m. was coincidental... I woke up to use the batroom..and realised that my head was unusually clear...and i didn't feel tired. Thus i tossed on my gear...had a neat expresso.. hopped on my bike...and rode off to the gym to train on 3 hours sleep.

    Flat dumbell Fly:

    These were done with a 5-count negative...and an explosive positive

    Set 1: 25 lb dumbells: 12 reps
    Set 2: 30 lb dumbells: 12 reps
    Set 3: 40 lb dumbells: 12 reps
    Set 4: 60 lb dumbells: 8 reps; 40 lb dumbells: 4 reps

    Incline Smith Machine Press:

    Between sets i stretched by taking the 20 lb dumbells and doing a flat dumbell fly...holding the stretched position for a count.

    Set 1: 150 lbs: 4 reps; 100 lbs: 5 reps
    (stretch: 12 count)

    Set 2: 150 lbs: 4 reps; 100 lbs: 4 reps
    (stretch: 24 count)

    Set 3: 150 lbs: 2 reps; 100 lbs: 4 reps; 50 lbs: 6 reps
    (stretch: 10 count...went deeper..10 count)

    Set 4: 150 lbs: 2 reps; 100 lbs: 3 reps; 50 lbs: 7 reps
    (stretch: 10 count...went deeper..10 count)

    Flat Dumbell Bench Press:

    Between sets i stretched by taking the 20 lb dumbells and doing an incline dumbell fly...holding the stretched position for a 10-count...then going deeper and doing another 10-count

    Set 1: 70 lb dumbells: 6 reps; 50 lb dumbells: 4 reps
    (stretch: 20 count)

    Set 2: 70 lb dumbells: 5 reps; 50 lb dumbells: 4 reps
    (stretch: 20 count)

    Set 3: 75 lb dumbells: 3 reps; 50 lb dumbells: 5 reps
    (stretch: 20 count)

    Set 4: 60 lb dumbells: 6 reps
    (stretch: 20 count*)

    * By this chest was rediculously flexible...I didn't have to do two 10-count holds to get to the max stretch position... I went straight into it easily.

    Cardio: 30 minutes on treadmill...preceded by upper body stretches..and followed by Lower body stretches

    Water consumed: 3 litres

  15. #55
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    Saturday 18th June
    Sunday 19th June

  16. #56
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    Monday 20th June 2005

    5:30 a.m.

    Cardio: 1 hour...treadmill


    Roman Chair Sit-ups:

    5 sets: bodyweight

    5:30 p.m. Back:


    3 warm-up sets: bare bar: 20 reps; 15 reps; 12 reps

    Set 1: 295 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 385 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 3: 475 lbs**: 1 rep (Personal Best)
    Set 4: 385 lbs: 3 reps
    Set 5: 295 lbs: 8 reps

    **The 475 lb lift took an eternity to move off the ground. That one repition had to've taken about 30 seconds. I nearly blacked out at the top.


    Set 1: bodyweight: 6 reps
    Set 2: bodyweight + 30 lb dumbell: 3 reps; bodyweight: 3 reps
    Set 3: bodyweight + 30 lb dumbell: 6 reps; bodyweight: 2 reps
    Set 4: bodyweight: 7 reps

    Barbell Rows:

    Set 1: 115 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 205 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 3: 205 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 4: 115 lbs: 12 reps

    Cross-bench Dumbell pullover:

    Set 1: 50 lb dumbell: 10 reps
    Set 2: 50 lb dumbell: 10 reps
    Set 3: 65 lb dumbell: 8 reps
    Set 4: 65 lb dumbell: 8 reps


    Bench Dips:

    Warm-up set: bodyweight: 8 reps

    Set 1: 90 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 180 lbs: 7 reps; 90 lbs: 3 reps
    Set 3: 225 lbs: 6 reps; 90 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 4: 125 lbs: 10 reps; 125 lbs: 5 partials

    Close-grip Bench press:

    Set 1: 135 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 185 lbs: 3 reps; 135 lbs: 3 reps
    Set 3: 185 lbs: 3 reps; 135 lbs: 3 reps
    Set 4: 135 lbs: 10 reps

  17. #57
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    Tuesday 21 th June 2005



    Set 1: 125 lbs: 25 reps
    Set 2: 125 lbs: 20 reps
    Set 3: 215 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 4: 305 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 5: 405 lbs: 6 reps; 305 lbs: 6 reps


    Set 1: 360 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 450 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 3: 630 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 4: 784 lbs**: 3 reps; 630 lbs: 7 reps

    **(630 lbs + 154 lbs male sitting on machine)

    Standing Uni-lateral leg-curl:

    Set 1: 45 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 2: 90 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 3: 45 lbs: 15 reps (training partner presses down on the negative portion of each rep)
    Set 4: 45 lbs: 12 reps

    Donkey Calf Raises:

    Set 1: 170 lb male on back: 15 reps
    Set 2: 170 lb male on back: 15 reps
    Set 3: 170 lb male on back: 15 reps
    Set 4: 150 lb female male on back +100 lb dumbell strapped to waist: 12 reps

    Seated Calf-raises:

    Set 1: 100 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 100 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 3: 100 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 4: 100 lbs: 12 reps

  18. #58
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    Wednesday 22nd June 2005


    [no prior warm-up]


    Set 1: 115 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 165 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 3: 205 lbs: 1 reps; 115 lbs: 7 reps
    Set 4: 165 lbs: 6 reps

    Dumbell Shoulder Press:

    Haven't done these in about a year

    Set 1: 50 lb dumbells: 12 reps
    Set 2: 60 lb dumbells: 12 reps
    Set 3: 80 lb dumbells: 4 reps; 40 lb dumbells: 10 reps
    Set 4: 90 lb dumbells: 3 reps; 60 lb db: 3 reps; 40 lb db: 4 reps

    Barbell Press Behind:

    Starting position: bar at the mid-thigh level...cleaned to the over head position

    Set 1: 115 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 165 lbs: 3 reps; 115 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 3: 165 lbs: 4 reps; 115 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 4: 115 lbs: 6 reps [5 count negative..explosive positive]

    Barbell Front Raises:

    Set 1: 45 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 65 lbs: 8 reps

    Seated Lateral Raises:

    Set 1: 50 lb dumbells: 6 reps; 35 lb db: 4 reps; 25 lb db: 4 reps
    Set 2: 40 lb dumbells: 6 reps; 30 lb db: 4 reps; 25 lb db: 3 reps; 15 lb db: 4 reps

    Bent Lateral Raises:

    Set 1: 60 lb dumbells: 8 reps; 40 lb db: 4 reps; 25 lb db: 4 reps
    Set 2: 65 lb dumbells: 6 reps; 40 lb db: 4 reps; 25 lb db: 4 reps


    Cardio: 1 hour on a treadmill.

    I missed my morning cardio. My island's under 'flood watch''s hurricane season now. So it's been raining like a bitch daily. I've been getting my ass soaked everyday while riding to the gym. Some days are worse than other days. This morning i woke up..tired...and the thought of getting soaked didn't appeal to me... so i forced it post-training..That was a bitch...but necessary.

  19. #59
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    Thursday 23rd June 2005

    Came to the gym intent on doing Chest and Biceps...and some cardio. AFter Chest...the guys i train with decided that they were doing back i did back. I decided on a light session with just two exercises... no straps or aides of any it wasn't a heavy session.

    Chest, Back, Biceps


    No prior warmup

    Incline Barbell Benchpress [power rack]:

    Set 1: 135 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 2: 135 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 3: 185 lbs: 5 reps; 135 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 4: 225 lbs: 3 reps; 135 lbs: 7 reps
    Set 5: 225 lbs: 4 reps; 135 lbs: 6 reps

    Flat Dumbell Bench Press:

    Set 1: 90 lb dumbells: 6 reps
    Set 2: 90 lb dumbells: 5 reps
    Set 3: 80 lb dumbells: 8 reps

    Barbell pullover:

    Set 1: bare bar: 20 reps [was trying to get the 'feel']
    Set 2: 75 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 3: 95 lbs: 4 reps; 45 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 4: 115 lbs: 3 reps; 55 lbs: 5 reps

    Decline Fly:

    Set 1: 30 lb dumbells: 12 reps
    Set 2: 40 lb dumbells: 8 reps
    Set 3: 50 lb dumbells: 6 reps; 25 lb dumbells: 6 reps



    Set 1: bodyweight: 8 reps
    Set 2: bodyweight: 7 reps
    Set 3: bodyweight: 6 reps
    Set 4: bodyweight: 7 reps


    Light straps

    Set 1: 295 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 295 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 3: 295 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 4: 385 lbs: 2 reps
    Set 5: 405 lbs: failed attempt...mid-chin


    Seated Alternate Dumbell Curl:

    Set 1: 50 lb db: 5 reps; 40 lb db: 5 reps; 30 lb db: 5 reps
    Set 2: 60 lb db: 4 reps; 40 lb db: 3 reps; 30 lb db: 4 reps

    Incline Dumbell curls:

    Set 1: 25 lb dumbells: 8 reps
    Set 2: 45 lb db: 2 reps; 25 lb db: 2 reps; 20 lb db: 3 reps

    [Cable] Supinating rope curl:

    Starting positiong here was palms face down...ending position was palms facing up.

    Set 1: 25 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 2: 45 lbs: 4 reps; 35 lbs: 4 reps; 25 lbs: 4 reps

    Machine Reverse Curl:

    First time in about a year that i've done forearm work of any kind (outside of deadlifts)

    Set 1: 25 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 2: 35 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 3: 35 lbs: 10 reps

  20. #60
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    Friday 24th June

  21. #61
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    I worked Friday nite from 8 pm...and got home Saturday morning at 5a.m. ... had a series of short naps and then proceeded to go to the gym planning to hit a light leg session.

    Saturday 25 th June

    My training partners where to meet me at the gym at a specific time...and they didn't show. SO i decided on cardio.

    So i did Cardio: 1 hour: 8º incline

    When i was finishing off my training partners came tru the door...set on doing legs... so i joined 'em...suicidal huh?



    Set 1: 180 lbs: 20 reps
    Set 2: 270 lbs: 10 reps


    Set 1: 110 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 290 lbs: 7 reps

    Smith-Machine Front Squats:

    Set 1: 90 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 180 lbs: 3 reps; 90 lbs: 3 reps
    Set 3: 90 lbs: 8 reps


    Set 1: bodyweight: 10 reps
    Set 2: bodyweight +80 lb dumbell: 10 reps
    Set 3: bodyweight +80 lb dumbell: 8 reps
    Set 4: bodyweight +80 lb dumbell: 10 reps

    Seated Calf-raise:

    Set 1: 50 lbs: 20 reps [heels in]
    Set 2: 100 lbs: 15 reps [heels neutral]
    Set 3: 150 lbs: 8 reps; 100 lbs: 7 reps; 50 lbs: 10 reps [varied heel position]
    Set 4: 200 lbs: 5 reps; 150 lbs: 5 reps; 100 lbs: 5 reps; 50 lbs: 5 reps [varied heel position]

    Donkey Calf Raises:

    These were done with a 2-count pause at the top...repeated at the max-stretch position

    Set 1: 170 lb male on back: 21 reps
    Set 2: 170 lb male + 100 lb dumbell: 18 reps; 100 lb dumbell alone: 7 reps
    Set 3: 170 lb male alone: 20 reps

    Tired as hell... that's an understatement...rushed home had my shake and went back to work

  22. #62
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    Sunday 26th June 2005... Rest

  23. #63
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    Monday 27 th June 2005

    Back, Tris & Cardio



    3 warm-up sets with the bare Olympic bar.

    Set 1: 385 lbs: 3 reps
    Set 2: 385 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 3: 385 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 4: 385 lbs: 4 reps

    I'm not interested in doing singles this week

    Barbell Rows:

    Set 1: 115 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 2: 165 lbs: 8 reps; 115 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 3: 175 lbs: 6 reps; 115 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 4: 205 lbs: 4 reps; 115 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 5: 205 lbs: 5 reps; 115 lbs: 7 reps

    Behind the Neck Chins:

    Set 1: bodyweight: 7 reps
    Set 2: bodyweight: 7 reps
    Set 3: bodyweight: 6 reps
    Set 4: bodyweight: 6 reps
    Set 5: bodyweight: 5 reps

    Straight-arm Barbell Pullover:

    Set 1: 75 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 75 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 3: 75 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 4: 75 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 5: 75 lbs: 6 reps


    Close-grip bench press:

    Set 1: 135 lbs: 9 reps
    Set 2: 135 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 3: 165 lbs: 4 reps; 115 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 4: 185 lbs: 3 reps; 115 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 5: 135 lbs: 8 reps

    Reverse-grip Press-down:

    Set 1: 20 lbs: 20 reps
    Set 2: 30 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 3: 45 lbs: 8 reps; 30 lbs: 4 reps

    Parallel-bar Dip:

    Set 1: Bodyweight: 6 reps
    Set 2: Bodyweight: 6 reps
    Set 3: Bodyweight: 5 reps

    Followed by...

    Cardio: 30 minutes on a stationary bike.

  24. #64
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    Tuesday 28th June 2005

    Legs, Abs, Cardio

    I wanted to squat today...but the rack was occupied


    Set 1: 180 lbs: 30 reps
    Set 2: 540 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 3: 630 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 4: 630 lbs: 7 reps

    Angled Machine Hack-squats:

    Set 1: 100 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 190 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 3: 270 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 4: 270 lbs: 10 reps


    The gym-owner complained that we were using too much weight on his next leg-session i may have to cut the weight in half and double the reps..or find an alternate exercise.

    Set 1: 225 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 270 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 3: 270 lbs: 8 reps

    Standing Unilateral Leg-curl:

    4 sets: 45 lbs: 12 reps each leg...each set (2-count pause at the top of each rep)

    Standing calf-raise [smith machine]:

    Set 1: 90 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 2: 90 lbs: 20 reps
    Set 3: 270 lbs: 10 reps; 180 lbs: 7 reps; 90 lbs: 13 reps

    Angled Calf-press:

    Set 1: 240 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 2: 330 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 3: 420 lbs: 15 reps

    Seated calf-raise:

    2-count pause at top...and in the maximum stretch position

    Set 1: 120 lbs: 10 reps; 70 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 2: 170 lbs: 6 reps; 120 lbs: 5 reps; 70 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 3: 170 lbs: 4 reps; 120 lbs: 4 reps; 70 lbs: 12 reps


    Roman Chair Sit-ups:

    had a horrible abdominal cramp after i got up off the bench on the second was wicked!

    4 sets: bodyweight

    Cardio: 30 minutes on the stationary bike

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I'm doing The Nationals here.

    It's on August 20th.

    I'm just over 190 right now.

    Shootin for the middles??

  26. #66
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    Welterweight actually...

    By the end of my prep i'll be at the middleweight cut off point...then i'll water/carb/sodium deplete and drop to the welterweight range for the weigh-in

  27. #67
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    Wednesday 29th June 2005

    Shoulders, Cardio

    Hang-Clean & Press [wide grip]:

    2 warm-up sets..bare bar...

    Set 1: 115 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 2: 115 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 3: 115 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 4: 125 lbs: 4 reps; 75 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 5: 145 lbs: 2 reps; 95 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 6: 145 lbs: 2 reps; 95 lbs: 4 reps

    [Standing] Barbell Press-behind-neck [from hang-clean position]:

    Set 1: 75 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 125 lbs: 2 reps; 75 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 3: 125 lbs: 2 reps; 75 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 4: 75 lbs: 7 reps

    Hang Clean:

    Set 1: 115 lbs: 6 reps [standard grip]
    Set 2: 165 lbs: 3 reps [standard grip]
    Set 3: 165 lbs: 2 reps [standard grip]
    Set 4: 115 lbs: 6 reps [wide grip]

    I did these late in the workout to make them harder...and harder they were

    Barbell Shrug [wide grip]:

    2-count pause at top

    Set 1: 115 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 115 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 3: 195 lbs: 5 reps

    I do barbell shrugs relatively light because when i shrug heavy i feel it anywhere other than my traps. i feel i get better trap growth from clean i emphasize cleaning movements moreso.

    Cardio: 30 minutes on Stationary bike

  28. #68
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    Thursday 30th June...Rest

  29. #69
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    Friday 1st July 2005

    Chest and Biceps


    Flat Dumbell Fly:

    Set 1: 25 lb dumbells: 20 reps
    Set 2: 30 lb dumbells: 20 reps
    Set 3: 40 lb db: 10 reps; 30 lbs db: 10 reps; 25 lb db: 10 reps [dropset]

    Body feels tired. Grip's burning...probably from wrestling with my dog... He's got a bone-crushing grip...and thinks i'm a chew-toy

    Incline Dumbell Bench-press:

    Please note: i'm training by myself... i'm no longer going to muscular failure...just biomechanical failure: the point where i can no longer complete a rep in good form; I've no spotter on any of my exercises..neither do i want one

    Set 1: 70 lb dumbells: 10 reps
    Set 2: 70 lb dumbells: 7 reps
    Set 3: 80 lb dumbells: 5 reps
    Set 4: 90 lb dumbells: 2 reps
    Set 5: 70 lb dumbells: 6 reps

    Flat Dumbell Bench press:

    Set 1: 70 lb dumbells: 6 reps
    Set 2: 70 lb dumbells: 6 reps
    Set 3: 80 lb dumbells: 4 reps
    Set 4: 85 lb dumbells: 3 reps
    Set 5: 70 lb dumbells: 6 reps

    [bodyweight] Pushups:

    Set 1: 15 reps
    Set 2: 11 reps
    Set 3: 10 reps
    Set 4: 8 reps
    Set 5: 8 reps

    At the end of chest i did get a pretty good pump


    My arms swole up like melons...a dude who'd offer me coaching tips at my previous gym was there...and he said "shit what're using?" That was a great feeling...I'm like14 lbs lighter and he's here saying i look bigger than last week

    Seated Barbell Curl:

    This is an exercise i read about in a power-lifting text.Works the bis tru the upper range....the reduced range of motion allowing heavier weights. I sat on a bench, with the barbell on my lap...loaded up and curled like a normal curl...I realised on later examination that the movement wasn't actually half that of the normal range..but rather 3/4 of a normal movement...THe only thing missing was the stretch at the bottom. It was very strict and very bis swole up like woah

    Set 1: 75 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 75 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 75 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 4: 75 lbs: 6 reps

    Concentration curls:

    I decided to follow this upper range exercise with one that focused on the lower range. I did these concentration curls without my arm braced against my leg. I bent over at the waist from a seated position...and let my arm hang free...lack of support made it a leverage free the bodybuilders of old used

    4 sets: 20 lb dumbells: 8 reps each arm...each set

    Full-range barbell curls:

    I did these standing against the power rack...with the support beam pressed between my shoulder eliminate cheating.'Twas a new, though i lvoe to toss about weight, i may start doing these strict barbell curls as my mainstay. The support beam limited my poundages somewhat...Shit... 'somewhat' is the understatement of the

    Set 1: 45 lbs: 7 reps
    Set 2: 45 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 45 lbs: 8 reps

  30. #70
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    Saturday 2nd July

    Sunday 3rd July


  31. #71
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    Monday 4th July 2005...Bodyweight down to 182 lbs [12 more to be lost]

    Back, Abs, Cardio


    Chins to front [bodyweight]:

    Set 1: 8 reps
    Set 2: 8 reps
    Set 3: 6 reps

    I used chins to warm up towards a major back session...I didn't count these as actual exercises

    Behind-the-neck Chins [bodyweight]:

    Set 1: 4 reps
    Set 2: 4 reps
    Set 3: 4 reps


    Set 1: 115 lbs: 15 reps [no straps]
    Set 2: 295 lbs: 7 reps [no straps]
    Set 3: 475 lbs: 1 rep [straps]
    Set 4: 385 lbs: 4 reps [straps]
    Set 5: 295 lbs: 6 reps [no straps]
    Set 6: 295 lbs: 6 reps [no straps]

    The 475 came up a lot easier this week. I think i won't try singles every week. I think i'll hit it every two weeks...or every three weeks. Singles are too taxing

    Barbell Rows:

    Set 1: 115 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 195 lbs: 6 reps; 115 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 3: 245 lbs: 4 reps; 165 lbs: 4 reps; 115 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 4: 115 lbs: 8 reps [wide grip]

    Close-grip V-bar Pulldowns:

    Set 1: 105 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 155 lbs: 5 reps; 125 lbs: 3 reps; 105 lbs: 3 reps
    Set 3: 155 lbs: 4 reps; 115 lbs: 4 reps; 95 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 4: 105 lbs: 12 reps

    Straight-bar Straight-arm pullovers:

    Set 1: 45 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 45 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 3: 65 lbs: 5 reps; 45 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 4: 65 lbs: 4 reps; 45 lbs: 4 reps


    Roman Chair Sit-ups:

    Set 1: bodyweight: 20 reps
    Set 2: bodyweight + 40 lb dumbells: 10 reps
    Set 3: bodyweight: 8 reps
    Set 4: bodyweight: 8 reps
    Set 5: bodyweight: 8 reps

    Cardio: 30 minutes [stationary bike]

    I trained today alone again...was a great session.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I'm doing The Nationals here.

    It's on August 20th.

    I'm just over 190 right now.

    the Nationals?? In Aug.?? I dont think so.....Oct. I believe....You must not be doing the NPC nationals.....What nationals are you talkin bout???

  33. #73
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    I live in Barbados island in the Caribbean.

    Our Nationals is an IFBB sanctioned contest...dated august 20th...titled BABBFF [Barbados Amateur Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation] Nationals

    Our regionals is in October i believe...title CAC [Central America and Caribbean] Championships

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I live in Barbados island in the Caribbean.

    Our Nationals is an IFBB sanctioned contest...dated august 20th...titled BABBFF [Barbados Amateur Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation] Nationals

    Our regionals is in October i believe...title CAC [Central America and Caribbean] Championships

    Sweet...It's your turn to be on top bro!! Cant wait to see show is on the same day...BTW, i like your website...pretty cool!

  35. #75
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    Thanks Herb...that means a lot. Best of luck with your own competition. Are you keeping a log too?

    Tuesday 5th July

  36. #76
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    Wednesday 6th July 2005

    Shoulders; Chest; Cardio


    Clean and Press:

    2 warm-ups....bare bar

    Set 1: 115 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 165 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 3: 115 lbs: 7 reps
    Set 4: 115 lbs: 5 reps

    Smith-Machine Press-Behind-Neck:

    I swear on this machine the negative is twice as heavy as the positive...i dunno how...but i was crying like a bitch while using HALF the weight i'd normally use

    Set 1: 50 lbs: 9 reps
    Set 2: 50 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 3: 50 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 4: 50 lbs: 6 reps

    Barbell Shrugs:

    Set 1: 115 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 115 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 195 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 4: 195 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 5: 115 lbs: 10 reps


    [Narrow Grip] Flat Barbell Bench Press:

    Set 1: 135 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 185 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 3: 225 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 4: 225 lbs: 4 reps; 135 lbs: 4 reps

    [Narrow Grip] Decline Barbell Bench press:

    Set 1: 135 lbs: 7 reps
    Set 2: 135 lbs: 7 reps
    Set 3: 135 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 4: 135 lbs: 7 reps

    Incline Dumbell Bench Press:

    Set 1: 60s: 5 reps
    Set 2: 60s: 6 reps
    Set 3: 60s: 5 reps

    [bodyweight] Pushups:

    Set 1: 9 reps
    Set 2: 7 reps
    Set 3: 8 reps

    Cardio: 45 minutes...high incline treadmill

    Today's Diet:

    Meal 1:
    1 can mackerel; 1/2 tsp olive oil (65 gr pro/14 gr carb/28 gr fat)

    Meal 2:
    1 can mackerel; 2 cups Okras (65 gr pro/14 gr carb/ 21 gr fat)

    Meal 3: PWO
    1 scoop protein powder; 2 scoops dextrose (24 gr pro/84 gr carb/ 0 gr fat)

    Meal 4: PPWO
    1 scoop protein powder; 1/2 cup Steel cut Oats ( 29 gr pro/ 31 gr carb/ 3 gr fat)

    totals: pro: 183 gr; 143 gr carbs; 52 gr fat

  37. #77
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    Explaining yesterday's diet:

    i'm taking in around 1 gram of pro per perceived LBM.

    I plan to be in shape at 170...thus...approximating for 170 LBM..i'm just over my desired intake.

    The protein content of the PWO and PPWO meals: These two meals are carb dominant.

    On consuming only 4 meals that day: i started my day in the afternoon...i've been sleeping a lot more(which is a blessing cus before i was averaging 4 hours per day) i bump the protein in the pre-training meals.

    The okras i've been consuming because i like them...and to bump my fiber intake...also to up digestive caloric expenditure...They, being of negligible calories.

    So far...i'm down 16 strength is still up. My deadlift is still at 475...a personal best...even tho i'm only at 182lbs bodyweight right now. I'm getting harder...I predict this'll be my best condition ever.


  38. #78
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    Thusday 7th July...Legs & Abs

    I almost didnt' train today...When i did (about 8pm..) i was nauseous as hell. I had stacked two different OTC fat-burners...and consumed too much caffeine otherwise (1 diet rip-it...the equivalent of 2 zero carb red-bulls...)..topped that up with a couple diet pepsis. My heart went into did my stomach. It was surprising cus i'm not stimulant sensitive. It lasted all day and nite...bleh


    I decided on doing hams first cus my knees were hurting. In fact i left squats to the very last exercise..when i knew they be their hardest...but least painful (for my knees at least).

    [bodyweight] Hyperextensions:

    3 sets: 10 reps each set

    Seated Leg-curl:

    Slow and controlled.

    Set 1: 90 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 135 lbs: 4 reps; 90 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 90 lbs: 12 reps

    Stiff-leg deadlifts:

    This was my main hamstring exercise...

    Set 1: 115 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 195 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 3: 245 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 4: 195 lbs: 8 reps



    Noting the gym owner's contempt last week regarding my poundages, i kept it lighter...and did a slower more controlled and deliberate movement.

    Set 1: 45 lbs: 20 reps
    Set 2: 45 lbs: 20 reps
    Set 3: 90 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 4: 90 lbs: 15 reps

    Truth be told, i felt like shit...fudging fat-burners. My system was hyper to the point of feeling weak.

    Barbell Squats:

    Set 1: 225 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 225 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 225 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 4: 225 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 5: 315 lbs: 3 reps; 225 lbs: 5 reps

    I used a wider stance on these because it hurt my knee less. It wasn't a 'wide' stance persay tho...cus i normally squat with a very narrow stance.Today's stance was just outside shoulder width...and as deep as usual.


    Seated Leg-raises: 5 sets: rep til failure

    No cardio today...

    Today's food consumption:

    1/2 hour prior to meal 1: 1 serving "lean system 7"

    Meal 1:
    2/3 can of mackerel; 2 cups okras (40 gram pro; 10 grams carbs; 14 grams fat)

    Meal 2:
    1 can tuna; 1 tbsp olive oil; 1 diet pepsi (30 gr pro; 0 gr carb; 14 gr fat)

    prior to meal 3: 1 serving animal stak 2 (with thermogenic agents); 1 zero calorie Rip-it

    Meal 3: pre-training
    2 scoop protein powder; 2 soft-boiled free-range eggs (48 grams pro; 8 grams carb; 9 grams fat: free range eggs are smaller than regular eggs)

    Meal 4: PWO
    1 scoop protein powder; 2 scoops dextrose (24 gram pro; 84 gr carbs; 0 gram fat)

    Meal 5: PPWO
    1 cup brown rice; 300 grams liver (55 gr pro; 51 gr carb; 15 gr fat)

    Totals: 197 gram protein; 153 gram carb; 52 gram fat

  39. #79
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    Friday 8th July 2005...Rest

    11 a.m. 3 'LS7" caps

    Meal 1: (12 p.m.)

    200 grams Liver; 1 cup rice (38gr pro; 50 gr carb; 10 gr fat)

    2:45 p.m. Diet Coke; 1 pack 'animal cuts'

    Meal 2: (4:30 p.m.)

    1 can Mackerel; 2 cups okras (65 gr pro; negligible carb; 21 gr fat)

    Meal 3: (7 p.m.)

    Coffe [black]; 240 gr minced beef w/ diced celery and okras

    Meal 4: (11:15 p.m.)

    2 scoops protein powder; 1 tbsp olive oil

    Meal 5: (2:30 a.m.)

    2 scoops protein powder; 1 tbsp olive oil

    Meal 6: (5:30 a.m.)

    2 scoops protein powder; 1 tbsp olive oil; 1/2 cup wheat bran

    I got in from work at about 5:30 a.m. Saturday morning
    Last edited by *Narkissos*; 07-20-2005 at 07:25 PM.

  40. #80
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    Saturday 9th July 2005...


    1 Set: Bench dip superset w/ underhand grip chin
    2 Sets: Push-ups superset w/ underhand grip chin
    1 Set: Barbell Partials superset w/ skull crushers



    Set 1: 45 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 65 lbs: 6 reps; 45 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 3: 65 lbs: 5 reps; 45 lbs: 3 reps

    Reverse-Grip Bench-press:

    (trying these for the first time)

    Set 1: 95 lbs: 7 reps
    Set 2: 95 lbs: 7 reps
    Set 3: 95 lbs: 8 reps

    Unilateral Overhead Dumbell Extensions:

    Set 1: 15s: 12 reps
    Set 2: 20s: 7 reps
    Set 3: 25s: 4 reps; 15s: 4 reps


    Seated Barbell curl:

    (Upper-Range-Specific Only)

    Set 1: 85 lbs: 12 reps
    Set 2: 105 lbs: 4 reps; 85 lbs: 4 reps; 65 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 3: 105 lbs: 4 reps; 85 lbs: 4 reps; 65 lbs: 5 reps

    Narrow Grip Barbell curls:

    full-range exercise

    Set 1: 145 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 2: 125 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 3: 105 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 4: 85 lbs: 3 reps; 65 lbs: 3 reps; 45 lbs: 4 reps

    Uni-Lateral Hammer Curl:

    Set 1: 20s: 12 reps
    Set 2: 30s: 5 reps; 20s: 4 reps; 15s: 6 reps
    Set 3: 30s: 6 reps; 20s: 4 reps; 15s: 5 reps


    Calf-Raises [on the hacksquat machine]:

    5 Sets @ 120 lbs: 20 reps per set

    Seated Calf-Raise:

    4 sets @ 90 lbs: 15 reps per set

    10:30 a.m. 3 "Ls7" caps

    12 p.m. Meal 1: 160 grams minced beef; diced celery & okras

    2:00 p.m. Train: Arms, Calves

    3:30 p.m. Meal 2: PWO: 2 scoops protein powder; 2 scoops dextrose

    4:00 p.m. Nap

    4:30 p.m. Meal 3: PPWO: 1 can tuna; 1/2 cup oats

    5:00 p.m. Back to work

    7:00 p.m. 3 "Ls7" caps

    8:00 p.m. Meal 4: diced chicken, pork, and vegetables

    11:50 p.m. Meal 5: 2 scoops protein powder; 1 tbsp olive oil

    Here's where the weekend went further down hill.

    I had to go pick up some equipment @ 2a.m. for my father's business.

    At 3 a.m. the van i was driving broke down on the freeway.

    I was stranded there til around 7 am..without food. At eight a.m. i got towed back to my workplace...had some mystery meat.

    I got home around 10 a.m. ...totally ****ed over weekend eating and resting

    Last edited by *Narkissos*; 08-10-2005 at 12:45 PM.

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