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  1. #1
    SpartanStrength is offline Associate Member
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    Can an employer track..

    Last edited by SpartanStrength; 07-16-2013 at 10:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Depends on your job. Are you in the healthcare field? Are the files only about you? If not and you do work in health care in the United States be careful not to break any HIPPA guidlines when doing so.
    Where I work I had to sign a form stating anything I did on a computer at work could be tracked. Of course they would only do this if it was really necessary because of the time involved and resources required.
    I have a lot of stuff saved on my computer at work, but I use my personal computer with it's own internet connection via a laptop card when browsing this site. Not because it is illegal, but because our firewall flags certain words and I would rather look at what I want instead of explaining to my boss why I reading about research chemicals.
    This of course is a personal choice of mine.

  3. #3
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    most companies can track what websites you visit if you plug into thier network or log onto thier company computers

    This is why i don't understand why dudes in the military log onto this site from Military computers on military internet servers....just dumb. They can see what sites you visited and how long you were on them

  4. #4
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    most companies can track what websites you visit if you plug into thier network or log onto thier company computers

    This is why i don't understand why dudes in the military log onto this site from Military computers on military internet servers....just dumb. They can see what sites you visited and how long you were on them
    Very true. Spent 8 years in the Army and I never went on the internet with a military computer.

  5. #5
    Coop77's Avatar
    Coop77 is offline Senior Member
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    Anything you do on a computer can be logged if the appropriate software is installed. YOur employer is probably not monitoring offline activities such as copying files, unless you work with nuclear defense data or something.

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I had two different girlfriends tell me that their co. knew everything. I only trust my computer....then about half.

  7. #7
    SpartanStrength is offline Associate Member
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    No definately not health, or nuclear fields.. im in sales.

  8. #8
    korsow is offline Associate Member
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    do ctrl-alt-delete, and see what process are running, and then google the definition of each one, at least that way you'll know if they are spying on you if their doing it locally on a machine, if your using a proxy server tho, forgetaboutit, they can track everything without installing anything on yer PC

  9. #9
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Depending on the network setup and just how good the network admin is, absolutely everything can be tracked.

    I don't "track" my users activities due to their not being any formal policy in place but I monitor bandwidth etc and do have URL filterig setup on my network on my ASA.

    I have caught some people doing some sick shit let me tell you.
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  10. #10
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    Im a systems admin and I can track what the users do and visit.
    We Use Websense. If needed I can browse there cookies remotely
    I pretty much report the bandwidth hogs who like streaming media and such, sucking up GB's per week.
    Websense is awesome, so is netflow if your router supports it

  11. #11
    smokeyd's Avatar
    smokeyd is offline Grade A Whore/Banned
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    so there is no way to surf without your system admin knowing what sites you go to jackjacson?

  12. #12
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokeyd View Post
    so there is no way to surf without your system admin knowing what sites you go to jackjacson?
    nope! in all likelihood they arent monitoring where you visit, just the bandwidth. Unless they are told to monitor you of course. Most large companies have filters in place to prevent you from going to most sites that arent company friendly. They only real way to be safe is to become the company network admin.

  13. #13
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    Im the systems admin.
    I can see where i Go, and this site comes up as a big needle icon.
    But my company knows what I do besides work, I work in the medical Malpractice/insurance field.
    Anyways, unless there is an excessive amount of bandwidth or p2p sites or spyware or adult porn I really don't care.
    But reports are generated and users normally back off.
    Websense is kinda of Evil.
    Port spanning on the switch is required to block protocols, url is just redirected from the pix/asa depending on how your environment is setup.

  14. #14
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    if you're in sales why are you so worried? unless you're planning something detrimental to the company its not worth their time.

  15. #15
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    so if i use my lab top and there internet cable i could be tracked?

  16. #16
    korsow is offline Associate Member
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    yes, yes you could, potentially

  17. #17
    jackjackson's Avatar
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    If they have there network setup properly with port spanning or network taps or websense or other stuff.... Yes
    Will you know, only if they have websense or something obvious

  18. #18
    SpartanStrength is offline Associate Member
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    Hey you guys might be a little confused. Im not referring to online activity. Im saying that there are some files that I would like to copy to a flashdrive, projects that I have worked on. This is kind of a gray area. I didnt know if that activity could be later tracked if I were to leave the company. Client info for example

  19. #19
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xjmoochx View Post
    Hey you guys might be a little confused. Im not referring to online activity. Im saying that there are some files that I would like to copy to a flashdrive, projects that I have worked on. This is kind of a gray area. I didnt know if that activity could be later tracked if I were to leave the company. Client info for example
    i have never seen anything in place to prevent you from taking company info and putting on a flash drive. or software that tracks it. the only close thing would be the fact you dont have admin rights to install the flash drive. usually you can just befriend an IT person and theyll install it for you anyway.

  20. #20
    korsow is offline Associate Member
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    Just walk out with the whole box, no one will notice lol.. j/k

  21. #21
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by xjmoochx View Post
    Hey you guys might be a little confused. Im not referring to online activity. Im saying that there are some files that I would like to copy to a flashdrive, projects that I have worked on. This is kind of a gray area. I didnt know if that activity could be later tracked if I were to leave the company. Client info for example
    Anything can be tracked, even key strokes with the right software. I seriously doubt any employer of a reasonable size would bother though unless they had a lot to protect. I work for a huge IT company and we dont do that. We take off excel, word and powerpoint files all the time onto flash drives for completely legitimate reasons. Usually as backup.

  22. #22
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    There is a way to Block writes to External Devices, and allow only reads.
    Its from Sciptlogic called USB Port Security
    I can verify it works.

  23. #23
    SpartanStrength is offline Associate Member
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    ok, but this type of offline activity most likely cannot be tracked right?

  24. #24
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    How many times does it have to be said in this thread that EVERYTHING can be tracked if needed?

    I'm surprised many of you have a job at all as awful as you read.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  25. #25
    Rugger02's Avatar
    Rugger02 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I delete my browsing history and temporary internet files every night, but I doubt that makes a difference...

  26. #26
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rugger02 View Post
    I delete my browsing history and temporary internet files every night, but I doubt that makes a difference...

    ***No source checks!!!***

  27. #27
    UNICRON's Avatar
    UNICRON is offline New Member
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    In sales they especiallY track everything. They need extra reasons to fire people. Never do anything you would not want another pair of eyes to see. Because it is very likely they may be watching..esp in this dump ass economy.

  28. #28
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Been there, done that..

    If they have a key stroke software installed the answer is yes, they will know..

    Probability of that is not likely..

    Grab that data base, but the software if you export it will probably have a log you can't get to..

    best way is to screen print, then save to word, but save to the thumb drive instead of the local drive, or network drive..

    worse they can do to you is get an injunction so you can't use the data, or solicit the customer causing harm to the company..

    depends on your state too.. do you have a non compete?? and is your state a "right to work" state if it is the non compete is non enforceable, but can you survive the lawsuit.
    The answer to your every question


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    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
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  29. #29
    gst528i's Avatar
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    so easy to track.
    Do not go on porn websites or aas forums. Besides it's called work for a reason.

  30. #30
    liftohio's Avatar
    liftohio is offline New Member
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    yes they can(creepy) I bet Mr./Mrs. CEO's gets full access, blah!

  31. #31
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    There is always a way to map your C or D drive and go look into to it directly.

    I have done this on many occasions when my boss asked me to. There was a user that was spending half if time on the internet and to fire him they also needed to know if he had any other data downloaded on is computer a part from company property.

    The guy was downloading movies from is computer, and MP3 music.

    But for you just burning your data on a cd i dont see why you would have a problem unless they informed you when you first started working there about company policy to protect there data.

  32. #32
    BlackHat's Avatar
    BlackHat is offline Junior Member
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    Well it depends on where you work, do you have "WhiteHats" ? Internet Security Employee's ?

    Does your employer have geeks involved with the computer work ? then i would guess yes they would be tracking transfers and would just track them to see whats going on or how you are spending your time @ work.

    And id try not to open any personal email,bank account or whatever @ work for this reason if you are working @ a strict enviroment

  33. #33
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
    "Maximus" is offline Anabolic Member
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    There are always loopholes to combat traffic monitoring.. and no, I'm not referring about private VPN software solutions or services! But yes, monitoring of one's internet/other activities can be tracked like many have mentioned already. The best way for you to be safe is to unplug the network cable off your machine!

    BlackHat, your SN seems familiar! lol I completely agree with your comment above.

  34. #34
    BlackHat's Avatar
    BlackHat is offline Junior Member
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    Best Way again would be to take a personal laptop into work for your personal stuff.

    Take Care

  35. #35
    BlackHat's Avatar
    BlackHat is offline Junior Member
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    Best Way again would be to take a personal laptop into work for your personal stuff.

    Take Care

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