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Thread: Nero 6 key

  1. #1
    m33 is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2008

    Nero 6 key

    I have Nero startsmart (vs. 6 I believe) on my current computer. Its worked fine for years. I don't remember if I downloaded the program and had a keygen or if I actually had the disc around. Either way, I bought a new computer and am trying to transfer it over. I got it all installed but it needs the serial #. Is there a way to find out what serial number I'm currently using on the other computer or does anyone know of a keygen for it?

  2. #2
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    The serial number can be found in the regristy of your old computer? That is if it is working, if it is I can maybe write something up for ya to find it

  3. #3
    m33 is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2008
    That would be awesome. It is working. I'm actually on it now. So how do I find it in the registry?

  4. #4
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    1.Click START>RUN and type in REGEDIT.

    2. Click OK. The Registry Editor will open.

    3. Click on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder>SOFTWARE folder>AHEAD folder>NERO BURNING-ROM folder>INFO folder

    4. The serial number is displayed in the right pane of the registry editor. There you will find an entry named Serial4, Serial5 or Serial6. This entry will be displayed according to your currently or previous Nero install.

    14xx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx (for Nero 4 serial number)
    15xx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx (For Nero 5 serial number)
    1Axx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx (For Nero 6 serial number)

    Please write this number down.

    If you need more help or not sure about how to do this let me know and we might need to go through some kind of chat program to walk you through it

  5. #5
    m33 is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2008
    Got it, thanks. Now one quick question... when I moved nero to the new computer, I just moved all the files over, so it never really installed the same way as it is on this computer. Any clue what the application file would be called that I would open to start the whole install process the correct way?

  6. #6
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    You would either need to reinstall the program by the cd or have a program to move it for you like PcMover. Just moving the files from one computer to another will not put the regristy keys in place just the files.

  7. #7
    m33 is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2008
    Is there a way to get a free copy of pcmover anywhere? I see it says that it moves all files and setting that it thinks should be moved. Is there a way to only tell it to move specific files?

  8. #8
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    You can move whatever you want even programs. It sets up the files and the regristy keys perfectly. Usually this program is only for new computers to allow you to move all your old stuff to the new one. If you don't have the cd anymore then the only way is to buy the program which runs about 20 bucks, buy Nero 6 again or torrent it. I don't see a problem with torrenting it since you already had the program installed before. Just be careful when torrenting so you don't get an infection such as malware or a virus on your computer.

    If you do buy the moving program you can then hook up your computer by a cable and follow the instructions. Both computers have to be running though at the same time.

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