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  1. #1
    cfiler's Avatar
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    I'm in trouble with the GF!

    Hi everybody,
    I need some help! I had sent an email to my girlfriend, that I want to recover before she reads it. I thought she had blown me off a few times, but it turns out she was really sick in the end. I had essentially broken up with her in an email, but I still want to stay with her. I have probably three days to get ride of the break-up email before she reads it. How can I get into her email to discard this? It's a hotmail acount. Is there anything I can do?

    please pm me if anyone has any ideas! Otherwise I'm going to be in real big trouble!


  2. #2
    LilVito469's Avatar
    LilVito469 is offline Banned
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    just simply get her password and log in to her account....

  3. #3
    Spoon's Avatar
    Spoon is offline 'Lurker at the threshold'
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    oh man youre screwed! j/k. lilvito is right, only sure way is to get her password and log on. or try to attempt to answer her secret question to get the password. oher than that you may try to contact hotmail but i'd doubt if they would even entertain you since accessing another email address whether its your girlfriend, mom etc etc is illegal.

  4. #4
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have no-idea of what her email password is, or the answer to her secrect question. Man am I ever screwed! Hotmail is not able to do anything, I really need to get the email stopped or something. Is there anything I can do to get her password? I don't know what to do at this point... I don't want to lose her over some miscomunication. If I could block it, or prevent her from reading it some how...

    Thanks for any ideas.

  5. #5
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    Didnt they make a movie about this? Just borrow your friends car. Drive cross country encountering numerous obsticals that would never happen in real life and then at the very last second, when she goes to read her email, all the power goes out frying her computer and saving you from a break up.
    Thats my advice. Hope it helps.

  6. #6
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    Send her another email saying sorry.
    Or send her another email saying the first one is a virus that your friend sent out and if she opens it, her computer will be wiped out.

  7. #7
    adamw1's Avatar
    adamw1 is offline Associate Member
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    well if its hotmail or yahoo i think if u just keep trying to log in it will freeze the account for 24 hours at least it will buy u more time

  8. #8
    mark956101957's Avatar
    mark956101957 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nah ,don't do that, you'll end up getting yourself in deeper ****. Just tell her that you changed your mind, you were out of your f'in head, make something up and kiss her ass and be as romantic as possible and hopefully she will get over it and you'll stay together. But unless you know her password you might end up screwing things up worse.... IMO

  9. #9
    alevok Guest
    dont tell her that you accidentally sent her a virus, it makes it suspicious. Telling her a lie not gonna make it better, just tell her that you were in upset mood but you changed your mind after you thought about your relationship, buy her a dozen roses with a apology note attached.

  10. #10
    damiongage's Avatar
    damiongage is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bermich says it right

    call her today and tell you got a virus. tell her to delete all emails from you without opening them or she will get the virus.

  11. #11
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Broke up with her in a email???

    You're kidding right??? Not exactly cool...


    Afraid to say you're probably screwed on this
    one unless you know how to hack into a Yahoo
    or Hotmail account as they are the easiest to
    hack into and hopefully that is what she uses
    for her email...

  12. #12
    dlady is offline Female Member
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    Man, don't try nothing but the truth...Just explain what you thought was up, for whatever reason you thought it. You are human and you do make mistakes, you know. After all miscommunication is the reason they call it miscommunication, isn't it? If all else fails and worse comes to can always say it was a stupid joke done by a friend/sent accidently? If she's a woman and has it in her, she does know men can do stupid things at stupid times.

  13. #13
    Lady Legs's Avatar
    Lady Legs is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamw1
    well if its hotmail or yahoo i think if u just keep trying to log in it will freeze the account for 24 hours at least it will buy u more time

    Not true , it will freeze the account from you trying again and again but if the person that owns the account comes in and uses the correct password it will open right up for them...

    Hope you get it worked out with your girl, but very uncool to dump someone over the net , should have called her or at least faced her (face to face) to do something like that. My suggestion would be to tell her the truth, explain to her your reasoning behind the email and she MIGHT understand why you done this in the first place.

    Good luck

  14. #14
    cfiler's Avatar
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    I know I'm a dumb idiot, and should never have thought about dumping her in an email. I thought she might be cheating on me, and was very pissed at the time. In the end, she wasn't and I was just paranoid. It may come across that I don't trust her now. Man am I ever in deep ****! I'm still going to try and get into her email acount to get rid of the email, as well as trying to come up with a back-up plan. I like the virus email idea, that might work. If it doesn't though, I'm in deeper than ever.

  15. #15
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Just be honest brotha... Believe it or not in a case like
    this it may just work... Just explain to her like you did
    with us right here... You made a mistake and you're
    sorry... Not like you cheated on her or anything, just
    step up to the plate... Most women can respect that...

  16. #16
    Lostsoul's Avatar
    Lostsoul is offline Associate Member
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    yeah you're screwed, maybe next time you wont make assumptions...

  17. #17
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Grovel!!!!! Thats all there is to it... knowing you, you'll delete it and forget to delete it from the recently deleted file and BAM she sees it.. J/K I dont know you.. so I dont know if you'll do that or not...

    But seriosly.. GROVEL!!! go all out... 1st call and say.. Before you read that email.. please meet me and let me explain someting to you! Take her out/or make her a very nice EXPENSIVE ROMANTIC dinner.. roses (I suggest a dozen), teddy bear, some kind of neglige, candy and a card (YES I KNOW IM SPOILED!!!!)

    If she knows you juice (Im assumeing you do) tell her your coming off your winter bulker and it was the clomid talking! (Maybe some tears right here would help). And that you were so emotionally distraught that you could not think correctly!

    DO NOT break into her e-mail... stupid move right there...

    Good luck... and next time, call, visit or something BEFORE you log on in a rage!

    The Princess

  18. #18
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
    Animal Cracker is offline Anabolic Member
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    The virus idea seems best.

  19. #19
    temperoath is offline Junior Member
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    probably to late now huh?...if your're using can recall unread messages to people you send to...It basically deletes them from their inbox and replaces it with a text message saying that the email has been recalled. If your using hotmail or yahoo...I doubt they have that feature...try searching google for info on how to recall messages. Still probably a little too late.

  20. #20
    ripped4fsu's Avatar
    ripped4fsu is offline Anabolic Member
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    you dumbas$!! j/k bro... yeah, you need to get her password.. try to guess it. either that or just let her read it then hit your knees and start begging for forgivness
    Last edited by ripped4fsu; 03-31-2004 at 03:16 PM.

  21. #21
    JDMSilviaSpecR's Avatar
    JDMSilviaSpecR is offline Vicious With Malicious Intent
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    Just tell her the truth bro...If she still cares and maybe loves you...She'll forgive you. Of course, that doesn't mean you have some major sucking up to do as well as maybe a nice dinner/flowers/etc...but do what you gotta do.

  22. #22
    floyd_turbo's Avatar
    floyd_turbo is offline Member
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    just tell her one of your buddies was just messing around


  23. #23
    TheCreator is offline New Member
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    go to hackers forums and ask for help, hotmail is easy to break

  24. #24
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I figured i would just bump this old ass thread since people keep replying to it anyways. i really have nothing to add to the pot. It has been over 2 weeks since his original post ad if he hasnt come to a solution than he is single by now.

  25. #25
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nice avatar abstrack! Dude never ever show any women that you are insecure of her screwing on you. With that said call her tell her what was on your mind and dont ever show jealousy, insecure feelings or half assed ussumptions again! Just trying to help

  26. #26
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    He had 3 days 2 weeks ago to get the email......

    i guess she said piss off........ cause we don't have an outcome from him.........
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  27. #27
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    LMAO @ this thread!

  28. #28
    CanthookitLs6's Avatar
    CanthookitLs6 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    Broke up with her in a email???

    You're kidding right??? Not exactly cool... her before she reads the email and explain!

  29. #29
    geoneo's Avatar
    geoneo is offline Associate Member
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    the best way to get peeps info from personal computers it to use a key logger, in your case its to late to put one on, since when she logs on to the computer she will probably check her email before you even get the password from the key logger - almost all the women here say you should tell the truth, although i like the virus one the best - the only thing wrong with the virus one is if she checks the email at public place like a school or library, then she will probably open it for sure. You could also send her like 40 of the same emails all saying "i love you" and hopefully she gets sick of reading the same message after the 20th one and just deletes the rest of your emails - the problem with this one is that if she wants to show her friends how sweet you are by showing them all the "i love u" emails and gets to the 41st email, which is the "i hate u", then your in trouble and i'm just confused.
    Tell the truth do what the ladies say they should now whats better
    good luck
    ignore what i said since its been two weeks
    Last edited by geoneo; 09-17-2004 at 03:57 AM.

  30. #30
    Chemical King's Avatar
    Chemical King is offline Anabolic Member
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    Here there and everywhere
    Just face the fact that ur fu*ked and send her round to mine

  31. #31
    JdFlex's Avatar
    JdFlex is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical King
    Just face the fact that ur fu*ked and send her round to mine
    This happened over 8 months ago. I don't think he needs anymore advice on it.

  32. #32
    GoFetch is offline New Member
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    Look man, in a lond lasting relationship, there will be ALL kinds of things going on at different times in your life. therefore, honesty and communication is the main thing.

    1- You were an asshole for breaking up with her....via e-mail
    2- You are still being an asshole for trying to find ways to cover it up
    3- you underestimate her by not being willing to share with her what happen

    So, DO TALK WITH HER "BEFORE" she opens your asshole e-mail and just say......hey, remember those days when you were sick and I did not hear from you at all: well, I got really upset with the idea of lossing you and i sent this stupit e-mail that at the end, I did not mean to.....

    I could have tried to retrieve the e-mail, etc, but....i feel that honesty is very important (even though we all know that you ARE a smuck that DID try to cover it up)

    At the end, I am sorry to tell ypou but 3 things will take place:
    1- she will give you a hard time WHICH, you deserve, but will move on
    2- she will be un-flexible, in which case either you are better off without
    3- or, whe will be unflexible, but only due to the fact that you are not treating her right, in which case, you deserve it, so that you can learn and be a better man next time.

    Give her a call right now, if you can see her in person, do it now, if she is in a different city, etc, talk to her asap

  33. #33
    jdmLove4me is offline New Member
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    I knoe

    why dont u try to get her B friend or friends to delete it for u. girls always share email accounts and stuff like that GOOD luck

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