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  1. #1
    Hardball1783 is offline Associate Member
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    Natty Peanut Butter

    What is Natty Peanut Butter and where could I get it. Also how does it help in fat loss if any .

  2. #2
    Iowa's Avatar
    Iowa is offline Banned
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    By a bunch of cornfields
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardball1783
    What is Natty Peanut Butter and where could I get it. Also how does it help in fat loss if any .
    Natual PB just has peanuts and salt as ingredients. You can get it at any grocery store. I usually get the Smuckers brand. It will say "natural PB" on the label and it will have about 1.5 inches of oil in the top of the jar. You'll also know its natty PB because its about twice as expensive as the other PB. Its a good source of healty fats as well.

  3. #3
    fritz2435's Avatar
    fritz2435 is offline Member
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    right behind ya
    Natty PB is mmm mmm good! Make sure you microwave, stir, and refrigerate the jar before you eat it!

  4. #4
    angelxterminator's Avatar
    angelxterminator is offline Senior Member
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    wow this is like the 100000000000000th thread i've seen about natty peanut butter....
    what i dont understand though is how companies get away with charging you more for a product that is only different due to lack of ingredients, aka sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc....
    Charge you more for less, what a deal

  5. #5
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    wow this is like the 100000000000000th thread i've seen about natty peanut butter....
    what i dont understand though is how companies get away with charging you more for a product that is only different due to lack of ingredients, aka sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc....
    Charge you more for less, what a deal
    I think those ingredients might be cheaper than peanuts so if theyre using less peanuts and more of the cheap $hit they can charge less?

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