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  1. #1
    sooner45's Avatar
    sooner45 is offline Member
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    My Caloric Intake while "on". Do I need more?

    Hey guys, I'm about to start a cutting Cycle of Prop/Fina/Winny/T3/Clen . My Caloric intake as of now is about 2500 Cal's. I'm basically wanting to cu, lose BF, and gain some LBM. Right now I'm 5;10" 190ibs and about 12-13% BF. Do I need to up my Cal's?? My main obejective is fat loss so I'm scared if I up my Cal's I might gain more muscle and less fat loss than I want??? Any Ideas?? Thansk guys!!

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Dec 2002
    Remember that the cardio and caloric deficit will shed fat, not the compounds. (t-3/clen yes, but you still have to eat intelligently and eat to lose). So, I'd focus on fat loss while being in an anti-catabolic state. This is not a time to try and attain muscle. Not w/clen/t-3/and a diet aimed at shedding fat.

    Do a clean bulk for lean meat additions.


  3. #3
    sooner45's Avatar
    sooner45 is offline Member
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    The big Addison, TX!!!!!
    Thanks Swole! So your basicaly sayinng I coudl stay at that caloric level and still implement T3/Clen , just leave the AAS out until I'm through cutting, then I can concentrate on Bulking?

    If thats the case, I thought that it is recomended to use AAS with a T3/Clen Combo as the T3 will spare muscle along with Fat??? Thanks for taking the time SC!

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Dec 2002
    The compounds are what keep you ANTI-CATABOLIC w/the t-3, so if you are using t-3 of course you have to utilize them to avoid catabolizing all of your lean muscle tissue.

    I just said this is not a time to focus on gaining muscle, focus on keeping what you have.


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