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  1. #1
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Unhappy I feel so guilty when I "properly" cheat, that I don't...

    I've become really pothetic when it comes to cheat meals.

    I don't have a cheat day per say, I just wait till I can't hold it together anymore and then I have a cheat meal or a cheat day, comes out once a weeks or so...

    So, back in the day, when I was a normal person, a cheat meal was a big mac, pizza, ice cream, chocolate or whatever...but now, since I'm cutting cheating usually means having a potato ot two with my meat, or spaghetti with tuna instead of tuna, and EVEN THEN I feel guilty as fvck!

    I can't even imagine how guilty I would feel if I had a proper cheat day......

    So, am I crazy and stupid or just comitted?How do yall deal with the guilt?

    And by the way shred's thread about cheat days being unecessary just made it worse.....

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Never saw the thread about cheat days being un-neccessary, however I can tell you that they indeed are neccessary for thyroid/metabolism stimulation (if one is on a strict diet that is correct for cutting quickly), and also for the mental relief/reward, which like it or NOT, is a HUGE part of one sticking to a regimented program for any respectable period of time.

    If you are handling your business 6 days of the week, one nice cheat meal or a day (whatever one can get away w/based on personal experimentation), should not make y ou worry and ruin your day. Enjoy it, you've earned it and deserve it.


  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    wat.. if.. you cheat 6 days a week and are really strict 1?...

  4. #4
    dr.shred's Avatar
    dr.shred is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bor
    I've become really pothetic when it comes to cheat meals.

    I don't have a cheat day per say, I just wait till I can't hold it together anymore and then I have a cheat meal or a cheat day, comes out once a weeks or so...

    So, back in the day, when I was a normal person, a cheat meal was a big mac, pizza, ice cream, chocolate or whatever...but now, since I'm cutting cheating usually means having a potato ot two with my meat, or spaghetti with tuna instead of tuna, and EVEN THEN I feel guilty as fvck!

    I can't even imagine how guilty I would feel if I had a proper cheat day......

    So, am I crazy and stupid or just comitted?How do yall deal with the guilt?

    And by the way shred's thread about cheat days being unecessary just made it worse.....
    bro, I know exactly how you feel. My cheat days are like adding more carbs like brown rice and maybe my breakfast twice because it is my favorite meal. Feeling guilty just means your dedicated to your diet.

    I feel that if you are not trying to get super low bf than you can cheat one meal a week. However, for me I am never happy with being 10% bf, thats why I can't. It all depends on metabolism too, but in the past when I cheated it ruined for the whole weekend. You get that taste of whatever you enjoy in your mouth and overtakes your will power, thats why I don't like doing it.

    I also think that if your diet efficient your cravings should be mininmal. I craved more last year because I did not have enough carbs.

    I do thinking cycling carbs is more efficient and having a cheat day once a month is better, but thats my opinion.

    SC, if your preparing for a show and your 1 month out would cheat in that month?

  5. #5
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Yes, I cheat until 3 weeks out actually.

    If you are at your show weight 4 weeks out, there's no reason not to.

    You are correct in that each person must find out what he/she can get away with though. Nothing is ever 100% cut/dry.


  6. #6
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Some sound advice here bros, thanks

  7. #7
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Bor give yourself a break and cheat. Dont get to obsessed with this. It will drain you mentaly in the long run.

  8. #8
    MikeyZ23 is offline Associate Member
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    yea bro, just stick with it... I find that when I cheat hard on a meal, which is like every 5th or 6th day when i start going crazy, it makes me work harder the next day. yea, i feel guilty after doing it, but i know that i'm ready to resume my nutrition after i eat that garbage meal. just think about people who put that crap in their bodies day in and day out and feel no remorse. you should feel proud that you can cheat when you've "earned" it!

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