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  1. #1
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    When I Can't Eat...Screwing Up My Diet?

    I have a pretty good diet going right now and seem to be gaining, but I have a few concerns. I'm currently in college and MWF I have classes from 1:55-4 (and usually get home around 4:45) and TuThu from 3-5 (and usually get home at 5:45.) with no breaks. I either wake up around noon or around 1:30 and eat my first meal then. Then I eat again when I get home from classes. Usually that means about a 3-5 hour gap between first meal and second meal. Then once I get home, I eat every 2 hours until I go to sleep (usually around 1-3). Right now, like I said, I'm gaining, but will this prolonged schedule of not being able to eat for 3-5 hours even though I can eat every two hours after that hinder my bulking goals? Thanks.

  2. #2
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    No one knows?

  3. #3
    Jakspro's Avatar
    Jakspro is offline Member
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    get some slow digesting protiens before you go... or if you have a break between two classes, like a 5 min one, then throw a shaker bottle in your bag and shake up a shake and down a handfull of nuts... but eat a solid meal for breakfast Pro/Carb

  4. #4
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    What constitutes slow-digesting proteins? I don't have a break in-between classes (it's the same class for two periods) so a shake isn't an option right now. Maybe I could sneak in a protein bar? I'll have to see. Usually for breakfast I eat 4-5 egg whites, 2 pieces of toast, and 1-2 cups oatmeal, depending on how much time I have.

  5. #5
    Jakspro's Avatar
    Jakspro is offline Member
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    i have the same problems for my labs, but im gonna be a tricky basterd and sneak out to the bathroom and shake one up... as for protein bars, you'll hear it over and over on the board, thier just plain sh*ty sources of carbs and protien... but if your bulking you can get away with it... oh and just my suggestion, up the egg whites or throw in like a scoop of whey and loose the toast

    if your class is a big lecture see if you can sit in the back and pull the sneaky move... if not, there are solutions, be creative

  6. #6
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    ...thanks for the insight. I'll give a little stealth operation a try. Also, when you say "throw in a scoop of whey"--what exactly do you mean? Do you mean make a little shake or throw it in with my oats and milk type thing or mix it up with my eggs? That might be a strange question, but I haven't looked at whey in quite that way.

  7. #7
    bolin is offline Associate Member
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    your can throw just the powder in your mouth and eat it bro... (Though I dont suggest it!!!!!!) It doesn't matter if you take it with oats, eggs or shake..... JUST TAKE IT!!!!
    I take it as a shake after my 5 eggs and oats...... I it gets me through 2 and a half hours..... then its feeding time again GRRR!!!!!!!

    As for school lecture..... MAN just take a shake with you and go to the toilet... it takes me 3 min to shake, take and clean!!!! It is very important to get protein every 3 hours..... NO EXCUSES

  8. #8
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    Ok Ok...I get it. :-)

  9. #9
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    When I made breakfast today, I put my oatmeal in a bowl, added a healthy scoop of protein powder, some milk, and nuked it for 2 minutes. What I pulled out of the microwave was a calcified pancake of protein floating a top some oatmeal. This pancake wouldn't break up regardless of my efforts and was just as vile to look at as it was to try to eat. Am I missing something here? Do I add the protein powder maybe after microwaving it? Or am I just a big pussy?

  10. #10
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    So add the whey protein powder after I microwave or what?

  11. #11
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoneyAddyct
    When I made breakfast today, I put my oatmeal in a bowl, added a healthy scoop of protein powder, some milk, and nuked it for 2 minutes. What I pulled out of the microwave was a calcified pancake of protein floating a top some oatmeal. This pancake wouldn't break up regardless of my efforts and was just as vile to look at as it was to try to eat. Am I missing something here? Do I add the protein powder maybe after microwaving it? Or am I just a big pussy?
    Use more water/milk, and nike it or less time, and mix b4 you put it in

  12. #12
    Dark Spivey's Avatar
    Dark Spivey is offline New Member
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    I've had that same problem. I couldnt take it any longer. One day I just brought a couple of grilled chicken breasts. I sat in the back of the class and just went to work on them. Professor didnt say nothin. They were kind of cold, but I had to do it.

  13. #13
    Chemical King's Avatar
    Chemical King is offline Anabolic Member
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    You would think in this day and age that if us guys wanna keep our health in check then it would be fine to make up a shake even in a class.
    All the government blab on about is healthy eating yet, if you get caught in class with it the sh1t hits the fan. I mean whats the problem if we dont wanna look as bad as our tutors ?

  14. #14
    bigdogc is offline Associate Member
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    shake take clean. such a good strategy for us college people! dont forget the cleaning part, ive never smelt something so bad after i didnt clean my protein shaker/drinking cup... i mean it smelt HORRIBLE.

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