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  1. #1
    YoungGuns20's Avatar
    YoungGuns20 is offline Junior Member
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    Best Way TO Gain Good Weight In College

    When you living in the dorm it can be hard to cook with all the fire rules with no Foreman Grills and $hit but I was wondering, what would be a good way to pack good pounds on like what supplements and how to take them in such?

    It's been awhile but Im back, nice to see everyone again.

  2. #2
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    supps... to gain wt... creatine, 5gm when u wake up, and 5before and after you lift.. same with glutamine, and then take 5more gms when you go to bed. also, im assuming you are talkin more along the lines of legal, so get some flax and add it into protein only meals. up your carb intake, somewhere over 300 is a good start. get some tribbulus going to help elevate your nat test levels. i like pumptech, it works great for me as far as NO2 and pump during a workout. hmm i know theres more, this is all i can think of now

  3. #3
    24labor's Avatar
    24labor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by YoungGuns20
    When you living in the dorm it can be hard to cook with all the fire rules with no Foreman Grills and $hit but I was wondering, what would be a good way to pack good pounds on like what supplements and how to take them in such?

    It's been awhile but Im back, nice to see everyone again.

    No forman rules what a sweet guy
    Well if you are gonna live by the rules you'll have to live by the Cafeateria. Hopefully they have something decent to eat. Some have shicken breast some have beef or whatever. Read the bulking sticky and see what you can do with what you have and remember that microwave can do a lot more than you think. As for the suppsit looks lie deca has a pretty good handle on what you need, but make sure you dabble in the vitamins like a multivitamin. Good luck

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    put some oats in the blender with your protein supplement,,,,i can gain 7-10lbs with this,,,,try it!!

  5. #5
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    ah, i knew more would come... get some digestive enzymes for your meals, to help your body take in more protein and so on. get some casein protein.. for nite shakes.. i love those and when i bulk, i swear they improve me by 10percent. get some amino acids, some proteins have em in it, still get some, u need to take em as soon as u wake, and before bed. oh yea papaya is a good digestive aid.. and vit. c... take alot of it. i like the chewable flavored type, makes it sorta as a snack instead of a vit.. get anywhere above 2000gm ED. more will come, gimme time to think

  6. #6
    JMumf's Avatar
    JMumf is offline Junior Member
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    Definitely try the oats in with your protein shake. It's a great idea and doesn't taste too bad. Also (I know this may sound gross to some) try the eggwhites from egg whites international they're tasteless and odorless. A lot of times I'll just straight chug them with a little low sugar oj.

  7. #7
    jsimon's Avatar
    jsimon is offline Associate Member
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    does tribbulus actually work?

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