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  1. #1
    slownsteady is offline New Member
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    Help me... Please

    OK. I am 22 years old (May 27th i will be anyways), i am 6'1" and roughly 170lbs. I was a "fat kid" growing up until the time i reached about 16-17 when i developed IBS, Ulcers and GIRD. I was at about 250lbs+ but the constant diahrea/vomiting made me lose weight rather quickly. I finaly got my ass to the doctot and got my stomach issues under control and have been working to keep the weight down with great success... Now i am at the point where i would like to build more muscle mass.

    I only hit the gym may be 3 times a week for a couple hours but have been doing so for almost two years and honestly haven't seen any kind of results from doing so and it is starting to get to me. I believe a big majority of it is my diet. I only take in may be 2000+/- calories a day as i work A LOT and don't really think about eating when i am busy. Of course the first thing that people say is "steroids " thats all you need. Of course i know that isn't tru so i figure i would hit you'all up for some diet tips while i read/learn more about anabolics.

    I AM NOT TRYING TO WIN ANY CONTESTS OR BE A MASSIVE BODY BUILDER OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. I AM NOT DOING ANY OF THIS FOR SHOWS OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT, JUST DOING IT FOR ME. as gay as this may sound, i want to have a body like Mark Wahlburg, or atleast like he had back in his "Marky Mark" days...

  2. #2
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    Quote Originally Posted by slownsteady View Post
    OK. I am 22 years old (May 27th i will be anyways), i am 6'1" and roughly 170lbs. I was a "fat kid" growing up until the time i reached about 16-17 when i developed IBS, Ulcers and GIRD. I was at about 250lbs+ but the constant diahrea/vomiting made me lose weight rather quickly. I finaly got my ass to the doctot and got my stomach issues under control and have been working to keep the weight down with great success... Now i am at the point where i would like to build more muscle mass.

    I only hit the gym may be 3 times a week for a couple hours but have been doing so for almost two years and honestly haven't seen any kind of results from doing so and it is starting to get to me. I believe a big majority of it is my diet. I only take in may be 2000+/- calories a day as i work A LOT and don't really think about eating when i am busy. Of course the first thing that people say is "steroids " thats all you need. Of course i know that isn't tru so i figure i would hit you'all up for some diet tips while i read/learn more about anabolics.

    I AM NOT TRYING TO WIN ANY CONTESTS OR BE A MASSIVE BODY BUILDER OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. I AM NOT DOING ANY OF THIS FOR SHOWS OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT, JUST DOING IT FOR ME. as gay as this may sound, i want to have a body like Mark Wahlburg, or atleast like he had back in his "Marky Mark" days...
    1st off if your goal isn't to get BIG and MASSIVE, I don't think AAS should be an option for you, you could hit the goals you want by taking care of the 2 things in bold above.

    Your working out way too much, your weight training shouldn't take you more than 45-50 minutes 4-5 times/week and your diet definitley horrible if you are eating about 2000 cals/day only.

    Read the lean bulking stickies in the diet forum, line up your OWN diet and post in a new thread in the diet forum for fine tuninig.

    Good luck

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