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Thread: How to start?

  1. #1
    Aaron-the-pitbull is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2008

    How to start?

    Not sure how to start with all this but ill start with my stats. 20 years old, 5'9, i weight 10 stone, have basically no body fat (i get error on the machine everytime i take the test lol) and i bench press 90kg.

    I recently posted saying how i wanted to do steroids but when people asked what i eat ect i couldn't really answer, i eat just to eat not for carbs or protine. Could anyone give me some tips and advise on what to eat.

    So far i've seen alot of people saying they eat brown rice, what else could i eat threw the day?

    I have a bowl of ceriel followed by a bowl of porridge. What else could i eat threw the day? It's all good saying brown rice but what could i have it with to make it taste better and mopre enjoyible to eat?

    Could you more experienced guys give me some advise on what you guys eat threw the day and name me good foods to eat?

    Anymore questions just ask. I really need help with this.

  2. #2
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    just a helpful example.....

    popular breakfast:

    eggs and oats

    every meal,rest of day:

    lean meat(tuna, chicken for example) with
    rice or vegetable or potato
    Last edited by AdamGH; 11-02-2008 at 10:57 AM.

  3. #3
    Aaron-the-pitbull is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2008
    Is pasta good? i was thinking that whike working 9-5 at 10:30 i could have pasta with tuna and at 12 have dinner and at 2:30 have pasta again. and do that 5 days a week? 1 day tuna next day chicken, is that good or is there better ideas?

  4. #4
    ncsugrad2002 is offline New Member
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    You seriously need to do some searching before asking questions, no offense.

  5. #5
    fit4ever180's Avatar
    fit4ever180 is offline Member
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    Gym and the Kitchen
    Read the diet stickies! That's what they're there for!

  6. #6
    Rugger02's Avatar
    Rugger02 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron-the-pitbull View Post
    Not sure how to start with all this but ill start with my stats. 20 years old, 5'9, i weight 10 stone, have basically no body fat (i get error on the machine everytime i take the test lol) and i bench press 90kg.

    I recently posted saying how i wanted to do steroids but when people asked what i eat ect i couldn't really answer, i eat just to eat not for carbs or protine. Could anyone give me some tips and advise on what to eat.

    So far i've seen alot of people saying they eat brown rice, what else could i eat threw the day?

    I have a bowl of ceriel followed by a bowl of porridge. What else could i eat threw the day? It's all good saying brown rice but what could i have it with to make it taste better and mopre enjoyible to eat?

    Could you more experienced guys give me some advise on what you guys eat threw the day and name me good foods to eat?

    Anymore questions just ask. I really need help with this.

    First off, how much is 10 stones in lbs?

    Here's an example of my cutting diet: I'm 6'3" 255 lbs @ 12% BF so my cutting diet may be closer to a bulk for you, but this is more for meal composition and some examples for good food choices.

    Upon waking:
    Cardio (empty stomach except for a cup of coffee)

    Meal 1: (about 10am)
    4 egg whites (including 1whole egg)
    1 cup oats
    Fish/flax oil (2 capsules)

    Meal 2: (about 1pm)
    1 can of Albacore in water
    Green veggies (steamed)
    Sweet potato

    Meal 3: (at work 5:30pm break)
    1 cup cooked brown rice with 4 oz chicken breast and broccoli mixed in

    Meal 4: (at work 8:15pm break)
    Repeat meal 3, add flax/fish oil

    Work out at 11:30pm (after work)

    Meal 5: (12:30 -1:00am)
    PWO Shake

    Meal 6: (3:30am)
    Repeat meal 2 except remove sweet potato. Add some sunflower seeds or almonds and FF cottage cheese before bed.

    Obviously this diet changes some as I get bored or sick of certain foods but the nutritional aspect of it remains the same.

    Here are some good choices for your intakes of carbs, protein and fat.

    Carbs - Sweet potatoes, red potatoes, oats (No sugar added), brown rice, wild rice, barley, Steel cut oats, aktivated barley, Green leafy vegetables, Ezekiel or whole wheat bread (sparingly)

    Protein - About 1 - 1.5 times your lean body weight per day in grams of protein.
    Sources -
    Steak, lean ground beef, chicken breast, tuna, salmon or other fish, egg whites or whole eggs, beef jerkey (if you don't mind the sodium) and whey protein (I have one shake after working out, try to stick with real food as much as you can).

    Fats - Flax, Fish or olive oil, casein or dairy products, avacadoes, nuts, egg yolks.

    You need to have at least 5 nutritious meals per day, and are you hitting the weight room? If so what is your work-out schedule like?

    Hope this helps.
    Best of luck

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