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  1. #1
    GetYoSwollOn is offline New Member
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    Help With To all sugesstions

    I am currently 6'4, 250 with around 13-14% bf, which I had checked 1 month ago. I just started an AS cycle, test and deca , 500 and 400. like I just started it yesterday. I have been eating really good compaierd to how I used to eat. Im gonna end my cycle with some winny and clen . I was juts wondering what I should eat. I had a nutritionist make me a nutrition guide but thats when I was 18 and I was not on AS, and I wegihed 215. Now like I said I am 250 and I play college football. I cant eat what everyone else eats cause I wont get enough cals. I need major cals cause I am a work HOG!!!!! I get 5 days of cardio in and I work out 4 times a week. I was wondering what my diet schedule should look like and how I should eat over the next 10 weeks. Currently this is how it looks. Like I sadi though I know I am not gettin enough cals, carbs, and protien.

    7:00am: 7egg whites witha cup of oat meal and 2 pieces whole wheat toast 50gram protien shake.
    9:00am: Can of Tuna with 2 pieces whole wheat toast and a Meal Replacement shake that contains 50g protien 280cals.
    11:00pm: 1 cup whole wheat pasta with pure tomato paste and 1 chicken breast 1 cup of pinapples.
    1:00pm: Can of tuna with 2 pieces whole wheat toast and another meal replacement shake.
    I have practice between 1 and 5 so I cant eat there.
    5:00pm: 2 chicken breats OR 1 12oz lean piece of beef with rice OR whole wheat speghetti.
    8:00pm: I HAVE NO IDEA what to eat here.....

    SO, with the exception of the 8m meal, does that look pretty good? What should I add or take away from that, which would benefit me?? I wanna stay around 250 but I wanna drop down to about 10 or less on the BF. Is it possible.....or am I dreaming?

  2. #2
    GetYoSwollOn is offline New Member
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    ohh yea also in the 5:00pm meal I am drinking another 50grams of protien

  3. #3
    yellows2k is offline Member
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    If I were you, from what I have heard on AS and how you need tons of food, and your size and activity level, I would eat like 5-6000 calories a day....I'm sure your school has a buffet, you can go there for breakfast and lunch...

  4. #4
    GetYoSwollOn is offline New Member
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    42 im not eating enough??? And for that last meal whats good to eat b4 I goto bed?

  5. #5
    td32 is offline Junior Member
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    If you play college football it is a horrible idea to take deca . That shit stays in your system forever, so it is a huge risk. I know a guy that tested positive 14 months after taking it

  6. #6
    GetYoSwollOn is offline New Member
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    shhhh dont tell no one but I have a fake dick its pretty coool...

  7. #7
    powerlifterjay's Avatar
    powerlifterjay is offline Respected Member
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    Well i started a diet at 245lbs in Nov. Just cleaned up really but hit cardio. Been increasing it ever since. Now i am in a precontest mode so i am strick on this diet. I at 240lbs got BF% checked at 15.5%. I am 5'9 by the way. Now i am 11% and weigh 220lbs. I am on a lot more gear then you too. So i guess my point is your not gonna drop 5%bf and weight the same. Because i found out you cannot just calculate for EX: you weigh 250lb 1% is 2.5lbs for you. If you do the math losing 5% would only be a lose of 12.5lbs. Right? Wrong! You have water, and all kinds of shit to lose!! LOL i found this out dieting. I would suggest , and i am no expert on nutrition, but i would watch your calories, especially carbs, and monitor your weight along with Bf% and just lose real slow, then bulk back up, or stay where you are and try to build muscle by maintaining your curreent BF%. Then once you get your weight up and stay the same BF% you then can come down to 250 and be that much leaner. Your diet looks good though. As far as eating alot iam nto sure, i function , and always have on around 3000 cal a day in my normal off season. And always stay strong with that amount. 625lb bench @242lbs in comp. I ate 2500 calories a day leading up to that meet. And lost weight from 254 to 242. So if you really wanna be lean or just leaner i wouldnt worry about your athletic perfomance, in fact you may be better a little lighter. I have always said , and i know powerlifting is different then football, but you dont have to be fatter to be stronger.

    OH for the 8 o clock meal have a protein drink. If your not looking to lose weight eat a rice cake or something light , but if losing then just the pro drink.

  8. #8
    GetYoSwollOn is offline New Member
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    thanx man for the info.........U dont think I could drop like to 11% bf if i added some winny at the end and added some clen as well??? Im eatign really good and doing 45 minutes of hard cardio mon-friday

  9. #9
    powerlifterjay's Avatar
    powerlifterjay is offline Respected Member
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    Ya you can drop but i dont think you will maintain your current weight. Not now. Give it a little off season prep and you could be 11% at 250 soon. It just unfortunatly doesnt happen that way. If your dead set on not letting the number on the scale drop just gain weight but keep your current BF%. That will be a chore itself in a short span, but easier then dropping and gaining muscle. Just eat right , train intense, and hit the cardio and let the cards fall where they must!!

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