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  1. #1
    spm162's Avatar
    spm162 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2002

    T3 and diet/exercise

    I am planning on giving T3 a shot since diet/clen /cardio haven't been working well enough. My next cycle is starting in a few weeks and is listed below. I've done various cycles before nut don't like the water retention. So this cycle will be as follows:
    Tren 100mg/eod/ 10 wks
    EQ 400mg/wk/10 wks
    T3 for weeks 1-3 and 6-9 (starting at 25 going to 100 and back down)
    Do I NEED to throw in a test or will this suffice? I have stayed away from test b/c of the water retetion one gets.
    I have been on a CKD diet for about 7 weeks, dropped about 22lbs but lost a good deal of muscle. I maintained my BF @ 13.9% and want to get below 10%. The only thing is I am afraid I won't gain enough muscle for this cycle if I run the T3.

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Dec 2002


    u do need test, or your balls will make a permanent home on your sternum next to your heart and liver.

    You won't bloat from test is the dose is low enough and run w/arimidex , or if you run PROP the whole time. Drink enough water, don't go assholes and elbows crazy w/sodium, and it should be fine.

    Bloating a bit would be the least of my worries, focus on results you'll see at THE END of the program. If you choose not to include test, well, I'll just say I told you so.


  3. #3
    spm162's Avatar
    spm162 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    How often should I do cardio while on T3?

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