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  1. #1
    abc 1 is offline Associate Member
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    shocking post on pwo nutrition - long but shocking

    got this off of, incredible read if you have time. completely mixes me up.

  2. #2
    rambo's Avatar
    rambo is offline The Lord God
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    I read most of the thread, but halfway through the guy admits it's his own "personal experience along with others." IMO it's BS. He doesn't back up anything scientifically. Yes, whey will cause an insulin response, but not anywhere near enough....

  3. #3
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I'll make my reply short.........


    K, that's all I have to say about the subject. I promised everyone if I were to tear something apart, I'd do so in a tactile manner and provide tons of evidence to support my position.

    Well, been there done that 100 times already, so I plead the 5th here.


  4. #4
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Thanks swole............ saved me the time.............

    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I'll make my reply short.........


    K, that's all I have to say about the subject. I promised everyone if I were to tear something apart, I'd do so in a tactile manner and provide tons of evidence to support my position.

    Well, been there done that 100 times already, so I plead the 5th here.

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  5. #5
    rambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I'll make my reply short.........


    K, that's all I have to say about the subject. I promised everyone if I were to tear something apart, I'd do so in a tactile manner and provide tons of evidence to support my position.

    Well, been there done that 100 times already, so I plead the 5th here.

    ****it, I'm done being civil.

    All I wanted to do was take a dump all over that thread, but I didn't. In retrospect, I should've.

  6. #6
    abc 1 is offline Associate Member
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    before i start my response, are those remarks about taking a dump on the thread directed towards me? please let me know if that is the case.

    i thought there was alot of data to back up the post. and there seemed to be alot of support.

    has anyone tried this to see if it's effective?

    i'm just curious. alot of the studies they posted did support what they were saying. i didn't buy into it, my main reason for reposting it here, but it did confuse me alittle. this is not the first time i had heard people using pwo like this and saying it was better. those people used the personal preference crap and i discounted it completely.

    is it entirely false?

    i just got back into the dextrose thing (just ordered 22 pounds - even though it destroys my stomach) and want to be sure not to use too much. numerous times in the thread there was reference to dextrose being used in the 40 to 50 gram amount rather than higher.

    sorry if this was too beneath everyone to illicit credible responses but there were numerous people using this method (numerous, not 1, not 2) saying it was much better with less fat retention. i'm just trying to find out if there is any validity to it.
    Last edited by abc 1; 04-02-2004 at 06:24 AM.

  7. #7
    the_rebirth's Avatar
    the_rebirth is offline Member
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    i tried it for 4 weeks, it set me way way behind. yes i took in a lesser amount of calories but that didnt help anything, ill stick to my dextrose / whey for pwo because thats what has given me better results.


  8. #8
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Ouch, now our responses aren't "credible"............

    That hurts!


  9. #9
    Elliot's Avatar
    Elliot is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Ouch, now our responses aren't "credible"............

    That hurts!


    i dont belive a word you say!@

  10. #10
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I used whey alone for post workout shakes for a year and I noticed MUCH better results when I went back to dextrose and whey.

  11. #11
    abc 1 is offline Associate Member
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    your a funny guy.

    instead of lending your expertise you feed your internet ego. very helpful.

    it's funny how someone with the ability to help so many has to act like it and let everyone know it. even when i asked for a critique of my diet by someone with great knowledge you lectured me on how you don't need money, blah, blah, blah.

    i wonder if you would have not responded if maybe i would have gotten more responses with personal experiences or maybe some scientific evidence to the thread i posted. too late for that. thanks anyway champ.

  12. #12
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
    LeanMeOut is offline Community Veteran
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    One up on you
    Quote Originally Posted by abc 1

    your a funny guy.

    instead of lending your expertise you feed your internet ego. very helpful.

    it's funny how someone with the ability to help so many has to act like it and let everyone know it. even when i asked for a critique of my diet by someone with great knowledge you lectured me on how you don't need money, blah, blah, blah.

    i wonder if you would have not responded if maybe i would have gotten more responses with personal experiences or maybe some scientific evidence to the thread i posted. too late for that. thanks anyway champ.

    Your a fag bro......

  13. #13
    daman1's Avatar
    daman1 is offline Diet Specialist
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    beatin it up...

  14. #14
    abc 1 is offline Associate Member
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    no need to keep this going. i'm not even going to check this **** anymore. waste of board space.

    thanks to those who replied.

  15. #15
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by abc 1
    no need to keep this going. i'm not even going to check this **** anymore. waste of board space.

    thanks to those who replied.
    Sorry if you don't like my reply.

    Can't please everyone.

    Don't let the door hit your (__!__) on the way out.

    Really though, if you are too lazy to do a search about this topic (we've covered it 100000000000000000000 times) then there is nothing more I can offer.

    Things are ARCHIVED for a reason. I don't OWE you anything, so I don't know what you were expecting. I'm more than helpful here, but some things/beliefs by the pros here are common knowledge, and can be found within the stickies and threads here. If you are too lazy to read those, that's all on you.

    I can ill afford to refute the same arguments OVER AND OVER AND OVER again when someone comes along w/a thread such as your's. It's like we all go, "here we go again"'s a family here, so you are either part of the family and can learn, or you are a hateful outsider who throws in his cheap shots where he THINKS they can land. Then u are dealt with.......

    Internet ego? Hahhaha, thanks for the props!!!!

    Peace out homeskillet!!!

    Last edited by SwoleCat; 04-02-2004 at 07:47 PM.

  16. #16
    Elliot's Avatar
    Elliot is offline Anabolic Member
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    family we are.. chea!

  17. #17
    longhornDr's Avatar
    longhornDr is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by abc 1
    before i start my response, are those remarks about taking a dump on the thread directed towards me? please let me know if that is the case.

    i thought there was alot of data to back up the post. and there seemed to be alot of support.

    has anyone tried this to see if it's effective?

    i'm just curious. alot of the studies they posted did support what they were saying. i didn't buy into it, my main reason for reposting it here, but it did confuse me alittle. this is not the first time i had heard people using pwo like this and saying it was better. those people used the personal preference crap and i discounted it completely.

    is it entirely false?

    i just got back into the dextrose thing (just ordered 22 pounds - even though it destroys my stomach) and want to be sure not to use too much. numerous times in the thread there was reference to dextrose being used in the 40 to 50 gram amount rather than higher.

    sorry if this was too beneath everyone to illicit credible responses but there were numerous people using this method (numerous, not 1, not 2) saying it was much better with less fat retention. i'm just trying to find out if there is any validity to it.
    That thread is filled with so much pseudo-science it's ridiculous....those guys know just enough to sound convincing to a layperson but the conclusions they draw are ignorant.

    The idea that drinking a PWO shake with dextrose will decrease insulin sensitivity and possibly cause type II diabetes is outrageous.

    I guess maybe if you slammed dextrose shakes all day long and never worked out.

    I also think that if it was a vast right-wing supplement company conspiracy they would have picked a pricier and less widely available food product...I don't think anyone is getting rich selling dextrose for 50 cents a pound.

  18. #18
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhornDr
    I don't think anyone is getting rich selling dextrose for 50 cents a pound.
    Haha, that's the best point on the subject I've read to date.......



  19. #19
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    all the anabolic on anabolic crime has gotta

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