For now, I'll keep this brief as possible. I have so much to do in the next 36 hours as i am heading into the bush for a 7 day fishing trip.
This lab used to be at the top of the list and i was a huge supporter because i believed they would not fall to the wayside like so many other greedy labs before them. But unfortunately this is not the case. The owners have developed a blatant disregard for their clients health and have now resorted to tainted oils with particles floating around in them, and complete fake orals. They are a sellout. This is EXACTLY what Medistar did. And i believe these two shitty labs are the same.
I used their Cypionate and developed TWO abscesses. One in my right glute and one left delt. I brought this to their attention and they never ever even remotely indicted they gave a shit. I wrote three long letters outlining my experience in detail. At first they treated me like i was some douche bag looking for free gear. This was until i corrected some of the bro science their Rep was attempting force feed me in order to explain away their tainted oils and lack of action. These clowns have no idea about AAS and the associated clinical behaviors of each steroid.
Along the way I was doing 100mg of Dbol, 100mg of Var, 100mg, 100mg Tbol, 4mg of Adex, and all i got was two pimples. But I was told that i should "clean my receptors". Yeah apparently that was the problem. I was told this by the Rep i was dealing with. Get fukin real will ya. They don't give a shit all as long as people are spending money on their junk and tainted oils. Im absolutely sickened by this.
I have even offered to mail back (to a PO Box or wherever) the two tainted Cyp vials and some of the under dosed orals that i kept for testing - should they ever develop the balls to take back their junk and test this garbage for themselves in their "most sterile of environments" and their "pharmaceutical blenders to ensure accuracy, and a consistent product throughout."
I have given them every opportunity to right this wrong, built they dont care as the money is rolling in. I have no stake in the outcome other than to warn EVERYONE out there about this potentially unhealthy issue that could be infecting others, and some may not bounce back like i did.
This Lab is bust and should not be dealt with by anyone. It's just another lab in a long line of shitty UGL's that are biting the dust these days.
Included are three photos i have take of their Tren. Look closely and you will see what looks like a particle of pepper, and several particles that collected at the bottom in the other vial. Both vials are murky/cloudy.
Attachment 138368
Attachment 138366
Attachment 138367
p.s. i dont feel that i have been ripped off. this is simply the price of doing business. But if your health is important along with your money, do not deal with this lab.