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  1. #1
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    Apr 2005

    Athletes on trh/hrt

    What is the highest trt/hrt dose of test an athlete can take without being accused of using steroids for performance enhancing?

    i.e. what is the highest level of test allowed in pro sports?

    For example let’s say you were on 200mg of test every two weeks, your test levels would be high right after an injection than right before one.

  2. #2
    lacey231 is offline Junior Member
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    Well if you're only being tested for Test levels and not the esters that come along with test then it's heavily dependant from person to person. Just have to trial and error till you get them where you want them. You can avoid high spikes by taking more injections closer together with smaller doses, and my TRT doc mentioned something last appointment about doing injections just under the skin not IM on certain days to keep test levels more even with less spikes.

    I'de expect any league that tests for roids would be checking for esters as well though. If that's the casee you'd probably have to iron everything out with the league first.

  3. #3
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    I’ve never heard of doing subQ injection with test, I was always told that could cause an abscess.

    Yeah they prob will test for esters too I just wanted to know how high I can have my trt does.

    I know it is acceptable to use steroids if it’s for hrt prescribed by a doc but what is the max dose allowed? As I’m sure I couldn’t get away with 1g of test per week even if a doc did prescribe that dose.

  4. #4
    lacey231 is offline Junior Member
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    yeah I'm not 100% on the subQ injection. I'de never heard of them, but that was what my doc was talking about after he gets me evened out with hcg , arimidex , and test levels.

    Sorry can't really help you with the other question. My guess would be somewhere around the top of the normal level.

  5. #5
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    What I've read says the average weekly dose of testosterone for a patient on TRT is 100mg to 150mg. What sport are you talking about?

  6. #6
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    i could be all wet, but i highyl doubt they could ban you for a dose your DOCTOR thinks is "necessary"

  7. #7
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    Thanks for the input guys, I will look into it further. Looking to get the doc to up the dose as much as possible whilst still being within the limits of the sports testing.

    I’m pretty sure there must be some limit or you could find yourself a dirty doc that could prescribe you an obscenely high dose and you pretty much stay on cycle constantly.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by graeme87
    Thanks for the input guys, I will look into it further. Looking to get the doc to up the dose as much as possible whilst still being within the limits of the sports testing.

    I’m pretty sure there must be some limit or you could find yourself a dirty doc that could prescribe you an obscenely high dose and you pretty much stay on cycle constantly.
    doubt you find a doc like that especially after mr. benoit tradgedy

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