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  1. #1
    badkdx is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010

    New guy, just starting

    I'm 47, 6-0 about 215, maybe 15% body fat. I tested and came back at 211 test. 24 free test and some other one is 1.17. doc put me on test 250mg week, Deca and anavar . I work out 4 times a week, eat right, wondering what kind of gains i'm going to see... Hoping to gain some muscle and lean out.

  2. #2
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    Did your doc. really put you on deca and var? Whats the dosage and reason?

    post your full results if you can.

    PS where can i find this doctor lol

  3. #3
    killswitch is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    Give it 5 weeks or so if you are a gym rat...

    I've been lifting weights regularly for about 4 years. Decided to start trt about 3 months ago.

    At about week 5 my strength went through the roof.. almost suddenly.

    For example I was bench pressing 185 for 4-5 reps for quite a while, then one day bang I hit 185 for 10 clean... it blew my mind. Now 3 months into therapy I'm corking up 225 for 4 and cleaned 250 once at my last chest workout.

    Thats on 150 mg of test e a week with 1200 iu hcg weekly and 25mg clomid daily.

    Not to mention the even better benefits such as great sleep, sex drive, and mood enhancement.

  4. #4
    killswitch is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    One more thing..

    I didnt lean out, I actually gained some body fat. But with the added muscle it looks fine for now. I'm due for blood work beginning August and will see what adjustments are needed. Until then I'm fine lifting heavy and eating a ton.

    My body is crazy anabolic and I am ALWAYS hungry.

  5. #5
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    Can you elaborate on the deca and anavar (how much and how often)?

    It's kind of hard to quantify the gains. If your diet is as clean as you state it to be and you have a good workout routine, then YES, gains are pretty much inevitable. Exactly how much can you expect kind of depends on your own personal dynamics including genetics.

    A lot depends on your current stats too and if you're needing to drop a lot of BF, if any. I presume your doctor has got your E2 under control too?

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