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  1. #1
    trusted's Avatar
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    HRT Monthly Injection?

    Alright, tomorrow i'm going to the clinic to run some tests, i'm almost possitive they'll give me testosterone and b12 in a monthly shot, atleast what the receptionist said.

    how will that work? i thought the longest test was actice was 7-10 days??

    am i going to feel good at first, then feel like crap around middle-end of month?

    anyone have an idea? will it make me gain any weight or just put me to where the normal level should be?

  2. #2
    sirupate is offline Member
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    One monthly injection is not a very good idea. Actually, my sports med. doctor suggested that same interval, and I told him that the swings in T levels would be too great. Guess he learned the monthly thing in med. school. The half-life of test. cyp. is said to be 6-8 days. Past that time period, you won't be feeling as good. Heck, you may feel like crap. I'll tell you in a week, as my endo. has me on a 2-week interval and my first injection was last night. Most folks here doing TRT are injecting on a weekly, or maybe 10-day interval and claim that is best for maintaining healthy levels.

    I'm surprised that a clinic would suggest monthly intervals.


  3. #3
    trusted's Avatar
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    yeah, i was shocked, i said "so would it be 45 dollars every week for the shot?" she said " it's usually just 1 shot a month, so 45 for 1month"

    i was shocked. that would be like a tease.... get ya going good then bam!!! shitty.

    is there any thing i could say to get them to do it weekly? or even bi-weekly?


  4. #4
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    what kind of clinic is it exactly?

    guess you have b/w done already?

  5. #5
    sirupate is offline Member
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    I guess you could find another source...not sure how easy that is for you. Sounds like they want to get you in several times a month at $45 each. Not sure how affordable that option is for you.


  6. #6
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    Yea, what Flats says! Once a month is brutal on you and your body; the up and down cycle is ruthless. Shit, I inject twice a week to smooth things out and try for as "normal and consistent" T level that's natural. There are some who advocate EOD or E3D (which I think is a bit much).

    I'd have them change the protocol or go somewhere else.

  7. #7
    big_ron's Avatar
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    Are they wanting to use sustanon ?

  8. #8
    Spartans09's Avatar
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    1 shot a month = quack.
    Should be administered weekly and ideally 2x a week if it is cyp..

  9. #9
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Don't use them if they want $45 a week for injections. That is stupid expensive compared to the actual cost of Cyp.

  10. #10
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Get a doc who will just prescribe you a bottle and pin once a week.

  11. #11
    trusted's Avatar
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    hey guys, sorry was at work, i'm not 100 percent sure, tomorrow is when i have the appointment, also i think it's test cyp 250mg.

    and to "going to a different clinic"... that the only place we have around here that i could find that would do testosterone injections.

    if they wont do them weekly or atleast bi weekly, i'm going to just leave. i dont have insurance so i'm paying it all out of pocket.

  12. #12
    trusted's Avatar
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    update guys, went today and did all the blood work, also he mentioned something about checking my thyroid.

    will update monday.

  13. #13
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Sounds good. Better to get all the info once they have a look at your levels. I don't ever listen to anything the person answering the phone says. They would need to go to medical school for me to start listening to them. Or at least be a nurse.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by trusted View Post
    update guys, went today and did all the blood work, also he mentioned something about checking my thyroid.

    will update monday.
    Nice to see them test Thyroid levels; Hypothyroidism has the many of same symptoms as Low T. Post all your results here with ranges and you'll get great feedback.

  15. #15
    trusted's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Nice to see them test Thyroid levels; Hypothyroidism has the many of same symptoms as Low T. Post all your results here with ranges and you'll get great feedback.
    say i do have thyroid problems... what will fixing it do, i mean like will i grow any quicker or anything?

  16. #16
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trusted View Post
    say i do have thyroid problems... what will fixing it do, i mean like will i grow any quicker or anything?
    Id imagine energy b better and metabolism

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by trusted View Post
    say i do have thyroid problems... what will fixing it do, i mean like will i grow any quicker or anything?
    I don't see any where in your post why you need TRT? Have you been tested for Low T, do you have symptoms or are you just looking for gains in the gym? Hypothyroidism and Low T are clinically diagnosed medical conditions that can be treated. If you're just looking for more mass that's another discussion for another board.

  18. #18
    trusted's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    I don't see any where in your post why you need TRT? Have you been tested for Low T, do you have symptoms or are you just looking for gains in the gym? Hypothyroidism and Low T are clinically diagnosed medical conditions that can be treated. If you're just looking for more mass that's another discussion for another board.
    sorry, as stated in another thread:

    long story short, i ran a superdrol clone and it shut me down, (all the symptoms), went to the dr and got some blood tests, also when i was 16 i went to an endo and was naturally low on testosterone , so with that being said, that is where i stand.

  19. #19
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I don't know where you are located but maybe they are going to use Nebido (testosterone undeconate) injections. This is typically run at an initial dose of 750mg and then a month later they give you another then they switch to every 10 wks after that. Most everyone who has tried it has been very happy with the results.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    I don't know where you are located but maybe they are going to use Nebido (testosterone undeconate) injections. This is typically run at an initial dose of 750mg and then a month later they give you another then they switch to every 10 wks after that. Most everyone who has tried it has been very happy with the results.
    cool, well i will know tomorrow.

  21. #21
    subnet's Avatar
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    so... what's the scoop trusted?

  22. #22
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by subnet View Post
    so... what's the scoop trusted?
    yup tomorrow was yesterday

    r u winning or not

  23. #23
    trusted's Avatar
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    hey guys, yeah my test levels were a 66 so the doctor put me on test cyp 250 weekly for around 8 weeks.

  24. #24
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trusted View Post
    hey guys, yeah my test levels were a 66 so the doctor put me on test cyp 250 weekly for around 8 weeks.
    This is why you should have kept the update in this thread...all good...just sayin

  25. #25
    trusted's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    This is why you should have kept the update in this thread...all good...just sayin
    i know, i'm sorry i'v been busy with work.

    alright, so hopfully i'll be good enouhg this weekend to go out and drag some strange home.

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