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  1. #1
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    Cholesterol gone wild

    On my 2nd round of therapy I added stanazolol. I wasn't feeling as good as I did on the first round of therapy with test and deca . Getting cramps and joint pain so I stopped and had my bloodwork done. My cholesterol wet from the mid 130's to the mid 250's. My ldl/hdl ratio went from 1.7 to 13. Needless to say I quit taking the stanozolol . How long will it take this to get my cholesterol back down? My diet is very good only lean meats (chicken,turkey,and fish). I eat a good amount of omega 3's I have salmon (wild king) at least once per week usually more. I eat a lot of salads.

  2. #2
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Deca , as in nandrolone should NOT be part of any TRT plan.

    Neither should stanozol.

    The only "deca" that can work for TRT is testosterone undeconate, if the dose is right any you don't get too much E2 conversion.

    The use of all other AAS other than testosterone do not belong in TRT.

    There is a ratio of testosterone levels and cholesterol. The closer one is to the top of the normal range, the better cholesterol levels tend to be.

    Low testosterone , OR overly high, as in test cycle at >200mg EW can easily drive up your LDL.

    If you have a legal valid script work with your doctor to get you into the upper normal range if long term health is the goal.

  3. #3
    wecker is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by optionsdude View Post
    On my 2nd round of therapy I added stanazolol. I wasn't feeling as good as I did on the first round of therapy with test and deca. Getting cramps and joint pain so I stopped and had my bloodwork done. My cholesterol wet from the mid 130's to the mid 250's. My ldl/hdl ratio went from 1.7 to 13. Needless to say I quit taking the stanozolol. How long will it take this to get my cholesterol back down? My diet is very good only lean meats (chicken,turkey,and fish). I eat a good amount of omega 3's I have salmon (wild king) at least once per week usually more. I eat a lot of salads.
    mine was back to normal after 6 weeks when I stopped the Anavar .

  4. #4
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Deca , as in nandrolone should NOT be part of any TRT plan.

    Neither should stanozol.

    The only "deca" that can work for TRT is testosterone undeconate, if the dose is right any you don't get too much E2 conversion.

    The use of all other AAS other than testosterone do not belong in TRT.

    There is a ratio of testosterone levels and cholesterol. The closer one is to the top of the normal range, the better cholesterol levels tend to be.

    Low testosterone , OR overly high, as in test cycle at >200mg EW can easily drive up your LDL.

    If you have a legal valid script work with your doctor to get you into the upper normal range if long term health is the goal.
    I am going through a clinic. When I had my physical in October I was on my first round of therapy, around week 5,with the test and deca and my cholesterol level was great. The dr even looked through my chart to make sure I wasn't taking lipitor. The clinic salesperson also said that anastrazole can mess with cholesterol levels. I will take your advice and just stick with my original protocol minus the stanozolol .

  5. #5
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wecker View Post
    mine was back to normal after 6 weeks when I stopped the Anavar.
    Thanks Wecker.

  6. #6
    Termin8r27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Deca , as in nandrolone should NOT be part of any TRT plan.

    Neither should stanozol.

    The only "deca" that can work for TRT is testosterone undeconate, if the dose is right any you don't get too much E2 conversion.

    The use of all other AAS other than testosterone do not belong in TRT.

    There is a ratio of testosterone levels and cholesterol. The closer one is to the top of the normal range, the better cholesterol levels tend to be.

    Low testosterone , OR overly high, as in test cycle at >200mg EW can easily drive up your LDL.

    If you have a legal valid script work with your doctor to get you into the upper normal range if long term health is the goal.
    I agree with the first part of this in that most people, even with joint pain don't necessarily need nandrolone as part of HRT. Most people taking it are usually looking for some relief and extra muscle.

    I am curious if you could expound upon the test ratio and cholesterol comment. It seems you are inferring that nandrolone plays a part in this, but all of the studies, short term and long term that have used 'low doses' of nandrolone of 50-200mg per week have showed no change in total cholesterol or LDL. The one change most studies did see, at the higher range to 200mg per week was a reduction of HDL by about 8-12 points. I guess we could assume that since nandrolone does have some, albeit low androgenic properties, it can still affect total cholesterol and LDL.

    I definitely agree that total testosterone will absolutely affect total cholesterol, LDL and HDL ratios and there are many studies that show that.


  7. #7
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by optionsdude View Post
    On my 2nd round of therapy I added stanazolol. I wasn't feeling as good as I did on the first round of therapy with test and deca. Getting cramps and joint pain so I stopped and had my bloodwork done. My cholesterol wet from the mid 130's to the mid 250's. My ldl/hdl ratio went from 1.7 to 13. Needless to say I quit taking the stanozolol. How long will it take this to get my cholesterol back down? My diet is very good only lean meats (chicken,turkey,and fish). I eat a good amount of omega 3's I have salmon (wild king) at least once per week usually more. I eat a lot of salads.
    one thing i decreased from my diet is chicken, red meat and egg yoke...this will help bring down the total chol. i've been eating raw almonds, drinking green tea, milk thistle tea as part of my HDL therapy, not sure if they are doing anything, but my HDL jumped from 33 to 40 within two weeks. of course i too stopped Anavar , Deca and Anastrozole. now i am on test cyp only! i'll do another HDL level test in a week or so and report back here, also on my thread. love the title of your thread BTW! LOL

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    one thing i decreased from my diet is chicken, red meat and egg yoke...this will help bring down the total chol. i've been eating raw almonds, drinking green tea, milk thistle tea as part of my HDL therapy, not sure if they are doing anything, but my HDL jumped from 33 to 40 within two weeks. of course i too stopped Anavar, Deca and Anastrozole. now i am on test cyp only! i'll do another HDL level test in a week or so and report back here, also on my thread. love the title of your thread BTW! LOL
    Thanks Bass. I have to take some of the blame since I did request the stanozolol . I knew it could raise my cholesterol,but I figured since my cholesterol was so low it would not be that bad for me. I was wrong. The clinic nurse called me back yesterday and said to take a good fishoil supplement an iodine supplement called iodoral and L thyroxine. Raw almonds are one of the snacks I always pack in my lunch box at work. Hopefully it will go down as fast as it went up. Oh one thing I noticed that had cholesterol in it was my protien shake.

  9. #9
    bass's Avatar
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    hmmm, never checked my protein shake for cholesterol, i'll do that when i get home! thanks for posting the info the nurse gave you...

  10. #10
    bass's Avatar
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    checked my cholesterol this morning, 4 weeks after i stopped anavar , deca and B12 injections, and 3 weeks without Anastrozole.

    Total, 138
    HDL, 39
    LDL, 82.4
    Trig, 83

    here is before just to compare,

    Total, 198
    Trig, 79
    HDL, 33
    LDL, 103

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    makes more sense that cholesterol would be affected by meds than diet....usually that or genetic...i thought food cholesterol raising your blood cholesterol was a misnomer?????

  12. #12
    bass's Avatar
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    found this to be very interesting!

  13. #13
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    found this to be very interesting!
    already know cholesterol is good4u

  14. #14
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    found this to be very interesting!
    Hey Bass thanks for sharing the video. Have been feeling much better since I quit taking the stanozolol and will be getting bloodwork done in a few weeks to recheck levels. Just sticking with test c, anastrozole, and HCG for my next round of therapy. Have you been doing okay without the anastrozole?

  15. #15
    bass's Avatar
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    so far so good! I'll be doing blood work Friday next week and see where my estrogen level is!

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