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  1. #1
    rufus-pa is offline New Member
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    Another set of test results to review


    Been lurking for a bit and was hoping to get some opinions on my recent test results. I'm a 43 yo guy who has been going down hill mood wise for almost a year and feels like complete sh*t. I've been gaining weight and would sleep 18 hours a day if I could. Here's my latest;

    TOTAL TESTOSTERONE 146 250 - 1100 ng/dL L

    FREE TESTOSTERONE 32.1 35.0 - 155.0 pg/mL L

    ESTROGEN 103.6 *** - pg/mL
    Prepubertal: <40.0 pg/mL
    Adult: 40.0-115.0 pg/mL

    LH 4.44 mIU/mL
    MEN: 1.7-8.6

    FSH 3.0 mIU/mL
    MEN: 1.5-12.4

    I have an appointment with an endo soon since the urologist who ordered the above tests said I needed a more knowledgable expert (which has me concerend).

    Please let me know your thoughts.

    Last edited by rufus-pa; 12-01-2011 at 02:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by rufus-pa View Post

    Been lurking for a bit and was hoping to get some opinions on my recent test results. I'm a 43 yo guy who has been going down hill mood wise for almost a year and feels like complete sh*t. I've been gaining weight and would sleep 18 hours a day if I could. Here's my latest;

    TOTAL TESTOSTERONE 146 250 - 1100 ng/dL L
    Clinically low. No wonder why you feel like you do.

    FREE TESTOSTERONE 32.1 35.0 - 155.0 pg/mL L
    The most important assay of them all: Clinically low.

    ESTROGEN 103.6 *** - pg/mL
    Prepubertal: <40.0 pg/mL
    Adult: 40.0-115.0 pg/mL
    YIKES! This needs to come down to 23 pg/ml. Your libido must be totally in the tank. Erection quality?

    LH 4.44 mIU/mL
    MEN: 1.7-8.6
    Hmmm. You'd expect to see this lower and it's mid-range. Primary???

    FSH 3.0 mIU/mL
    MEN: 1.5-12.4
    Low but should still be producing.

    I have an appointment with an endo soon since the urologist who ordered the above tests said I needed a more knowledgable expert (which has me concerend).

    Please let me know your thoughts.

    I'd like to see much more than just this and I know the other guys will say the same. You are Hypogondal for sure but wether or not your Primary or Secondary is hard to tell with just these labs.

    You are a candidate for TRT no doubt...but you need know why.

    Above in Bold.
    Last edited by 1; 12-01-2011 at 04:14 PM.

  3. #3
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    Agree with Gvine. Your estrogen is sky high! Your total T is in the dumps. Go to endo and find out if your primary or secondary and see what he/she can do.

  4. #4
    crawdaddy's Avatar
    crawdaddy is offline Associate Member
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    brother, TRT WILL help a lot but understand it is a life long treatement. one I personally think is well worth it.

  5. #5
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    So 23 pg/ml is the new standard for everyone GD?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscat View Post
    So 23 pg/ml is the new standard for everyone GD?
    LEF, Shippen, Morgenthaler, Crisler, Gaines, Duzgan et to see E2 at 23 pg/ml as optimum. Optimum range is 23 - 29 pg/ml.

    I assume these folks (and org) know what they are talking about.

    Like all things Flats, everyone is different but it seems to be the general consensus among the leaders in the field.

  7. #7
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    ESTROGEN 103.6 *** - pg/mL
    Prepubertal: <40.0 pg/mL
    Adult: 40.0-115.0 pg/mL

    help me understand, according to what i am looking at his e2 is in the normal high according to the scale, correct? i am looking at 40-115 range scale for adults, so 23 pg/ml would be way below normal for him. not sure what lab and how they came up with that scale. just asking.

  8. #8
    lvs is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    ESTROGEN 103.6 *** - pg/mL
    Prepubertal: <40.0 pg/mL
    Adult: 40.0-115.0 pg/mL

    help me understand, according to what i am looking at his e2 is in the normal high according to the scale, correct? i am looking at 40-115 range scale for adults, so 23 pg/ml would be way below normal for him. not sure what lab and how they came up with that scale. just asking.
    This does not appear to be the sensitive assay. And yes, what lab are those ranges from GD?

  9. #9
    rufus-pa is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the opinions! Please keep them coming!

    Yes, my libido is gone and has slowly disappeared over the past year.

    I went to the endo today and this is what he said.

    I have to complete a 24 hour piss test (piss in containers for a 24 hour period) to rule out cushings (spelling?) disease. I had a sleep study a couple weeks ago and need a CPAP machine. He said to get one ASAP and he feels that it may fix everything. I'm scehduled for that next week. He has had patients like me who got the machine and within weeks had their hormone levels go back to normal on their own. If it doesn't, then we'll need to start long the cushings disease is ruled out.

    He seems to know all about the different options and is willing to start the HRT once we complete the above. After reading through the forums the last week or two, I've never seen a treatment like this to start. I'm MORE Than willing to try it and see if I can skip the HRT but wanted to get the thoughts of others more knowledgeable here.

    BTW Here's the complete result for the enstrogen test. I didn't think the portion I skipped made a difference but just in case. I got all the lab work from the same local hospital.

    ESTROGEN 103.6 *** - pg/mL
    *** Unable to flag abnormal result(s), please refer
    to reference range(s) below:
    Total Serum Estrogen Reference Ranges:
    Prepubertal: <40.0 pg/mL
    Adult: 40.0-115.0 pg/mL

    Please let me know and thanks again for your time!
    Last edited by rufus-pa; 12-02-2011 at 02:23 PM.

  10. #10
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    if my e2 is at 40 and i'm ballin hard.. feelin good ..strong..lookin schweeeeeeet...i certainly aint gonna try and bring that number down to no 23 or 29
    my .02

  11. #11
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    LEF, Shippen, Morgenthaler, Crisler, Gaines, Duzgan et to see E2 at 23 pg/ml as optimum. Optimum range is 23 - 29 pg/ml.

    I assume these folks (and org) know what they are talking about.

    Like all things Flats, everyone is different but it seems to be the general consensus among the leaders in the field.
    You my friend are a true perfectionist. I applaud you for your dedication to your health.

    But, there is no way in hell anyone can maintain any number or even within 10 PG/ml constantly when dealing with our hormones. We have to use some common sense when we set our goals.

    Most of us are happy within a range.

    But, you prolly knew I was gonna say that LOL.

    What do the experts say about a t to e ratio and it's significance?

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