The secretion of hGH over your lifespan begins to decline in latter years. This can lead to increased central obesity, reduced muscle mass and bone mineral content, as well psychological perception of well being. This age related deficiency is called somatopause. This deficiency is not only related to body composition changes, but it is also responsible for intrinsic diseases that are the leading cause of death after the age of 50. For years this has been treated with recombinant human Growth Hormone. This treatment was effective but left room for improvement. Recombinant hGH lacks the ability to stimulate some naturally occurring profiles that are essential to the secretion of hGH. A better approach to this treatment would be to stimulate the neurocrine system by specifically targeting the pituitary gland.
In the 1960s regulation of hGH had become the primary research within hormone research. During this time some other regulatory factors had come to light, one of those is somatostatin (SS). SS had been identified as capable of blunting hGH secretion. At the time it was thought that SS was the sole regulator of hGH secretion. This did not make much sense to the researchers because it went against their current findings in the clinical setting. After ten years GHRH was identified. GHRH was first identified in humans but not in their brain tissue, it was found in pancreatic islet tumors of those that had acromegaly. Since GHRH is distributed in the body it is called a brain-gut peptide, because it includes another pituitary agent ghrelin. Ghrelin was only discovered in the last decade but the existence was implied in a number of synthetic molecules called GHRP or GH releasing peptide. The first discovery of a GHRP was made in 1977 and is what the current GHRPs were modeled on, with the most recent being formulated, GHRP-2.
GHRP-6 was the first hexapeptide with strong hGH releasing abilities. Currently, in the pharmaceutical world, we understand that hGH is regulated by a complex network of neural and endocrine factors. Two main regulators are GNRH and SS (somatostatin) and one ancillary factor. So even though both GHRH and GHRP stimulate production and attenuate the inhibitory actions of SS, there is a striking synergistic effect when the two are used in conjunction. This results in immediate amplification of hGH secretion.
Growth hormone secretion is a pulsitory effect and this is shown in all species. This pattern is necessary for growth hormones' efficacy. The continued exposure of GH that recombinant hGH induces has been shown to have a less effective physiological response in animals and humans. After all it is the reduction in these pulses, and the eventual disappearance of them altogether, that is responsible for the downfalls of somatopause. Lets take a look at some of the advantages of these receptor specific analogues over RhGH.
* The stimulatory effects of GHRH and GHRP are regulated by the negative feedback loop from the brain to the pituitary. This makes it hard, if not impossible to induce over exposure to hGH.
* Tissue exposure to hGH due to these secretogues are not "square wave" and stimulate a youthful function of this part of the endocrine system and prevents tacphylaxis.
* The stimulatory effect of GHRH and GHRP refreshens the neuroednocrine axis, which is the first part of the system to decline with aging. This opposes the age related failure of this system, thus regulating other parts of the total function such as : Thyroid, adrenal and reproductive systems.
So what does all this mean? It means that not only can these secretogues be more effective than RhGH but they are also safer. Taking one of these alone is not a great idea since you will not get much stimulation form one or the other. For some unknown reasons taking the two together result in a substantial increase of hGH secretion, over one alone. This can be seen in the following graph.
Orange- placebo
Blue and green- GHRP
Yellow- GHRH
Red- GHRH and GHRP used in conjunction.