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  1. #1
    WallyWorld637 is offline Junior Member
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    New Endo next Tuesday

    I have my first meeting with my first "Real" endocrinologist next Tuesday. I will keep y'all up to date on all the specs and his plan of attack on my TRT. if he's not up to date on the new protocols I guess all be going back to my old doc. At least he is up to date on TRT and HCG . Stay tuned.
    Last edited by WallyWorld637; 07-22-2011 at 05:24 AM.

  2. #2
    frawnz's Avatar
    frawnz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Don't let him put you on gels, as that's probably going to be his first plan of attack. Also, make sure he's got you on at least weekly injections, or if it's more than a week that it's a high enough dose that you can split it on your own and do them twice as often. Tell him you want your E2 levels and everything else checked during your initial bloodwork because you need to have a baseline for everything for comparison later on when you've been on TRT for a while. My endo pretty much refused to do my E2, and I had to get it on my own. Hopefully yours will be more receptive, as you estrogen levels are just as important as your T levels.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Call his office first and pre-interview one of the staff as to wether he will follow Crisler's protocols. Tell them that's what your looking for as you don't want to waste everyones time and money if he/she won't. Ask one of the staff to check with the doc and call you back with an answer. If you don't, at least print out and take his protocol's with you to the office visit and highlight the specific areas of interest to you, AI's, HCG , etc. This tactic worked perfectly for me as I found the right doc as of Wednesday (euro). Remember if you go with gel the new 1.62% androgel is now available.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Call his office first and pre-interview one of the staff as to wether he will follow Crisler's protocols. Tell them that's what your looking for as you don't want to waste everyones time and money if he/she won't. Ask one of the staff to check with the doc and call you back with an answer. If you don't, at least print out and take his protocol's with you to the office visit and highlight the specific areas of interest to you, AI's, HCG, etc. This tactic worked perfectly for me as I found the right doc as of Wednesday (euro). Remember if you go with gel the new 1.62% androgel is now available.
    Nice post Kelkel. Very well stated.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Thanks GD! In my short time here that is what I've noticed. People go to doc's and just hope for the best. Screw that! My time is just as valuable as theirs and I don't need to waste it. They should appreciate that too. WE are in charge of our health and the doc's are there to help us, not the other way around. They work for you and I. One thing I've learned here is to read and educate yourself. I did that and was able to talk to the doc on his level when it came to my issue. It worked!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Thanks GD! In my short time here that is what I've noticed. People go to doc's and just hope for the best. Screw that! My time is just as valuable as theirs and I don't need to waste it. They should appreciate that too. WE are in charge of our health and the doc's are there to help us, not the other way around. They work for you and I. One thing I've learned here is to read and educate yourself. I did that and was able to talk to the doc on his level when it came to my issue. It worked!
    You're like our poster child. Your position couldn't be any better stated.

    BTW, I did exactly what you did; read a ton research, books and forums in addition to reading Crisler to ad nauseum

    Some of rubbed off I think...just enough to make me dangerous

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Thnx GD. There is a good group of participants here (you know who you are) that have "done their homework" and it shows in all their posts. It's great to be able to bounce things off of other people who have been there and done that, so to speak. I'm still a newbie but I'm catching up and hopefully my experience can help others here cut out some of the time involved in finding the right doc for them. Life's too short to be drug down by low T and then Doctors who just don't get it!

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    best of luck wally remind me what are you hunting from this endo if the other doc is up to date....

  9. #9
    WallyWorld637 is offline Junior Member
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    Well today went but not in a good way. The new Endo Doc told me my last doc killed my testicles with way to much test and they have shrunk and can not be revived. My last doc didn't give anything for shrinkage during my HRT program. When I asked my last doc about the shrinkage he told me If I wasn't planning on having kids that I didn't need to worry about my boys shrinking up.The new doc said he didn't think I had low T. He thinks my blood work was done in the wrong time of the day. So here is his plan as of right now. Blood work to be done after 3 nights of at least 8 hours of sleep each night. He wants the blood took at 8a.m. because that's when we peak is in the a.m. Here is the clincher, he wants this done 2 weeks before my next visit. My next visit is 3 months from today.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by WallyWorld637 View Post
    Well today went but not in a good way. The new Endo Doc told me my last doc killed my testicles with way to much test and they have shrunk and can not be revived. My last doc didn't give anything for shrinkage during my HRT program. When I asked my last doc about the shrinkage he told me If I wasn't planning on having kids that I didn't need to worry about my boys shrinking up.The new doc said he didn't think I had low T. He thinks my blood work was done in the wrong time of the day. So here is his plan as of right now. Blood work to be done after 3 nights of at least 8 hours of sleep each night. He wants the blood took at 8a.m. because that's when we peak is in the a.m. Here is the clincher, he wants this done 2 weeks before my next visit. My next visit is 3 months from today.
    Dear God almighty! I don't know where to even start on your post. Your first Doc had no idea about testicular atrophy and the long term problems that can cause. Our testicles produce needed hormones (Preg, DHEA, Prog...) and all he said is if you don't plan on having kids? Get a lawyer!!!

    The new guy? Does he really get it? Seriously?

    You need to be in the right hands man; it's killing me reading you plight!

    Find a top AA Doc, these guys have their shit together for the most part.

    Next visit in 3 months????????

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Jesus! What GD said. WTF!

  12. #12
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I can almost understant the 3 month wait if he told you no more hormones during the next 3 months. The problem is it is irresponsible because that means he basically wants you to feel like crap for 3 months, discussed no PCT or anything, just to get baseline bloodwork done so he can try to prove you don't need TRT.

    It's posts like this that make me thank my lucky stars for finding a knowledgable HRT doc on my first try, especially since I didn't know anything about this stuff back then.

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