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Thread: arimidex daily

  1. #1
    pittbulldad's Avatar
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    arimidex daily

    Anyone done a protocol like this? The new doc I have has me doing 1mg daily.. i feel great.. just wondering if anyone has seen this before

  2. #2
    Titleesq is offline Junior Member
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    From everything that I have ever seen, that sounds WAY off (not to mention potentially dangerous). Do you have any blood work to show your E2? Are you supplementing with exogenous Test as well or just the Arimidex by itself? How long have you been on this protocol? From everything that I've ever seen or read, it's typical to take 1mg of AI per 100mg of Test spread out evenly over the week. That's just my .02. Hopefully some of the vets around here can shed some more light on this. Good luck!!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by pittbulldad View Post
    Anyone done a protocol like this? The new doc I have has me doing 1mg daily.. i feel great.. just wondering if anyone has seen this before
    Are you SURE it's 1 mg/day? As noted, this could kill you if your E2 levels drop to extremely low levels. Are you sure it's not .1 mg day? Believe it or not, daily dosages of an AI is a better protocol as it mimics the normal body (as best it can) regulation.

  4. #4
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1 mg/day is what they use for recoverying breast cancer patients to eliminate E2 in their body. Way too much.

  5. #5
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    Agreed GNBM; this is a very powerful drug and especailly for men.

  6. #6
    pittbulldad's Avatar
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    its 1mg daily... previously I was doing 1mg 2xweek.. this doc just does arimidex .. .. i think my E2 was 90.. i don't have labs in front of me

  7. #7
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If your E2 was 90, you need more AI than the 1 mg 2x/week; however, verify it was 90 and not 9!

  8. #8
    pittbulldad's Avatar
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    actual number was 88 I checked my lab sheet

  9. #9
    BOB89 is offline Associate Member
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    you have some of the weirdest body chemisty on here. GOOD LUCK

  10. #10
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Wow, 90 on 2 mg / week. How much test are you doing? Anyway, you definately need to up the dose. You want that < 30 and about 20 for optimal level.

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    i actually did 1mg ed in the beginning of my trt....went well at first...lost some libido,etc. .....

    how long have you been running it and when is bloodwork scheduled...

  12. #12
    pittbulldad's Avatar
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    my test is running around 600-700 the day before my shot is due... i've always had high estrogen.. even my doc said that my body chemistry is weird... i have pretty good choloesterol but my triglycerides are high.. test was low originally and estrogen high.. yet i'm built like a linebacker.. I think my GH levels were normal... from what my doc said my labs make no sense considering my build and my strength levels

  13. #13
    JD250's Avatar
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    I'm confused, did you recently start this protocol? You said you feel great, just wondered if you used to feel "not so great" or you've always felt great and now your doc is changing up on you? Not sure how to read this.

    Odd to see e2 that high and hear someone say that they feel great. Wonder what you'll feel like with it in normal range. I'm guessing that is you in your avatar, you are built like a linebacker.

  14. #14
    pittbulldad's Avatar
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    that is me .. and my dog ... previous doc had me doing some wacky armidex thing where i was getting compounded arimidex that was .0725 mg per day.. didn't do anything.. .. I had to get arimidex at 1mg from a canadian pharmacy and i was taking 1mg 2x week..

    this doc i'm with now is new.. he just does test and arimidex and thats it.. he wants me to do the arimidex daily... there was an article that i saw that 1mg a day will cut estrogen in half.. i'm doing to switch to EOD to see how that goes.. i'm following up with doc in two months

  15. #15
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    I feel this is price related. Are you going through an online clinic or a family physician? When I first satarted therapy they had me taking 1mg ed for the first 3 days after injection. I cut it back to the first 2 days on my own and estrogen was at 30. So the new clinic prescribed eod for three days. As GNBM pointed out 1mg per day is a high dose. Has anyone gotten a clinic to use nolva instead of arimidex (anastrazole)?

  16. #16
    pittbulldad's Avatar
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    I'm going through a family physician now.. previously i was getting the a-dex from a canadian pharmacy..

    30 tabs only cost me 15 bucks from the pharmacy.. i haven't seen anything on nolva

  17. #17
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I tried nolva instead of arimidex . First, nolva does not reduce E2 levels, it only blocks the E2 receptors, mainly the breast receptors. So if your E2 is pretty good, this can help keep the gyno at bay. If your E2 is 90, nolva really isn't the solution.

    My personal experience with nolva was not good, either. It killed my libido. Killed it dead! Not everyone expiences this, but quite a few do. Also, even though I had no gyno symptoms while on nolva, I did have some other symptoms of high E2. So it wasn't a good fit for me at all. Again, nolva is a post breast cancer treatment, and its effectivness really is gyno symptoms, mostly.

  18. #18
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    Thanks GNBM I don't know much about nolva but I see it mentioned more than arimidex when people talk about cycles. There is a huge price difference between the two. Pitbulldad 15 bucks is a bargain and if I were you I would keep shopping there.

  19. #19
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    I know a lot of men on hrt that take 1mg ed. I do not know why but thats what their doc told them.

  20. #20
    Inquisitor's Avatar
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    I took 25 mg of Arimidex EOD for about 5 weeks during my cycle and when I ran out, my cycle crashed. Lost libido, couldn't keep hard ons, lost size, lost strength. The whole nine yards. Then, I tried to get off everything for a month and return to a "test only" cycle. I am still not getting any results. I feel tired, strength and size gain is minimal for the test I'm shooting. Wouldn't you think that the estrogen would have built back up in the month off of cycle? I have no signs of high estrogen. Not water retention, no gyno. I am flush, like my blood pressure is higher and it takes an act of congress to get my dick hard. Forget about it staying that way. One moment of distraction and wah wah wah...... pointing south.

  21. #21
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inquisitor View Post
    I took 25 mg of Arimidex EOD for about 5 weeks during my cycle and when I ran out, my cycle crashed. Lost libido, couldn't keep hard ons, lost size, lost strength. The whole nine yards. Then, I tried to get off everything for a month and return to a "test only" cycle. I am still not getting any results. I feel tired, strength and size gain is minimal for the test I'm shooting. Wouldn't you think that the estrogen would have built back up in the month off of cycle? I have no signs of high estrogen. Not water retention, no gyno. I am flush, like my blood pressure is higher and it takes an act of congress to get my dick hard. Forget about it staying that way. One moment of distraction and wah wah wah...... pointing south.
    hope you meant .25 or aromasin

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