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  1. #1
    swllce's Avatar
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    shoulder problems,Deca?

    I have had tendonitis in both shoulders for 9 weeks,i have laid off the weights for a month but the tendons wont heal.
    Has anyone here had any luck healing tendonitis, or even had help healing with a low dose of deca .
    I have been on trt for 3 months.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    loved the relief i got when on 200mg of deca from shoulder pain/ache...thought to be rotator cuff injury....guess could be tendonitis...i would and am going to run some again as it still persists, moreso when lifting though...

    maybe some of the guys currently on deca can chime in as to the relief theyre getting if my memory serves everyone claims it helps a lot

  3. #3
    APIs's Avatar
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    I haven’t run Deca yet, but can tell you tendonitis takes a very long time to heal especially as we get older. I've had Tennis Elbow for over a year now. I'm just now finally seeing improvement from keeping the forearm tightly wrapped during work-outs. The shoulder is different of course. If you have insurance I would strongly recommend going to a good Orthopedic Surgeon and getting an MRI done. You may have tears that need attention. At the least, he can maybe give you some cortisone shots that can sometimes work well (they do for me). Just be sure to rest the area adequately after injection allowing the tissue swelling to subside. Anyway, the shoulders can be very tricky. I've had R/C surgery twice on one shoulder, but it's GTG now...

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    yes...i had it in elbow pretty bad...made routine things like a firm handshake painful...i stopped dumbell lifts for 6 months and it went away for some time but now its off and on achey but tolerable...cortizone shots do make you feel better

  5. #5
    im83931's Avatar
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    I had it in my shoulder before. It took over a year to start feeling better. Shoulder injuries can take a long time. I used ibuprofen for the inflammation along with ice packs.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    i see a lot of ppl using ice everywhere...i like it on my back for sure i guess it makes sense it would work on shoulders/knees

  7. #7
    im83931's Avatar
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    A frozen bag of peas works nicely because it is easier to shape around your shoulder. My wife bought me a cold gel pack with a strap that can wrap around the shoulder so ts held in place.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    A frozen bag of peas works nicely because it is easier to shape around your shoulder. My wife bought me a cold gel pack with a strap that can wrap around the shoulder so ts held in place.
    i guess i dont have it bad enough...pretty much during workouts and just occasionally throughout the day...

    the knees though feel kind of arthritic...didnt help trying to play tennis a few months ago...1200-2000 mg of ibuprofen everyday

  9. #9
    JD250's Avatar
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    Are you sure it's tendonitis? What lifts caused the irritation? Military press perhaps? Any press done too fast? Lots of info out there on rotator cuff strengthening exercises and proper rotation. Deca helped with relief for me but you better educate yourself and be prepared for possible sides beforehand, next time I run Deca ( and there will be a next time soon) I am going to concentrate heavily on rotator cuff excercises as to take FULL advantage of the relief. Love the Deca.

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Deca def helped me recently. Knees feel good. Elbow still needs some work but been using DMSO lately and it seems to be helping. API I use a tennis elbow velcro strap at times which really helps keep the vibration down which in turn irritates the tendon. I've started using it on my knee after leg workouts too which seems to help keep inflamation in check.

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    Are you sure it's tendonitis? What lifts caused the irritation? Military press perhaps? Any press done too fast? Lots of info out there on rotator cuff strengthening exercises and proper rotation. Deca helped with relief for me but you better educate yourself and be prepared for possible sides beforehand, next time I run Deca ( and there will be a next time soon) I am going to concentrate heavily on rotator cuff excercises as to take FULL advantage of the relief. Love the Deca.
    if your talkin to me jd...the only tendonitis diagnosis i got from a doc was for one elbow...the shoulder i always just described it as a rotator cuff injury/ xray or mri or anything...i pitched in highschool and earlier...if i were to try to throw hard now i'm pretty sure i'd be picking my arm off the ground...whenever i play toss with relatives/kids i always throw slow

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    API I use a tennis elbow velcro strap at times which really helps keep the vibration down which in turn irritates the tendon. I've started using it on my knee after leg workouts too which seems to help keep inflamation in check.
    Yes, that's what I use also. Got it from the tennis section at Modells Sporting Goods. I've found you have to wear it constantly to see the most benefit. I'm 90% improved so far. Takes awhile...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    1200-2000 mg of ibuprofen everyday
    Careful, NSAIDs can elevate Blood Pressure during extended daily use...

  14. #14
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Careful, NSAIDs can elevate Blood Pressure during extended daily use...
    thats interesting...i took it just before i dontated and they tested my bp as usual and its usually a little high (whitecoat syndrome?) but last few times its been round 120/80 but i'll keep an eye on it...thanks

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    if your talkin to me jd...the only tendonitis diagnosis i got from a doc was for one elbow...the shoulder i always just described it as a rotator cuff injury/ xray or mri or anything...i pitched in highschool and earlier...if i were to try to throw hard now i'm pretty sure i'd be picking my arm off the ground...whenever i play toss with relatives/kids i always throw slow
    Actually was asking the OP but it doesn't matter, I doubt very many of us have had a professional diagnosis, I play catch with my youngest daughter and then I always ask myself WHY....

  16. #16
    swllce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    Actually was asking the OP but it doesn't matter, I doubt very many of us have had a professional diagnosis, I play catch with my youngest daughter and then I always ask myself WHY....
    How the injury happened exactly is questionable.Around the time that i first noticed rotator pain i had done some wide grip chin ups,then i really wrecked them out swimming freestyle sprints at the pool .
    I was really oblivious to how serious a rotator tear ,or strain is.
    Now i just want to focus on getting better fast so i can return to work.
    I will see the Ortho tomorrow .I had no releif from the nsaid he prescribed,i will have to push for an MRI and cortisone shots.

  17. #17
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickenkalle View Post
    How the injury happened exactly is questionable.Around the time that i first noticed rotator pain i had done some wide grip chin ups,then i really wrecked them out swimming freestyle sprints at the pool .
    I was really oblivious to how serious a rotator tear ,or strain is.
    Now i just want to focus on getting better fast so i can return to work.
    I will see the Ortho tomorrow .I had no releif from the nsaid he prescribed,i will have to push for an MRI and cortisone shots.
    those kill me too...i have to swim slow too

  18. #18
    kelkel's Avatar
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    cardio crap gets ya every time.....

  19. #19
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    cardio crap gets ya every time.....
    you have to go soon after getting on the treadmill too?

  20. #20
    bass's Avatar
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    i was blasting on deca (300 mgs ew) for few weeks, but now i am on a small dose of 100 mgs per week! i must say it worked wonders for my shoulders! yes it definitely speed up the heeling process and give pain relief as well! i did deca twice so far since i got on TRT. i highly recommend it for people with joint problems.

  21. #21
    arizona32's Avatar
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    deca and ice after hard workouts/sports helped my knees a lot. Shoulders and backs are notoriously tricky. Deca is worth a try. It's important to remember to give the injury relative rest, to let it strengthen. Tendonitis can be exponentially worse over time and the longer you have it, the longer it takes to get rid of it. Best to let it cool down and then slowly ease back into the weights and strenuous exercise.

  22. #22
    swllce's Avatar
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    I modified my swimming by using flippers so that the force is transferred to mostly the legs,very easy on the shoulders,great leg workout.
    I dont want to give up such a great source of cardio especially with these hot summers we have been having!

  23. #23
    choker28's Avatar
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    it does help i finished a 12 week course 5 weeks ago,both my elbows are shot from years of padding people(boxing)and Bjj.after about 4 weeks i was pain free the first time in years.But now its creeping back.ive herd that Test also helps heal ?

  24. #24
    kelkel's Avatar
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    choker check out some DMSO for your joints also.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    choker check out some DMSO for your joints also.
    what is DMSO?

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    okay i found this, very interesting!

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    okay, watched all three parts and i am willing to try it. where do we get it from? i am sure there are allots of fakes out there.

  30. #30
    BOB89 is offline Associate Member
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    DSMO is available at any farm store or pet shop that caters to horses. Online as well.

    Only issue I have with it is some people it makes your breath stink like egg rolls.

  31. #31
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Ive been using DMSO for years off and on. I have been using it for the shoulders (mostly left) for the last few moths; it does help but no miracle cure so far. You can also get DMSO gel with Aloe Vera in it and your breath doesn't stick like oysters.

    I have also started using Cissus, HA powder and some Physical therapy. My orthopedic surgeon says both shoulders need arthroscopic surgery although the MRI was not conclusive on any tears (right side only 2 years ago) and no MRI on the left yet. I'm see another (Top) orthopedic surgeon next week for a 2nd opinion.
    I have also done contrast therapy a couple of times now. Ice 20 min, Heat 20 min 5 or 6 times in a row and some combination of the above is helping a little the last week. It has been getting worse the last 3 months until recently.

    Mine started out as a back strain I think. It was so bad I could not move my right shoulder/arm or neck for 2 days. Ice for 3 days helped a lot to loosen up the back but then within a week the shoulders went and I dont remember lifting heavy or straining.

    PT consist of Stretching, manipulation of the shoulder/arm, some deep tissue massage, ultrasound therapy and Ice + EMS (electric muscle stimulator).

    Shoulder pain sucks bottom line. Dont forget to do a lot of broom stick exercises and typical rotator cuff exercises with the cable machine or bands. You can find several good ones on youtube.

  32. #32
    boz's Avatar
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    I got the same problem with my r/c had ultrasound gotta go back to the doctors this week to seek my options, my injury is not sever but there is a pain in my right shoulder with certain exercises. Anyway i got some deca on hand will give that a go, see how that runs. I was also thinking about this what u reckon?

  33. #33
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Just a fancy ice wrap that doubles as a brace. Dont keep it immobile long, it can lock up. I feel better with more movement. You can do the same thing with a simple ace bandage if you wrap it around your torso also. You really dont want to do ice to long, 20-30 minutes at a time with the same amount of time with no ice or even heat in between but no heat alone.

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