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Thread: Donating Blood

  1. #1
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Donating Blood

    I see the reason behind donating blood (lowers red blood cells) , But what i don't get is why people would put others in danger by doing it ? I should think every where is like the uk where you cant give blood if you are injecting. So in my opinion you have to not tell them you are injecting or they will show you the door . So to donate blood is to reduce risks to ones self but risk others with hep c and other nastys. I think if we chose the path of steroids then thats upto us but we should never gamble with others for the sake of it. Would anyone on here like blood from a heroin addict who donated blood without informing them that he was injecting or even on it?...hmmm i think not..
    The safest way to reduce bloods is to self bleed .


  2. #2
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Actually, when I donated they never asked about steroid use at all. And I have a prescription for TRT so that rules out me lying about non-prescription needle use. So I didn't lie at all.


  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    This is TRT for health reasons. Not cycles for competition. The overwhelming majority of people here are legally compliant. We are health conscious individuals. We are not back alley drug users sharing needles and spreading diseases. A properly administered injection is no health risk at all.

  4. #4
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    I was not saying ALL , But your honestly saying that all trt users have never self injected ? So tell me why alot of people give blood just to sort there red count out ? Iv seen it said on here . The gen people on here that are on TRT would not need to give blood to sort the red cells out, as there under the doc to keep that all in check . Also in the uk you are not allowed to give blood if you have injected .. Its the main question they ask... I know this as i wanted to give blood (NOT FOR RED CELL PROBS) 10y ago and i was asked that same question reply was iv used steroids 2y previous..They said sorry you cant give blood for 10y after steroid use .

    You should never give blood if:

    You have ever had syphilis, HTVL (Human T - lymphotorpic virus), hepatitis B or C or think you may have hepatitis now

    You're a man who's had sex with another man, even safe sex using a condom. For more information click here.

    You've ever worked as a prostitute.

    You've ever injected yourself with drugs - even once.

    You should not give blood for 12 months after sex with:

    A man who has had sex with another man (if you're a female).

    A prostitute.

    Anyone who has ever injected themselves with drugs.

    Anyone with haemophilia or a related blood clotting disorder who has received clotting factor concentrates.

    Anyone of any race who has been sexually active in parts of the world where AIDS/HIV is very common. This includes countries in Africa.

    Please do not give blood if you even think that you need a test for HIV or hepatitis, or if you had sex in the past year with someone you think may be HIV or hepatitis positive.

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    This is TRT for health reasons. Not cycles for competition. The overwhelming majority of people here are legally compliant. We are health conscious individuals. We are not back alley drug users sharing needles and spreading diseases. A properly administered injection is no health risk at all.
    i would say all are compliant...and the papers i read and sign say do you inject anything NOT rx'd by your doctor...


    is that REALLY why you joined this forum? mr. 41 posts and i'm pointing the finger?

  6. #6
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    No finger pointing at all . Just wondering why people go and have blood took for red cell count( WHICH IS NOT NEEDED WHILE ON TRT) unless blasting and crusing ( or is it they are very considerate in helping human kind out )..Take it im not allowed a opinion ?

  7. #7
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by devildog1967 View Post

    You've ever injected yourself with drugs - even once.
    Incorrect. I donated blood 2 weeks ago, and they asked me if I've ever injected drugs that were not prescribed by a doctor. I disclosed my weekly TRT injections to 2 separate nurses, both orally and written and they said in that case it was fine.

    They run extensive tests on the blood before giving it to someone else, so even if you do inadvertently donate "bad blood" then it will be caught and disposed of.

    Sorry if that came across unclear.

    They asked if I've injected anything NOT prescribed.
    I said NO, but I do inject weekly PRESCRIBED test. As in, "No to the answer of the question you asked, but here's some supplemental info that I want to make sure is kosher."
    Last edited by funkymonk; 09-09-2011 at 01:51 PM.

  8. #8
    im83931's Avatar
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    To OP: You are incorrect. Some TRT guys RBC does get high and some do self inject, doctors don't have a magic wand that makes infectious disease go away when they pick up a syringe. As a matter of fact you are at less risk for infection self injecting. Your post is uninformed at best and you don't really know what you are talking about. And even those who do use AAS without prescription it is almost unheard of to share a needle. Your lumping together of mainlining drugs and AAS usage is way off.
    Last edited by im83931; 09-09-2011 at 08:44 AM. Reason: added to

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    yes you are entitled to an opinion and me also...i think you were acusatory and demeaning to a group of stand up guys than mean harm on nobody...

    and close to 100% are all prescribed this by doctors and that meets the donation criteria

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
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    I've now learned that my male prostitution days are numbered.....damn. Oh, wait. I gel!

  11. #11
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    OP, I give every 6 to 8 weeks; mostly to control my iron and high ferritin level, and yes it helps keep the RBC in check too. It's been clearly stated that the protocol questions on every visit ask if you are taking steroids or other injections not prescribed by your doctor. I have flat out told my nurse that I am on doctor prescribed TRT ... They don't care!!! No harm! The blood gets checked before it ever makes it to a hospital.

  12. #12
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by funkymonk View Post
    Incorrect. I donated blood 2 weeks ago, and they asked me if I've ever injected drugs that were not prescribed by a doctor. I disclosed my weekly TRT injections to 2 separate nurses, both orally and written and they said in that case it was fine.

    They run extensive tests on the blood before giving it to someone else, so even if you do inadvertently donate "bad blood" then it will be caught and disposed of.
    So you admitted to self injecting even though you have no prescription, they said no problem, and you are in here saying that it is wrong? Dude, your bi-polar is acting up.

  13. #13
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    So you admitted to self injecting even though you have no prescription, they said no problem, and you are in here saying that it is wrong? Dude, your bi-polar is acting up.
    funkymonk isnt the op broski que paso

  14. #14
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    So if you do TRT there is never a RBC problem? Did I read that right?

  15. #15
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    So you admitted to self injecting even though you have no prescription, they said no problem, and you are in here saying that it is wrong? Dude, your bi-polar is acting up.
    Sorry if that came across unclear.

    They asked if I've injected anything NOT prescribed.
    I said NO, but I do inject weekly PRESCRIBED test. As in, "No to the answer of the question you asked, but here's some supplemental info that I want to make sure is kosher."

  16. #16
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by funkymonk View Post
    Sorry if that came across unclear.

    They asked if I've injected anything NOT prescribed.
    I said NO, but I do inject weekly PRESCRIBED test. As in, "No to the answer of the question you asked, but here's some supplemental info that I want to make sure is kosher."
    how bout the saying it was wrong part????????

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
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    No Ecsarron, RBC can be elevated by trt protocols. Mine was. Matter of fact I'm giving blood for my first time this Sunday at a 9/11 blood drive.

  18. #18
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    I know it does,I give every 56 days and have been for over 10 years I have been on trt.He said I Dont know why people go get blood took (which is not needed while on trt)

  19. #19
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    I was wondering where that was coming from just to clairfy

  20. #20
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    So you admitted to self injecting even though you have no prescription, they said no problem, and you are in here saying that it is wrong? Dude, your bi-polar is acting up.
    Well my friend there was no need to get personal with the bi-polar bit . they THOUGHT i had bi-polar and found out to be wrong.
    I self injected to prove a point that it helps the symptoms that are like low test. ( I dont do any steroids now as i Proved it relives the symptoms) It was a test .
    And as you where so kind in trying to get personal and try and take the piss, Well my turn, As you know if you have to go on TRT it means your test hormones are to low (WHICH MAKES YOU LIKE A WOMAN before treatment . Hey my numbers were above normal so i don't need to take injections to be a MAN. Maybe you need to get your levels up a bit then you wont bitch like a woman dose on PMT. IM 43 and proud to be in good heath and dont need synthetic crap in me to be a man . Plus some on trt who bodybuid abuse trt by doing cycles and then trying to drop there levels down before doc gives you blood tests . And to me that fraud and taking it away from the honest people that need it for health reasons ..BEFORE YOU SLATE ME YET AGAIN JUST LOOK AROUND THE BOARD AND SEE HOW MANY ON TRT ASK YOUR ADVICE ABOUT CRUISING AND BLASTING AND HOW LONG IT TAKES TO DROP THE LEVELS..HMM THERE ARE LOTS


  21. #21
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by devildog1967 View Post
    Well my friend there was no need to get personal with the bi-polar bit . they THOUGHT i had bi-polar and found out to be wrong.
    I self injected to prove a point that it helps the symptoms that are like low test. ( I dont do any steroids now as i Proved it relives the symptoms) It was a test .
    And as you where so kind in trying to get personal and try and take the piss, Well my turn, As you know if you have to go on TRT it means your test hormones are to low (WHICH MAKES YOU LIKE A WOMAN before treatment . Hey my numbers were above normal so i don't need to take injections to be a MAN. Maybe you need to get your levels up a bit then you wont bitch like a woman dose on PMT. IM 43 and proud to be in good heath and dont need synthetic crap in me to be a man . Plus some on trt who bodybuid abuse trt by doing cycles and then trying to drop there levels down before doc gives you blood tests . And to me that fraud and taking it away from the honest people that need it for health reasons ..BEFORE YOU SLATE ME YET AGAIN JUST LOOK AROUND THE BOARD AND SEE HOW MANY ON TRT ASK YOUR ADVICE ABOUT CRUISING AND BLASTING AND HOW LONG IT TAKES TO DROP THE LEVELS..HMM THERE ARE LOTS

    this post makes you the biggest boob

  22. #22
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    No i dont jp .. Im not being insluted without throwing anything back .. And back on the subject of donating there is some of you (Even some that commented on this thread) that cycle with there own supply but fail to tell the people / doctors that they are . Now thats wrong when donating and also taking TRT( NOT PRESCRIBED BY A DOCTOR ). Yes iv done my home work and looked at what you lot have said on other posts through the years . I shan't waste anymore time on this forum when there are blatantly people on here that lie and put the honest people to shame that NEED trt for true heath reasons . Know wonder this country are very strict on who gets trt as people abuse TRT too much.(YOU LOOK AT ALL THE BAD PRESS THAT STEROIDS GET WHEN THEY ARE GOOD ! WHEN GIVEN TO PEOPLE THAT DON'T ABUSE AND CHEAT THE SYSTEM ) BYE BYE

  23. #23
    xavierlafleur is offline Junior Member
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    I've been on TRT for a long time. I have to have a blood letting every 3 or 4 months which my doctor does. He told me if I don't want to pay then I could just donate blood at the Red Cross....................... he says it isn't a danger to anyone.

  24. #24
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Its TRUE you can donate blood if you are PRESCRIBED TRT by doctors , what im saying is you are not allowed to if you are taking extra steroid for a cycle / blast without docs knowing so by that i mean self injecting with un prescribed steroids . So again its the people that abuse TRT that are wrong with what there doing. I have nothing against the honest TRT people out there that abide by the rules and dont mess it up for the legit users .

  25. #25
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I got Hep B donating blood. Yup you heard right and I'm 100% sure. I donated blood, I noticed the guy was not changing his gloves between patients (after he stuck me) and 2 weeks later I was diagnosed with Hep B that almost killed me back in 1990.

    You can still have blood taken and disposed due to high red blood cell count with a doctors prescription.

  26. #26
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I got Hep B donating blood. Yup you heard right and I'm 100% sure. I donated blood, I noticed the guy was not changing his gloves between patients (after he stuck me) and 2 weeks later I was diagnosed with Hep B that almost killed me back in 1990.

    You can still have blood taken and disposed due to high red blood cell count with a doctors prescription.

    Im sorry to hear that and glad your ok now ..And that goes to prove that there are dangers .. And to the people that say there are no risks to other people , Think about how many cases of HIV and hep E.C.T have slipped through the net ! when the people on this thread say that bad blood is rejected .. Not so in some cases. So my advice is only donate blood if like LOVBYTS With care and like he has a PRESCRIPTION and not to cycle other drugs while on TRT.

    Or if you cycle and dont want to come clean but need to be bled to reduce RBC Pay for the blood to be drawn off and disposed of . then there is zero risk to others

    Thanks for your input on the matter

  27. #27
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    well glad your bye bye was only temporary...

    devils advocate: if one was to donate "on a cycle", "on a little bit of a higher dose than rx'd", what would be yours or say the donation recipient's biggest concern with that said blood? hep b? like lovbyts? if female, grows a beard?

  28. #28
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    No my friend mr jpkman your barking up the wrong tree, Think you miss understand every thing. PRESCRIPTION TRT is ment to bring test back in line with the norm with those who have gen low test and or medical conditions . Those that decide to SELF inject on other stuff they buy to get there levels very higher then drop there test levels down to con a prescription ( THATS VERY WRONG ) Again them that con the system to keep there prescription and giving blood knowing full well that the donation center would not Let you donate , And if you told them that you had bunk blood and you just wanted bleeding to get the RBC count down ! they would say "NO" as they have better things to do that help a steroid abuser out. UNLESS YOU PAY TO GET BLED OUT THEN THEY THROW YOUR BUNK BLOOD OUT, Donating should be for them that are on TRT with PRESCRIPTION that are under a doc . If people self inject with what they get off line then donate blood for there own good and not for others is wrong,at the end of the day why do people give blood ??? HMM to help others out in need and not for there own selfish reasons, cause they cant keep off the cycles and mess there blood up...TRT is monitored every few months for a reason. But a FEW out there like to ride on the boat of help.. When knowing its fraud , TRT should be used NOT abused ... Again if you use TRT for what its ment to be used for and your RBC mess up , Then donating is very possible as you have full support from your doctor ( If not even bleeding off by a doctor) So again im not slating the gen people out there that NEED TRT for a better quality of life and use it just for that, and would suffer if government's withdrew the use of TRT for the few out there that make it bad press by abusing it, So all i can say is its very selfish to use TRT knowing you are going to do cycles while on it.

  29. #29
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    well glad your bye bye was only temporary...

    devils advocate: if one was to donate "on a cycle", "on a little bit of a higher dose than rx'd", what would be yours or say the donation recipient's biggest concern with that said blood? hep b? like lovbyts? if female, grows a beard?
    Biggest concern would be how much steroid have you self injected illegal, And if your bunk blood slipped through the net and went into a woman that is pregnant. Not a good start for a baby if it got hep before it was born.. You make your choice what you put into your body. That baby or anyone else really dont need that risk..Yes i know there is risks with any blood , But you chose to gamble it being ok knowing you self inject and not informing docs . What would you do if a heroin user slipped throw the net and the blood when into your wife and child?.. Go on tell me it would be ok and you would not be angry. You seem very blinkered and only see what you want to see and sod the rest , as long as as every con man on trt who abuse it are ok ...YOUR RISKS WITH STEROIDS AND YOU SHOULD KNOW THEM .. just dont put it on to people that have no idea what you inject.

  30. #30
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    I do it for both reasons,To help myself and others..I only do whats rx to me and dont buy underground.I think thats what your saying?

  31. #31
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Yes bud .. At last someone is getting the thread.. Its all good if your are doing TRT by the book

  32. #32
    kelkel's Avatar
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    dd1967. It took a while but I can finally see the point your making. Not saying I agree but I do see it. Problem was you surrounded them with inflamatory rhetoric and painted way to broad a spectrum when you first started this thread. Whch obviously pissed a lot of us off. Initially, at least to me, that appeared to be your intention. Hopefully, I was incorrect.

  33. #33
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Was not out to upset anyone , But there are some out there that are blind to what risks that cycling while on trt and going for blood donation. when not done through prescription and falsifying there test readings to keep on TRT ,But say they are doing no wrong.

    But thanks for seeing the point ..A BIT lol

  34. #34
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    still dont see why the blood would be bad if said doner happened to take a little higher dose....your saying that the elevated hormones could/would be in the pint of donated blood and could cause harm to the recipient or if a pregnant woman, her would anyone know their exact hormones levels from day to day when they donate, etc.?? how high of a level would be harmful? in your opinion? in the medical opinion? in anyones in this threads opinion? if one was at 1200 and range is 300-1200 then all good? what if level was 1205, 1300..something like that???????
    since i'm speaking respectful to you i'd appreciate the same

  35. #35
    JD250's Avatar
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    The only "bunk" in this thread is the premise that TRT causes "bunk blood" ............I agree with JPK , higher doses of test doesn't cause hep. or any other blood related diseases. What about people who take more than the recomended dose of ANY medication before they donate? Prescription or OTC? MOST of us are operating within the law and the rules of donating. Maybe you should concentrate on your own country and the rules there, it seems as if you're struggling to understand ours.
    I think you may be getting a little too excited/zealous about your new cause.

  36. #36
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Never said people on TRT had bunk blood. Its the cruisers and blasters that cause the problems. And true as i never said anything about higher test levels . People on TRT that follow doc advice and keep there levels stable very really have very high RBC. And if they did run into trouble they have all support of there doctor. People that blast while on TRT will have a much higher RBC as its common sense but cant always go to the doctors as they never tell them that they also blast .. as they would lose there script straight away with no argument. Risks to people that have donated blood !!! If someone on TRT without cheating with all the support from doctors would not be a risk to anyone.... Now people who blast/cruising who just donate to keep there blood down is risking people as they self inject with there own supply (NOTHING TO DO WITH TEST LEVELS HIGH). Again if there was no blasters hitting the donation centres and only legit people then it makes sense again that all risks drop to everyone.. Plus you would not be wasting nurses time taking your bloods and throwing it down the pan. Nurses taking blood do it for a reason not for someone who just needs blood letting. Simple take the risks away and pay someone to blood let you . PROBLEM SOLVED

  37. #37
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    still dont see why the blood would be bad if said doner happened to take a little higher dose....your saying that the elevated hormones could/would be in the pint of donated blood and could cause harm to the recipient or if a pregnant woman, her would anyone know their exact hormones levels from day to day when they donate, etc.?? how high of a level would be harmful? in your opinion? in the medical opinion? in anyones in this threads opinion? if one was at 1200 and range is 300-1200 then all good? what if level was 1205, 1300..something like that???????
    since i'm speaking respectful to you i'd appreciate the same
    Higher test levels are not really a problem as they level out fairly quick. Its the self injector who buy lets say off the net and dose not really know what they are putting into there bodys. Every thing we put into our bodies is a risk without prescription ( even then sometime prescription cant be trusted 100% but it is safer )

  38. #38
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    The only "bunk" in this thread is the premise that TRT causes "bunk blood" ............I agree with JPK , higher doses of test doesn't cause hep. or any other blood related diseases. What about people who take more than the recomended dose of ANY medication before they donate? Prescription or OTC? MOST of us are operating within the law and the rules of donating. Maybe you should concentrate on your own country and the rules there, it seems as if you're struggling to understand ours.
    I think you may be getting a little too excited/zealous about your new cause.
    Never said higher test levels cause hep..Why would it ?

  39. #39
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    You're grasping at something and doing a poor job of it. ALL we are asked in the USA is whether or not we inject anything that IS NOT prescribed. If I use deca from time to time(with a prescription) how the hell does that make "bunk blood" (your words)? We all know that heroin addicts dont make good donors but this is the HRT forum and you've stated that anyone who blasts and then donates is some sort of last "blast" of deca was well within my prescription, therefore making it legal and within the rules of the Red Cross..........this IS the HRT forum.......maybe your posts would go over better in a different forum.

  40. #40
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    And i said trt is not a problem if done through prescription and monitored. So if you getting deca with prescription you are monitored so there is no problem at all . Never said anyone was a criminal . And if i ever said that people on TRT who do it correctly have bunk blood then i apologize for that..but i cant seem to see that anywhere

    Put it this way has anyone on here brought fake gear ? and used it before knowing ? Bet my bottom dollar nearly all of us have . So someone could have contaminated gear in them and then donate there blood..Thats ok then is it ?

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