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  1. #1
    propoxy is offline New Member
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    Testosterone blood work results

    Hi, I'm 24 years old I've been hit with depression and thought I would get some blood work done see what I could find. After looking at my testosterone level and was wondering if I could benefit from something like Dhea or Pregnenolone at my current level?


    Testosterone, Serum 525 ng/dL. Limits 348 -1197

    Free Testosterone, 9.5 pg/mL. Limit 9.3 - 26.5


  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    what have you heard or read of those two hormones good or bad...were those blood tests ordered by a doctor?

    any other bloodwork?

  3. #3
    propoxy is offline New Member
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    Yes they were order by a doctor, thyroid was tested but everything was very normal with that. Why I ask about Dhea or Pregnenolone is I've read that it can help people with low testosterone with depression and energy.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    ok i will bump for you but not a lot of ppl around here on those 2 ALONE...they supplement with it along with their test but not ALONE..

  5. #5
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by propoxy View Post
    Hi, I'm 24 years old I've been hit with depression and thought I would get some blood work done see what I could find. After looking at my testosterone level and was wondering if I could benefit from something like Dhea or Pregnenolone at my current level?


    Testosterone, Serum 525 ng/dL. Limits 348 -1197

    Free Testosterone, 9.5 pg/mL. Limit 9.3 - 26.5

    your free test is very low and thats probably why you feel the way you do! so far all i read about kick starting your natural test with meds has been temporary. you can try it but most likely you'll end up on TRT. 24 year old is an issue though, but you can try everything that is available to you now and see what happens, if not them let me be the first to welcome you to the TRT world! best of luck to you.

  6. #6
    propoxy is offline New Member
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    thanks for the reply guys

  7. #7
    aaronexists is offline New Member
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    Do you have more blood work than that? I hope so, if you're going to make a big decision.

    There are different causes of Low Testosterone . Your Total is fairly middle of the road and your Free is borderline low.

    So, get SHBG tested and albumin should get tested as part of standard blood panels. Also, get your LH, FSH and Cholesterol tested. Hormones definitely can hurt mood. I'd add a sensitive estradiol test too, as low or high estradiol can mess with state of mind. Consider getting DHT tested too. You could go down the road of having a comprehensive 'anti-aging' blood panel done, which would hopefully include Vitamin D amongst a bunch of other stuff. And a diurnal (4x) salivary cortisol test wouldn't hurt anything either. Messed up cortisol pattern can cause feelings of depression.

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