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  1. #1
    B7467ing is offline New Member
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    Primary Care Physician Versus Wellness Clinic

    Is there a major difference between a Primary Care Physician or Wellness Clinic? My Primary Care tested my T levels and I came in pretty low. They presribed me some Test Cyp but didn't seem to know too much about TRT. I visited a Wellness Clinic yesterday and they wanted an enrollment fee of $497 that's not covered by insurance and offered to put me on the same test basically. The WC has the test, HGH, or HCG delivered to thier office from AZ rather than me picking it up in my local pharmacy. It just seemed odd and kind of salesmany rather than a legit place.

    My insurance cost for my test is $35 rather than the $190 the wellness clinic told me they charged. The only thing I do like is the fact they're open to puttin gme on HGH as well.

    Thanks in advance for your input

  2. #2
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Enrollment fee? Don't go there.

    The clinic will overcharge you for visits, and they will obscenely markup the drugs. They pray on the ignorance or desperation of others.

    The Test price is double what I pay at CVS. NOTE: I have been told it is OK to discuss price on TRT. I hope that is true although I don't mention a specific price.

    HGH is expensive, and you don't need it. Seriously, don't worry about it until you have money to burn on a truly discretionary-income item.

    These are my personal opinions obviously...wait for others to chime in.

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    right again JV! clinics may give all you ask for but at a premium price! many endos don't know shit either, so you need to find one that knows TRT, then you can take your script to any pharmacy. a complete TRT protocol at a minimum is,

    Testosterone , 100-200 mgs ew
    Aromatase Inhibitors, (anastozole) 1 mg foe every 100 mgs test
    hCG , 250 iu eod

  4. #4
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    Does your doc prescribe HCG or AI? If you are low enough/symptomatic to treat then you can find a doc that will. (just need a script and can go to pharmacy like Bass said) I wouldn't go to a clinic.

    You also need to test your IGF-1 level's you might not even need HGH. Some guys have naturally high level's.

  5. #5
    sirupate is offline Member
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    It all depends on the knowledge and interest your doctor has about TRT. My PCP...great guy for general stuff, but he doesn't know jack about TRT. I like my endo too...and he keeps me in gel (or test cyp. depending), but he too isn't into TRT for guys. Find a knowledgable doctor whether that person is an endo or urologist, or even PCP. The clinics will treat you aggressively, but I am sure some oversell your needs and charge excessive prices for meds.

  6. #6
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    The way I read it the OP's PCP is at least willing to treat him. I guess the question is, do you have a good relationship with him/her? If you can educate them on proper TRT protocal then this might be the way to go...

  7. #7
    B7467ing is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the feedback! I'll stick with my PCP for now I guess. I have 5 refills of my test cyp and it was approved by my ins. What are the best resources to educate myself on the TRT? I've just been surfing the web and used this site for a few years now. Other than Bass' suggested treatment is there anything to back it up so I can provide that to my PCP?

    What about Bioidenical versus a synthetic treatment?

    Once again thanks for the responses
    Last edited by B7467ing; 12-08-2011 at 10:31 AM. Reason: added question

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