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Thread: Low test

  1. #1
    msquires's Avatar
    msquires is offline Junior Member
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    Low test


    I've been noticing some ED i I brought home a girl last night and she was a rocket an for whatever reason I couldnt get it hard.. embarassing.. it wasnt from alc. It's happend a few times. in the last year. I wonder if my test levels are low? From Reading the symptoms of low test. I think relate to some of the symtoms. Don't really seem to have any sex drive as I did before. Im still strong but have never really been able to put on SIZE... no addition to b.f. and I like to be alone quite a bit but always have so Im not sure if that would be considered depression. even though I feel fine. I think. Im going to the Doc's this week to get my knee check out.(fluid/swelling on my knee cap) And I'd love to get some blood work done. I took 2 cycles of 1-AD when i was 19, not sure if that could have something to do with it.

    From reading the stickys I see that even if I have low test its and its still within the "range" that they say is ok but its not "optimal" Would they but me on TRT? what kinda /questions should I ask doc about ?

  2. #2
    moparmuscle is offline Junior Member
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    You didn't post anything that could allow anyone to even sort of help you.

    Read the stickys you need a full lab workout. Full. After a full nights rest, fasted and early AM. Do that then post results and ranges.

  3. #3
    moparmuscle is offline Junior Member
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    Tell him how you feel. Ask for a full male blood workup.

  4. #4
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    plus, now the bad news: true test-caused ED occurs around levels <250 ng/dL, so if you have labwork, it's goin' to have to be really low for that to be the singular reason.

  5. #5
    moparmuscle is offline Junior Member
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  6. #6
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    An otherwise healthy young male your age the likelihood your ED is hormonal related is far less then it being psychologically related.

    You should get a complete physical with the noted hormonal panels (including thyroid) to rule out physical problems (and you past use).

    Have you been under stress lately?

    How is your sleep?

    How are your personal financials?

    Think hard about something bothering you???

  7. #7
    msquires's Avatar
    msquires is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys... I will ask for a full male blood workup and full lab workout.

    Money is a little tight over the last year. I had a furnace and a roof to replace all this year. trying to still get out of that hole... Im sleeping fine. not waking up full 8 hours.
    You think it is probably physchological?
    either way I'll get the results and post them.
    thanks again.

  8. #8
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    An otherwise healthy young male your age the likelihood your ED is hormonal related is far less then it being psychologically related.

    You should get a complete physical with the noted hormonal panels (including thyroid) to rule out physical problems (and you past use).

    Have you been under stress lately?

    How is your sleep?

    How are your personal financials?

    Think hard about something bothering you???
    exactly what i wanted to say!

    MSQ, ED problems from low test creeps in slowly over the years, it doesn't happen in the way you've described it. like mentioned above, complete hormonal panel blood work will reveal more.

  9. #9
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Like you said, the chick was a "rocket." You probably put some pressure on yourself to make it happen, and then things went down hill from there. My suggestion: Get her back to your place and go for round 2! Also, get some labs and a physical as suggested ... I'm sure it will all turnout OK.

  10. #10
    msquires's Avatar
    msquires is offline Junior Member
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    ya you know what, I had her back twice and things got better each time... I think/hope its physchological.
    Im still going to the drs tomorrow an i will tell him my situation...

    I just wanted to start a cycle and wont start if I have a low test. praying based on what I tell him its physchological.
    Last edited by msquires; 01-03-2012 at 07:09 PM.

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