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Thread: Interpreting my blood test results?

  1. #1

    Interpreting my blood test results?

    If anyone can, I'd like some second opinions on my blood work. Physicians assistant suspects a thyroid issue and is recommending me to an endo to investigate further.

    I DO have a pending appointment with an endo, but it's not until May. I figured I'd ask you guys on here for your opinions on my situation in the mean time.


    24 y/o male
    175lbs, 15% bf
    Strength training for 6 years with very little muscle gain. I trained for powerlifting originally and also hypertrophy. Over the past couple of years wanted to work on hypertrophy much more so diet/training was very bodybuilding focused with high volume/frequency, 200+g protein/day and caloric surplus. No matter what I did, the only thing I would gain is fat and zero muscle to speak of. Arms never got bigger than 14" and despite respectable lifts for my weight at 165, I don't even look like I work out.

    Neurologically, I have been able to gain strength, just not much muscle at all. Best lifts raw at 165 are 360/245/420.

    In January I ran Hdrol (oral Turinabol) for 3 weeks, but stopped due to bad insomnia and bad back pains. I ran a bastardized PCT with Nolva/Lean Xtreme for a couple of weeks, and developed some gyno. The doctor I got my blood drawn from gave me a script for anastrozole and it has helped with the gyno quite a bit, so that is in check. I stopped Hdrol February 14th and had my blood drawn April 4th.


    Years of depression, mood swings, inordinate proportion of abdominal fat, inability to gain much muscle despite proper training*, chronic lethargy, poor sleep, no motivation, difficulty taking full breaths, frequent urination, constipation, irritability, cold feet/hands, low blood pressure

    Blood results attached and here they are if you can't see the pic:

    Platelet count: 134 LO
    TSH: 5.410 uIU/mL HI
    test. Tot S: 869.2 ng/dL HI
    test. Free, serum: 6.32pg/mL
    SHBG: 66 nmol/L HI
    Prolactin serum: 14.8 ng/ml
    Estradiol: 33.65 pg/ml

    I was really surprised to see that high total T, but then I realized how LOW my free T was (0.7%). Could this low T be the reason why I can't seem to gain any muscle no matter what I do?

    The TSH level indicates a low thyroid level as well. Is that a contributing factor to my symptoms?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	4425 
Size:	241.4 KB 
ID:	137091  
    Last edited by SierraZulu; 04-13-2013 at 12:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Also should add another symptom, which is that my memory and ability to focus is really, really bad. I'm in a class right now and everyone else in the class seems to be able to recall and remember things 10x better than me.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Yes the free T is what's important so this could be why you aren't getting the gains you'd like, but it could also be a ton of factors (it's hard to tell when these are bloods not far after pct)

    so you stopped hdrol february 14th, when did you finish pct?

    Your serum test is fine but since your SHBG is too high it's leaving you with low free tesoterone which is what your body is actually using. if you ran a 4-6 week pct i'd say maybe the nolva is still playing with your body. My test levels were 1100 with high SHBG as well like yours, 4 weeks after pct but fell all the way to 300 6 weeks later. Your body does need time to get back to normal especial if you just finished your pct 4 weeks ago, it could take months to return to homeostasis.

    TSH is way too high, and prolactins pretty high as well, might need a mri just to make sure everything okay upstairs.

    If your situiations anything like mine, you'll have to wait a while and re test bloods, but my main question is how long since you finished your pct?
    Last edited by jomamma007; 04-10-2013 at 07:28 PM.

  5. #5
    Thanks for replying. Since PCT was kind of jacked up, I finished it the 2nd week of March or so. I hear you about getting bloodwork done again, so the physicians assistant wants to do another bit of lab work in 4 weeks. Not sure what to expect as far as changes go between now and then.

    FWIW though, my cycle of Hdrol was VERY short at only 3 weeks so I wonder how much of an affect it had on my blood test. People on PHforums laughed and said that it was JUST starting to kick in at 3 weeks. Even still, I gained 15lbs and 1" in my arms in just 3 weeks on it.

    Just to give more info, about 10 days into PCT I fell into a horrible depressive state. My mood was awful and I had suicidal thoughts. These bad feelings lasted about 3 weeks, but I finally started feeling better again about 10 days ago.
    Last edited by SierraZulu; 04-10-2013 at 07:32 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by SierraZulu View Post
    Thanks for replying. Since PCT was kind of jacked up, I finished it the 2nd week of March or so. I hear you about getting bloodwork done again, so the physicians assistant wants to do another bit of lab work in 4 weeks. Not sure what to expect as far as changes go between now and then.

    FWIW though, my cycle of Hdrol was VERY short at only 3 weeks so I wonder how much of an affect it had on my blood test. People on PHforums laughed and said that it was JUST starting to kick in at 3 weeks. Even still, I gained 15lbs and 1" in my arms in just 3 weeks on it.

    Just to give more info, about 10 days into PCT I fell into a horrible depressive state. My mood was awful and I had suicidal thoughts. These bad feelings lasted about 3 weeks, but I finally started feeling better again about 10 days ago.
    PCT always makes me depressed and moody, as it does to most men.

    I'd bet there would be some drastic changes in your blood work.

    Now I'm no expert, they will chime in soon, but your tsh is way too high, signalling thyroid problems which in turn can cause hypogonadism (low test), which could be why you aren't making your gains. The gains, are least important though, your symptoms are more important, fatigue, depression, low libido etc.

    So you finished pct 2 weeks prior to getting this blood test, in my opinion then your test results don't really mean much. Most likely your test will drop down along with shbg in a few more weeks. Unfortunately the best thing to do is to wait the 4 weeks and get blood work again, this will be more accurate to where your body is really at, but definitely get a more thourough thyroid panel. Hypothyroidism presents almost all of the same problems and hypogonadism.

  7. #7
    Sounds good. I'll be sure to ask for a thorough thyroid panel when I get my blood work done. My dad (a doctor) was really concerned about the TSH level too as well as low platelet count but that doesn't seem to be addressed much on here.

    So, thyroid problems can cause hypogonadism...I was not aware of that. Do you think the TSH being high is one of the inaccurate readings from being done with PCT so recently?

    "Hypothyroidism is a condition that is defined by your body failing to produce enough hormones to adequately manage your metabolism. Patients suffering from this condition will typically experience dry skin, increased sensitivity to cold, thinning hear, impaired memory, muscle aches, puffy face, unexplained weight gain, constipation, fatigue, hoarseness, elevated cholesterol, irregular menstrual periods or depression"
    Those symptoms sound EXACTLY like what I have been dealing with for years. Minus the menstrual periods
    Last edited by SierraZulu; 04-10-2013 at 07:59 PM.

  8. #8
    Wanted to update this thread and ask a new question.

    After taking anastrozole 0.5mg 3x weekly for the past 4 weeks, I saw the mens health PA today. They drew blood for a full thyroid panel, and after the PA felt my pecs and around the nipples he said I do not have gyno at all. So discontinuing the gyno.

    He said my vitamin E levels were low, and that my SHBG was "really high" (it is 66 nmol/L).

    I asked if he was concerned about my free testosterone levels (see original post) being 0.7%. He said no, not enough for TRT. I asked if there is anything we can do to raise the free T levels and he said based on the results of this latest panel, we may look into CLOMID.

    Everything I have read about clomid has been, that it's used just for PCT and has lots of bad side effects. Would clomid give me any anabolic/androgenic benefits if I took it by itself? Though if it did free up testosterone, that would itself lend to some muscle gaining benefits I'd imagine---Right?

    I'm not really looking to get on TRT, but rather treat whatever hormonal issues I've had that have prevented me from putting on as much muscle as I should over the years. As well as treat all the other myriad low T/thyroid symptoms I've listed above.

    Any help on this would be GREAT.

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