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I've been lurking here for months after my doctor put me on 400mg of Testosterone Cypionate every 2 weeks. I've asked if it is OK to split that into weekly doses and he had not problem with that. I've seen the 1/2 life graph on here and read explanations on why weekly injections or even more frequent are better.
I then cama across a rebuttal to this on the "Center for Men's Health" web site that shows that every 2 weeks is "better", (more test after 7 days, than a weekly dose)
Since I can't post a URL here is what it said...
The half life is the point at which the drug in plasma is reduced by 50%.
The half life of Depo-Testosterone is 8 days.
Now “simple” logic would lead one to believe that at twice the ½ life (16 days) there would be ZERO
(0%) of the injected testosterone in your plasma but that is NOT THE CASE as half life science is not
that simple……as that mathematical formula above indicates.
The half life formula for Depo-Testosterone in plasma states that at 8 days you would have 50% of the
initial dose remaining, at 16 days you would have 25% of the initial dose, at 24 days it would be 12.5%,
at 32 days 6.25% and so on.
The 14 day protocol 200mg treatment (standard C4MH dose): at 8 days =100mg’s remaining, 16 days =
50 mg’s, 24 days = 25 mg’s. At 14 days you would still have 62.5mg’s of active Depo –Testosterone
in plasma.
The 7 day protocol 100mg treatment (standard dose): at 7 day = 57 mg’s remaining of active DepoTestosterone
in plasma.
So at 200mg/14 days (C4MH protocol) you have an active 100mg’s in plasma at 8 days and
at the 100mg / 7day protocol you have an active 57mg’s at 7 days.
Clearly the 7 day protocol makes ZERO medical sense……and any perceived
difference is truly placebo.
Seems to make sense to me, but I'm still injecting weekly