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Thread: Swelling in ankles and feet - after Test U shot

  1. #1
    hardroad is offline Junior Member
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    Swelling in ankles and feet - after Test U shot

    I'm on Test U at 1000mg every 12 weeks, since my last shot I've noticed a coming and going of swelling in my feet and ankles. To the point where after being on my feet for 7 hours at work leaves blood pooled up in my heels.

    Has anyone else experienced this? I haven't had my bloods done but will tomorrow. I'm drinking a lot of water and I noticed that if I consume a lot of carbs it gets worse???

    It's not painful but it's a worry!

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    How long since you finished your blast?? 2-3 weeks?

    You had the same on 22 Feb (Swollen ankles and feet on Test E), you never replied back to that thread. Did you got better from it? Did you restart AI?

    Are you on any other medication?
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  3. #3
    hardroad is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry Mr BB, your onto it! Yes I did, I restarted Adex at 0.25 ED and the swelling subsided.

    It has come back though. And it has been 3 weeks since I finished the blast. It seems to come and go but gets worse if I carb load with simple carbs.

    Your advice is always great. I was actually going to PM you for advice as I'm not sure what the Post cycle protocol looks like for those of us on TRT. Your on the same compound aren't you?

  4. #4
    hardroad is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    How long since you finished your blast?? 2-3 weeks?

    You had the same on 22 Feb (Swollen ankles and feet on Test E), you never replied back to that thread. Did you got better from it? Did you restart AI?

    Are you on any other medication?

    Also no I'm not on any other meds. The swelling started when I had my usual Test U shot whilst on the blast. I was holding off on it but someone on here advised to stay on my usual TRT protocol. So I pinned the Test U the next day. After a week I got the swelling which is usually when I get the most notable effects of the Test U.

    Could it be an too much test? I didn't think it would last that long though?

  5. #5
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Maybe your estrogen is a little high.

    Other than general water retention,
    Edema in ankles/feet can also be caused by cardiac insufficiency,
    but it can also be caused by so many other things I wouldn't jump to that conclusion.

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Yes, im on Nebido, but that will not help much.

    No further medication?

    Is it both legs the same?

    Does it subside once you get home and put your feet up?

    You should have stayed on AI for 2 weeks after the blast, dont know if you did. If this continues you should seek medical help.

    Do you have latest bloodwork, and when are you doing new bloodwork?

  7. #7
    hammerheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Maybe your estrogen is a little high.

    Other than general water retention,
    Edema in ankles/feet can also be caused by cardiac insufficiency,
    but it can also be caused by so many other things I wouldn't jump to that conclusion.
    It occurred to me too on Nebido, another reason I hated it. Had no chance to grab an AI back then, yet had to discover the AAS world

    That also means I can't be sure it's high E2 though I do suspect it.
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  8. #8
    hardroad is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Yes, im on Nebido, but that will not help much.

    No further medication?

    Is it both legs the same?

    Does it subside once you get home and put your feet up?

    You should have stayed on AI for 2 weeks after the blast, dont know if you did. If this continues you should seek medical help.

    Do you have latest bloodwork, and when are you doing new bloodwork?
    I'm getting bloods tomorrow. I stopped AI on the same day as my last pin and also my test U pin so I think this might be the issue.

    Its more in the left ankle. Goes down at night and just flares up over time through the day. I really think my E2 might be high.

    Is there a thread for AI and PCT for people on TRT.
    I read to stop the Adex at last pin????

    Should I get back on Adex again?

  9. #9
    hardroad is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    It occurred to me too on Nebido, another reason I hated it. Had no chance to grab an AI back then, yet had to discover the AAS world

    That also means I can't be sure it's high E2 though I do suspect it.

    Bizzaro, did you blast and also stay on your normal dose of test U?
    My Blast seemed to be going great until I pinned the Test U and that's when the issues began. As its a long ester would that explain the delayed issues?

  10. #10
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Due to certain genetic traits (high instep, small hips comparatively) my ankles swell under a few circumstances not associated to hormones.

    1) particular salts cause swelling....cured meats especially (red salt)
    2) certain foods like that odd fried rice from Chinese takeout. MSG or one of the brothers hit it hard.
    3) Dehydration

    Bloodflow for some people in the lower extremities is heavily impacted via genetics.

  11. #11
    hammerheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hardroad View Post
    Bizzaro, did you blast and also stay on your normal dose of test U?
    My Blast seemed to be going great until I pinned the Test U and that's when the issues began. As its a long ester would that explain the delayed issues?
    Of course it takes a good while for TU to get working.

    No I wasn't blasting or anything at the time.

  12. #12
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hardroad View Post
    I'm getting bloods tomorrow. I stopped AI on the same day as my last pin and also my test U pin so I think this might be the issue.

    Its more in the left ankle. Goes down at night and just flares up over time through the day. I really think my E2 might be high.

    Is there a thread for AI and PCT for people on TRT.
    I read to stop the Adex at last pin????

    Should I get back on Adex again?
    Test U is just like any other test, there are reports of similar effects here on forum, and its not from the test U.

    AI should be used while testosterone is elevated to cycle level, so if you stop on last shot, you are going to have 2-3 weeks of high testosterone without AI. Some ppl need it, some ppl dont, only bloodwork can tell.

    If you have stayed up for 7 hours all the cycle, yes it is probably from high e2.

    Low albumin will also make this, albumin is made in liver and if liver is somewhat affected it can stop/lower albumin production. Other than that, its either heart, circulatory or kidneys related... Its quite common, in ppl of all ages, but more in women and older folks.

    Use some compression socks till the knee to help.

    EDIT: some blood pressure medication are very prone to have this side effect.

  13. #13
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    Are you drinking alchy hol OP? I've blasted and been clean as a Mormon and then cruised with some drinking and it hurt.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  14. #14
    hardroad is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Test U is just like any other test, there are reports of similar effects here on forum, and its not from the test U.

    AI should be used while testosterone is elevated to cycle level, so if you stop on last shot, you are going to have 2-3 weeks of high testosterone without AI. Some ppl need it, some ppl dont, only bloodwork can tell.

    If you have stayed up for 7 hours all the cycle, yes it is probably from high e2.

    Low albumin will also make this, albumin is made in liver and if liver is somewhat affected it can stop/lower albumin production. Other than that, its either heart, circulatory or kidneys related... Its quite common, in ppl of all ages, but more in women and older folks.

    Use some compression socks till the knee to help.

    EDIT: some blood pressure medication are very prone to have this side effect.
    Thanks for the info, It's guys like you and Bizzarro that really make this Forum as good as it is. I got my bloods taken so now the waiting game, my BP was normal for me - 110 over 60. Swelling has gone down a lot. Judging from my reaction to the Test U after its kick in time and the elevated Test from my blast it would make sense that I've had these issues.

    I'll take note and post my bloods. Its really taboo in Aus to ask for bloods, I got knocked back by 2 doctors today. Got them in the end.\

    Mr BB how often do you get bloods done on cycle? A lot in the early cycles to establish your response to certain compounds?

  15. #15
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Yes, on blasts I usually do at least one bloodwork to control liver, kidney, bloods, cholest, e2 and prolactin. Or if I have some new symptom that I want to understand. But I agree, in beginning it is more important to learn how your body react.

    But for me its easy to do bloodwork, just go to a lab, ask for private bloodwork, and name the tests I want, the worst part is paying.

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