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Thread: Six weeks in - Not feeling it

  1. #1
    anoxicblaze's Avatar
    anoxicblaze is offline Associate Member
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    Six weeks in - Not feeling it

    So, I'm six weeks in. 75mg twice a week (test e).
    I must say, I was expecting to feel changes by now. I don't really feel any different.
    The one and only difference I've noticed is that my libido is very slightly increased. This might have happened anyway. It's nothing significant.

    Bit disappointed.
    I will be getting blood tests next week. Interesting to see what my levels are. They were 268 (I'm 45).

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  2. #2
    EDCG19's Avatar
    EDCG19 is offline Senior Member
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    Get your bloods

    You're still running just test with no AI or HCG ?

    What exactly don't you feel changing? Are you still working out?

    I'm about 7 weeks in my first cycle and I feel like a god every day and I lowered my dose a while back

    I was at 218 total test at 30 years old and starting HRT changed a lot.

  3. #3
    anoxicblaze's Avatar
    anoxicblaze is offline Associate Member
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    If you are on a cycle I assume you are taking much more than me. Maybe that's the reason you feel so good. No AI or HCG until I get my blood results. I'm still training as I have done for 27 years.

    I guess I was expecting to have loads of energy, perform better in the gym, maybe just feel healthier. I feel exactly the same.

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  4. #4
    Heavyhitter5's Avatar
    Heavyhitter5 is offline Associate Member
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    150 a week is kinda low for a cycle. bump it up if your not feeling it, unless your doing trt. if you want crazy results do 500 a week and watch yourself grow lol. but if your doing trt and you wanna stay at a low dose 150 its gonna be a slow race but youll start feeling it soon

  5. #5
    Heavyhitter5's Avatar
    Heavyhitter5 is offline Associate Member
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    your deff not gonna feel like you would on more

  6. #6
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by anoxicblaze View Post
    So, I'm six weeks in. 75mg twice a week (test e).
    I must say, I was expecting to feel changes by now. I don't really feel any different.
    The one and only difference I've noticed is that my libido is very slightly increased. This might have happened anyway. It's nothing significant.

    Bit disappointed.
    I will be getting blood tests next week. Interesting to see what my levels are. They were 268 (I'm 45).

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    So I'm confused. Are you taking supplemental T for TRT or for bodybuilding. It is an important distinction.

    For TRT you need a sustainable program that you can implement for the rest of your life. The root of sustainability is stability and feeling as good as you can given your age an other comorbidities. I see way too many guys wanting to feel like they are 25 again. Great goal, but hardly achievable for an older guy.

    For bodybuilding, yeah, you will probably feel better at 200, 300, or 500 mg/wk, but it is not sustainable. That is why bodybuilders need to cycle their use and take all sorts of measures to battle side-effects (particularly high E2 and hemoglobin). I'm not passing judgement, it's just a different goal.

    What is your goal?

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Patience. It can take multiple months to fully realize the benefits of testosterone / TRT. Even the guys who cycle with long-estered testosterones don't normally feel / see it's effect for anywhere from 4-6 weeks. Just takes time, you'll get there.
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  8. #8
    ryobi1 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by anoxicblaze View Post
    So, I'm six weeks in. 75mg twice a week (test e).
    I must say, I was expecting to feel changes by now. I don't really feel any different.
    The one and only difference I've noticed is that my libido is very slightly increased. This might have happened anyway. It's nothing significant.

    Bit disappointed.
    I will be getting blood tests next week. Interesting to see what my levels are. They were 268 (I'm 45).

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    what were you expecting to feel?

    you'll be disappointed if you expect to grow and look like the hulk.
    its TRT, if your mind was clouding, you might clear up,
    if you were low on energy, you should get more,
    you might hold a pump longer after workouts,
    yes libido might increase, doesnt mean it is sustainable at
    all times, with cialis or V, will aid any shortcomings,
    will help with strength of erections,
    balancing your other hormones will go along way to feeling optimal.

    I take 100 mgs a week, i feel great for the most part, sometimes have
    a weak moment, mentally, but recover within 20 mins.
    as for strength, I dont expect it to increase any gains or size,
    i work out 4 times a week, and rarely feel rundown, some days
    i'm stronger than others, just as i was way back when.

    your T was low, if it increased and your blood work is positive,
    then just stick with it and dont have any unrealistic expectations,
    as your body was low on T, it will benefit you in the long run

  9. #9
    ryobi1 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    I see way too many guys wanting to feel like they are 25 again. Great goal, but hardly achievable for an older guy
    i beg to'll understand when you get
    I feel like i.m 20....just my body wont co operate.

  10. #10
    macmathews's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryobi1 View Post
    i beg to'll understand when you get
    I feel like i.m 20....just my body wont co operate.

    So you don't really feel like your 20..
    When your body won't do what your asking..

    somewhat contradicting.


  11. #11
    anoxicblaze's Avatar
    anoxicblaze is offline Associate Member
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    I've found a lot of people are mixing up trt for weight trainers and trt for other reasons. Maybe there should be a non gym related Trt section.
    But, no, I wasn't expecting muscular gains. I was hoping to feel better in other areas. Mood, energy, sex etc. I was simply saying I have noticed almost zero changes. Even SSRI's I noticed (in the end they didn't agree with me)

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  12. #12
    ryobi1 is offline Associate Member
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    the ssri's are probably the underlying problem...not sure how long you were on them,
    give it time....if your on monitored TRT its for life, impovement will happen

  13. #13
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    Use this tool, it explains in detail, when and what to expect

  14. #14
    hammerheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post

    Use this tool, it explains in detail, when and what to expect
    Oh if that one worked for me.

  15. #15
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by anoxicblaze View Post
    I've found a lot of people are mixing up trt for weight trainers and trt for other reasons. Maybe there should be a non gym related Trt section.
    But, no, I wasn't expecting muscular gains. I was hoping to feel better in other areas. Mood, energy, sex etc. I was simply saying I have noticed almost zero changes. Even SSRI's I noticed (in the end they didn't agree with me)
    Yeah, you got my point exactly. Again, I'm not being judgmental about guys using TRT for non-medical purposes. Heck, I've been know to indulge in a cycle or two of Anavar or/or higher (non-prescribed) T. I have no delusion that at the age of 60 I'll ever look or feel like some of these guys, but I am interested in being the best I can be at my age. However, we need to be careful about the advice posted here because it can be confusing to the newbies when they read posts from guys who are using TRT as a method to enhance their steroid cycles for bodybuilding purposes. I believe they call it "Blast & Cruise". What they often neglect to post are the important details for sustainability:

    Length of time they've been at that high dose
    Whether or not they cycle
    Side-effects & what all they've had to do to mitigate them
    Whether or not it's medically prescribed

    I read the advice posted here tempered with 5 1/2 years of medically prescribed TRT with excellent results. I know deep down that the most important aspect of successful TRT is fining a stable protocol that is sustainable year after year with the MINIMUM amount of T necessary to achieve the goal. It takes time and patience, and as both Kel and I constantly reiterate starting low and working your way up and always supporting dose changes with labs.

    Oh, and sometimes in life you are going to feel crappy. I remember once I though I was getting a return of symptoms and considered upping my dose. It turned out to be a tenacious low-grade viral flu that lasted for weeks on end. This is yet another reason to support all dose changes with labs, they don't lie.

    Best wishes in finding your sustainable happy spot!

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    Oh, and sometimes in life you are going to feel crappy. I remember once I though I was getting a return of symptoms and considered upping my dose. It turned out to be a tenacious low-grade viral flu that lasted for weeks on end. This is yet another reason to support all dose changes with labs, they don't lie.

    Best wishes in finding your sustainable happy spot!

    Ain't that the truth. I've seen so many post where guys basically expect to feel perfect simply because they started hormone replacement. HRT is a wonderful thing and optimizing hormones can lead to a healthier existence, but we're still human and issues arise.
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  17. #17
    hammerheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Ain't that the truth. I've seen so many post where guys basically expect to feel perfect simply because they started hormone replacement. HRT is a wonderful thing and optimizing hormones can lead to a healthier existence, but we're still human and issues arise.
    Or just feel normal. Heck, it took me two years and half not to feel any worse from TRT. Six weeks is nothing.

  18. #18
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    Or just feel normal. Heck, it took me two years and half not to feel any worse from TRT. Six weeks is nothing.
    I hesitate posting this after the "results may be slow" speech, but everyone reacts differently. I was one of the fortunate guys that felt better overnight. I started out my first 3 months of TRT at a Low T Clinic where they did the injections. This is before I started seeing one of the Top docs in the field. I know they used a compounded blended T ester, but I have no idea of the exact composition. I suspect it had a good amount of T-Prop because I had injection site soreness for several days, which is a side-effect of T-Prop. Anyway, I received the injection in the mid afternoon and went to bed feeling my typical (at the time) crappy self. I woke up 25 years younger. It was a firkin miracle! Then again, my Free T was a pathetic 7 pg/mL, so I had nowhere to go but up. I just didn't anticipate such a rapid recovery.

    I should also point out that with their "one size fits all" weekly injection program, we could never get the effect to last more than 5 days, even with increasing amounts of whatever they injected me with and more and more HCG at the end of the weekly cycle. It was at that point I found a TRT specialist (cost me an arm and a leg), but he got me on a very stable E3D protocol that I've maintained for over 5 years.

    Again, my best advice is to take it slow and let your hormones come to a new balance before implementing any changes, and then only with supporting labs. It takes time and money, but worth it to find the sweet spot.

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