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Thread: quick question about my vial

  1. #1
    Closhmo is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2016

    quick question about my vial

    hi guys i will be flying back home on friday and will be taking a 10 ml vial with me. last time i flew i think a little bit leaked out of the membrane bc the hole is kind of big from the needle i use to draw. i was wondering if there was a good way to stop any from leaking out while it is bouncing around in my luggage. ive been thinking of putting a piece of scotch tape over the hole. i know this is a dumb thread but couldnt find anything with search. thanks!

  2. #2
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    so where you piercing the membrane in the same spot every time?...the reason I ask is that most people pierce the membrane in a different spot each time so it seals itself after you pull the needle out...or are you using a realy large gauge pi like 18g? I ask because those are harpoons and will eat up the rubber stopper pretty fast...

  3. #3
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    What size needle are you using that would cause such a large hole? If you inject twice a week (or E3D as I do), the small volume can easily be drawn up and injected with a 25G-28G insulin syringe, which will have minimal impact on the rubber stopper over the life of the vial.

    The fact that you have fluid dripping out the holes means that the solution is no longer sterile. Hopefully, it is preserved and will have minimal impact on safety. However, going forward, I highly recommend fixing the problem with a smaller needle.

  4. #4
    Closhmo is offline Junior Member
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    i am sticking the needle in the same spot every time. so i should find a new spot everytime?? i draw with an 18 G syringe. the hole is not that large but if i hold the vial upside down i see a small oil bubble stick out so i think that if it was upside down for 3 hrs some would come out but im not completely sure.

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Draw with a smaller pin but even still I used to draw with 18g and never faced this problem. How many times do you draw from one vial?
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  6. #6
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    Obs is offline Changed Man
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Draw with a smaller pin but even still I used to draw with 18g and never faced this problem. How many times do you draw from one vial?
    You cant poke a vial forever and expect it not to leak. Too much added air can cause it too leak.

    Most don't consider the first thing you do when you draw from a new vial... You draw air and inject it into the vial.
    This added pressure inside the vial exceeds atmospheric pressure and whereby allows you to draw easier, as well as avoid a vacuum in the vial.

    Now, think about the air you drew into the syringe...
    It was no filtered by a .45 micron filter. It was sucked up into the pin and barrel as pure unfiltered raw air.

    Go over to a window and slap you shirt in the sun rays and you will see dust of whatever you have ate, bacteria containing shirt fibers, and just plain ol' dust floating down, ever so slowly. Every bacteria on earth is in this just drew a syringe full of this shit and shot it into your vial.

    Benzyl Alcohol is in injectables for a reason. Wipe it with an alcohol swab before use and you will be fine. I would be glad to argue with anyone who says different.

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