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  1. #1
    EJA1979 is offline New Member
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    May 2004

    Only active for 24 hours?!?!?!

    some of you may have seen me around at other boards...i came here specifically for the IGF and hgh forum....however i find alot of other befeficial info here. Just wanted to introduce myself first...

    anyways, i just received some IGF-1 from our friend in china, came lyophilized, and the dilutent(water) it came with only keeps it active for 24 hours, according to the insert. what the ****, i have to use all 100mcg in a matter of 24 hours? i'm an igf virgin, and i thinkg 100mcg a day is a touch much? any advice? i also received my jintropin in the same shipment. My plan is as follows

    month 1- 5iu jintropin ever day, 100 mcg igf-1 everyday
    month 2- 10iu jintropin every day
    month 3- same as month 1
    month 4- same as month 2

    i have just enough of each(gh and igf) to accomplish this....i'm still debating whether or not to include test, as my main goal right now is to shed as much fat as possible, while maintaing my muscle mass. thanks guys


  2. #2
    SLUMPBUSTR's Avatar
    SLUMPBUSTR is offline Associate Member
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    first off welcome....
    second 100mcg sounds like way to much I-gf1 for your first time. most start off at 30-40mcg a day. but i can def see were your coming from in not wanting to waste it. One thing to take into consideration is some of the sides that people experience with I-gf1, and these are at low dosages. I cant imagine what the side effects would be like if you happen to get them starting off at such a high dosage.

  3. #3
    EJA1979 is offline New Member
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    May 2004


    no kidding, i didnt just drop 3 grand on all this **** to find out i have to either take high dosages and be crippled from the sides, or i have the option of throwing my money away by taking less but having it go bad....****ing ****!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    It'll maintain activity much longer than 24 hours, despite what the insert says. I'm not a fan of just using water to reconstitute....not that it won't work, but I KNOW HCl works, I KNOW BA works, and I KNOW acetic acid works, so those would be my first options. There are a couple people on here using gensci's LR3 right now and using BA to reconstitute.

  5. #5
    jbigdog69's Avatar
    jbigdog69 is offline Banned
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    Mar 2004
    BA Bro!!!

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