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  1. #1
    big4nuthin is offline Associate Member
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    Cycling Insulin and LR3 IGF

    I have read alot about how to use Insulin and I keep hearing over and over that you dont want to use it for more than 4 weeks (4 on/4 off) at a time. My question is do you have to use it for 4 weeks at a time? Could you use it for 2 weeks on / 2 off and still get the same benefits while avoiding the insulin tolerance issues? Just trying to understand the reason for using it for 4 weeks at a time. Thinking the same with IGF-1 L3. Can you cycle for different time frames? Thanks.

  2. #2
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    With insulin i would do what Chad Nichols recomends and that is 2 times a week insulin use, use it 3 times a day 2 days a week or every 3 days, rotate your work out so you hit all bodyparts on your insulin days ie. back one week, chest the next, shoulders the following week etc. If you use slin 2 days in a row there is already a dramatic insulin sensitivity drop, i have used the every 3 day method and got good results with it and will not do it any other for IGF-1r i would do 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off...good luck...XXL

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL
    With insulin i would do what Chad Nichols recomends and that is 2 times a week insulin use, use it 3 times a day 2 days a week or every 3 days, rotate your work out so you hit all bodyparts on your insulin days ie. back one week, chest the next, shoulders the following week etc. If you use slin 2 days in a row there is already a dramatic insulin sensitivity drop, i have used the every 3 day method and got good results with it and will not do it any other for IGF-1r i would do 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off...good luck...XXL

    I know chad nichols is a respected name in the game, but his theory on insulin resistance is way off. For those of us that measure our BG levels, we know that there is NO increased insulin resistance with consecutive days of use. I'm not quite sure how he thought he was going to slip that past people. With Humalog, even after a 4 week cycle, there was NO sign of insulin resistance. Additionally, Humalog (insulin lispro) has been shown to induce insulin resistance to a far lesser degree than the other insulins.

  4. #4
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    I know chad nichols is a respected name in the game, but his theory on insulin resistance is way off. For those of us that measure our BG levels, we know that there is NO increased insulin resistance with consecutive days of use. I'm not quite sure how he thought he was going to slip that past people. With Humalog, even after a 4 week cycle, there was NO sign of insulin resistance. Additionally, Humalog (insulin lispro) has been shown to induce insulin resistance to a far lesser degree than the other insulins.
    Impresive response Bro, i guess you can never stop learning...XXL

  5. #5
    big4nuthin is offline Associate Member
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    Can I still make good gains while avoiding insulin resistance issues using it PWO only for two weeks at a time?

  6. #6
    cyflex's Avatar
    cyflex is offline Associate Member
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    over the hill
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    I know chad nichols is a respected name in the game, but his theory on insulin resistance is way off. For those of us that measure our BG levels, we know that there is NO increased insulin resistance with consecutive days of use. I'm not quite sure how he thought he was going to slip that past people. With Humalog, even after a 4 week cycle, there was NO sign of insulin resistance. Additionally, Humalog (insulin lispro) has been shown to induce insulin resistance to a far lesser degree than the other insulins.
    NICE POST bro.. i really like this man.. keep going bro

  7. #7
    DBarcelo's Avatar
    DBarcelo is offline Senior Member
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    You're not going to develop a tolerence for insulin , but the pancrease can be sensative to periods of decreased use or non-use depending on your family history. A lot of people worry that they're not going to be able to produce there own insulin and will become an insulin dependent diabetic, which isn't very likely at all really. But there is a real issue about the body's use of insulin and it's own regulation of insulin. You mess with the body's regulation of insulin and at certain points of the day, that can be very dangerous and can result in hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.

    Also, insulin isn't a long acting substance, so you can cycle it in any incrament you want really because it only lasts in the body for a matter of hours and is absorbed emediately. The way the question is posed is as if this is a slow releasing substance you're talking about.

    What brand of insulin are you using anyway? I may be able to give more detailed information about it if it's a US made drug.

  8. #8
    DBarcelo's Avatar
    DBarcelo is offline Senior Member
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    I should say, if it's prescribable in the US.

  9. #9
    big4nuthin is offline Associate Member
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    I am using Humalin-r

    The reason I ask if I can use it for periods less than 4 weeks and still be able to maximize results is that I do some traveling here and there. Usually 1 week out a month. So I wanted to run my insulin cycles 2-3 weeks on and the same amount off. Is this ok?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by big4nuthin
    The reason I ask if I can use it for periods less than 4 weeks and still be able to maximize results is that I do some traveling here and there. Usually 1 week out a month. So I wanted to run my insulin cycles 2-3 weeks on and the same amount off. Is this ok?

    Yes, the results of insulin are cummulative in that they are achieved during the insulin activity window.....the rest of the day, the insulin you took pwo has no bearing on things. So, over the course of a few days, you will have achieved cummulative gains from the consecutive days during which you utilized insulin and had a artificially expedited rate of nutrient shuttling. The 4 on/off rule was really pertaining to insulins other than Humalog. Humalog has been shown to be least likely to induce insulin resistance in peripheral tissues, and the fact that its activity period is brief means that the pancreas is not really affected, as the majority of the day, endogenous insulin release predominates.

    Many people use it just pwo only on workout days for long periods of time......I still say try to limit it to ~6wks max (4-6 weeks is good)

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