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Thread: insulin pct

  1. #1
    crack is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2004

    insulin pct

    i am just coming off of my test cycle and was woundering if insulin would be good for pct?
    and if i use it mon-fri and not use it sat-sun would that cause any problems?
    will i make any gains while just using insulin by it self?
    any info appreciated

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Yes, most defenitely. IMO Insulin can be very beneicial when used in PCT. People usually use it at the start of the cycle and in the end during PCT. Only use it PWO (obviously on workout days only), dont worry about using it on OFF training days. So if you train Monday to Friday, then use it on those days, and skip Saturday and Sunday. You might find that you actually might put weight on if you use Insulin in your PCT, but dont be surprised if you dont, its only normal to lose weight when coming off a cycle. I used Insulin alone without other AAS and I had great gains. So yes, you can use it by itself. Good luck

  3. #3
    crack is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2004
    thanks gear
    my next question
    i can only get humulin r
    i will be taking in the am pwo, some say peak 2 hours some say 4 hours.
    should i take directly after my workout, or in the middle since it woun't be active until 30 after shot?
    any info on humulin R would be greatly appreciated since i mostly read about humalog

  4. #4
    angelxterminator's Avatar
    angelxterminator is offline Senior Member
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    just wondering but why dont you just buy the humalog? its much much better for these purposes!, and IMO i wouldn't use anything that was slower onsetting!

    btw if you insist on the humilin here you go for info:

  5. #5
    cyflex's Avatar
    cyflex is offline Associate Member
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    over the hill
    I agree with "gear". U have to check out ur diet bro.. (about carbs intake and fats)
    Now if u can only get humulin-r go with IM(IntraMuscular) shot to increase onsetting time and decrease time activity of slin. IM shot= onset:~15-20min activ:4 hr maybe more.
    Beware about hypo until 6hr later..
    Good luck bro


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