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  1. #1
    2timer's Avatar
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    is gh better liposuction?

    thinking about liposuction to get rid of the lower abs but friend informed me about gh and I figure it is cheaper. 200ius for 825$ anyways. so I am thinking about
    2iu's 2dayson/one off for 20 weeks.
    clen 80mcg pyramid

    should I do this gh cycle for half the price of lipo? and don't tell me I would rather do it myself mobojombo..... just which is more benificial?

    stat 207lbs
    bf 8.8-10.3% up and down
    any answer is benificial.

  2. #2
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    i had the lipo....instant results

  3. #3
    2timer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    It depends on what your actual problem is. If you are just looking for general lowering of lower ab fat, the cycle you propose above will probably do the trick.
    If you have a specific problem with the lower ab area (some kind of inbalance, uneven distribution, etc) lipsuction may be the way to go.
    The other thing to consider is where the fat is stored that you are trying to dump. If it is between the skin and the muscle, lipo will help. If it is deep fat (between the muscle and the organs) lipo won't do you any good.
    I am around 9-10%bf so abs are showing but the lower abs has lots of fat. I always had problem with it. never seem to get rid of it.
    is the cycle I propose good anyways? and would the gh help with lower fat?
    man everything looks amazing except that part of my lower abs which makes me leave the shirt on which sucks with all the hard work I have done.

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
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    Liposuction is a great procedure that takes the fat away instantly. More importantly though, it takes away the fat cells as well. Fat cells is where the fat grows from, and it has been proven that once you pass the puberty stage you do not produce fat cells again, well not much anyway. So once the fat cells have been taken out, as long as you have passed the puberty stage, you are most likely not to produce fat in that area again as the fat cells have been removed. This is all great news, but there is also a bit of bad news as well that doctors and surgeons seem to keep quiet sometimes when it comes to liposuction. The bad news is, your chances of gaining fat in other areas of your body will increase. I will explain why this is; Once the fat cells are removed from a certain part of body, if you gain anymore fat in the future, because the fat canot be produced in the area where the fat cells were taken out of, the extra gained fat will search other areas in your body and store itself there. So for example, if you have liposuction surgery in your lower abdominal area, instead of the extra fat growing in your lower abdominal area, it will store itself in other parts of your body such as your arse, or maybe your back etc etc. This is why you have more chance of gaining fat in other areas of your body if you get liposuction done. This doesnt mean that you are going to gain fat really fast in other areas of your body if you get liposuction done, as long as you do everything right and dont live on McDonalds everyday, the extra gained fat (if any) will not be noticible. Just thought I might add this part in as my auntie is a liposuction surgeon and she tells me a bit about liposuction. IMO, lipo is defenitely worth it. I'd also like to add in that fat can actually grow under neath the muscle as well. This fat canot be taken away by a liposuction procedure as lipo surgeons are not qualified to take fat out under internal organs. They deal with fat and fat cells above the muscle only. Not many people have a lot of fat or any fat under their muscle, its just a rare possibility.

  5. #5
    2timer's Avatar
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    interesting but is the gh at2iu/day get rid of the fat. I know people who went from 18-8%in 6months. I figure if I get to 6% it will be all gone?
    what is the price with your auntie?

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
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    She will do upper and lower abdominals plus the love handles for $5500. This includes the anasthetic, and a garnay you have to wear round the body part you had lipo done on for a few weeks after the procedure. I am from Australia, so the price is in AUD

  7. #7
    2timer's Avatar
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    that is like wow! I found a doctor who will do for 1500 everything. my sister did it 5 years ago for 800$ I am nlot kidding. that price is too high. no offense to your aunt but I think some doctors are just ripoff and no they are not more quilified.

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
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    I dont think you should judge your abs on your BF%. I know a few people that are on 12% and they have abs, well not ripped, but you can see them. I am on about 9% and I cant see mine :/. I think this is because my abdominal muscles are not as developed as they should be, so really there is not much muscle there. And it also depends on your genetics as well. Everyone is different.

  9. #9
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    I can see my upper abs very nicely. serratus anterior look amazing then the lower abs looks disgusting.

  10. #10
    Gear's Avatar
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    Ohh bro, here in Aus everything is more expensive. I am aware of the price difference. Example, the black market in Aus sells Sustanon 250 1ml amps for $40 p/amp. Compare to US and other country prices it is rediculous. But thats just how it is. A box of Tamoxifen Nolvadex , i think a pack of 30 or something, $200. Here these prices are normal, i cant stand it. Its only like that coz legit gear in Aus is hard to come by. Rather embarssing even

  11. #11
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    oh ****. order nolvedex and other pct off research site I think they send international. nolvedex 50ml*20mg for like 40-50bucks. althought some doc here charge lipo for 4000$ so yous see what I mean about doctors.
    Last edited by 2timer; 09-14-2004 at 10:50 AM.

  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
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    Its not just the black market prices that are high, everyhing else here in Aus is much more expensive then a lot of the any other countries. Even things you buy from shops :/

  13. #13
    2timer's Avatar
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    but one thing you guys know how to party! man I know I heard it is expensive but wild untill noon the next day ****.

  14. #14
    Gear's Avatar
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    Yeah I am thinking about ordering Nolvadex via the net, it will get past the customs fine as here in Aus it is illgeal to have without prescription but not illegal to import, sounds strange but thats the way it is. A few of my friends have done it. But what I cant get over here is Clomid . The Aus customs will confiscate it :/

  15. #15
    Gear's Avatar
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    Yes we love 2 party haha.... dont even want to mention how hard da ladies love 2 party haha

  16. #16
    2timer's Avatar
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    if I where you I would tell the reseach company to put the clomid in another bottle like nolvedex. they will they are nice like that! atleast the ones I deal with.

  17. #17
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    when I finsh my degree I am planning to move to aus or new zealand! get job there get laid with freakin crazy girls you guys have.

  18. #18
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    I am assuming you are talking about fitness/bodybuilders as most of the heart risk we have in America is because of this type of fat. If all we had were a bunch of folks with surface fat between the skin and muscle, we would be a lot healthier country. Most people DO have fat under the muscle, all intertwined with their organs, and that is the fat that puts such a strain on the heart in those that are overweight.
    I should have made myself more clear. You are right, but I was regarding to "2timer" assuming he is an experienced athelete that is commited to his training which made me think he probabably does not have a lot of amount of fat under the muscle. Was gonna edit that actually, but you beat me to it b4 i did, thanx anyway.

  19. #19
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2timer
    when I finsh my degree I am planning to move to aus or new zealand! get job there get laid with freakin crazy girls you guys have.
    Come to Aus bro, NZ is sooooo still stuck in the 80's lol.. I mean even the cop cars the cops drive arent the latest up to date vehicles lol. Not to mention how hard it is to get gear there, harder then Aus. Either way good luck man

  20. #20
    2timer's Avatar
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    have you ever done gh GEAR? if yes results? mass,bf%, and change of bones and look if any!

  21. #21
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    thanks aus it is!

  22. #22
    Gear's Avatar
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    Nahh man i havent. I defenitely plan to in the future though, not for a while but. To tell you the truth I dont know much about GH, I know the basics thats about it. I hear its either like the best drug ever invented, or really really crap. Every1 has diff opinions. With GH your taking a risk though arent u? The $ spent on it, the side effects, and the results. Wiith lipo your guaranteed results, dont have 2 worry about sides or wasting your $. What you think? Like I said I dont know much about GH so I would know. But what makes me say that you are taking a risk with GH is coz there have been quiet a few people that have used it and havent been satisfied with the results. Its a tricky 1
    Last edited by Gear; 09-14-2004 at 11:07 AM.

  23. #23
    2timer's Avatar
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    I thinks I will go with the gh see what happens thanks for all the replies. give it a try I still have lots of time untill next summer! joking but hey you can't take your shirt off during winter in canada or you will become a snowman in no seconds.

  24. #24
    Gear's Avatar
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    IMO if you just want to to shape a certain small body part on your body, I think lipo is the way to go.

  25. #25
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2timer
    I thinks I will go with the gh see what happens thanks for all the replies. give it a try I still have lots of time untill next summer! joking but hey you can't take your shirt off during winter in canada or you will become a snowman in no seconds.
    No worries man, good luck to you and let us know how you go . Im off to bed now, its 3am. nite

  26. #26
    2timer's Avatar
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    man gear interesting again. I have to think about this again. some like gh some hate it. some like lipo some hate it. I don't what direction to go but I will have to think about and I will keep you guys informed.

  27. #27
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2timer
    that is like wow! I found a doctor who will do for 1500 everything. my sister did it 5 years ago for 800$ I am nlot kidding. that price is too high. no offense to your aunt but I think some doctors are just ripoff and no they are not more quilified.
    $800..?? the OR cost me $800 for the was $4800.done in a hospital,not a doctors office by a highly qualified have to choose wisely if you decide to get lipo..otherwise you may find yourself going back in a yr to get yourself balanced out. the prices you quated are not real,there is no!t,gyno surgery cost more then that bro.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    $800..?? the OR cost me $800 for the was $4800.done in a hospital,not a doctors office by a highly qualified have to choose wisely if you decide to get lipo..otherwise you may find yourself going back in a yr to get yourself balanced out. the prices you quated are not real,there is no!t,gyno surgery cost more then that bro.
    if you want I will give you the contacts. this exactly why the doctors have arisen there price. no it is not 4500$ that is outrages. most doctors charge taht much becuase there patients don't know any better. no my sister looks amazing at 800$ and I am not lieing. she don't need to go back. and this was done I believe in a hospital not sure.

  29. #29
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2timer
    if you want I will give you the contacts. this exactly why the doctors have arisen there price. no it is not 4500$ that is outrages. most doctors charge taht much becuase there patients don't know any better. no my sister looks amazing at 800$ and I am not lieing. she don't need to go back. and this was done I believe in a hospital not sure.
    i didnt say you were lying bro,but it cost more the $800 to get a couple of teeth pulled....i researched alot before i had it done and my guy was very the saying goes,you get what you pay for...goodluck

  30. #30
    Doc M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    i didnt say you were lying bro,but it cost more the $800 to get a couple of teeth pulled....i researched alot before i had it done and my guy was very the saying goes,you get what you pay for...goodluck
    You couldn't find a reputable, qualified surgeon to do Liposuction of your big toe for $800.00 in the U.S...Our price for upper and lower abs, and flanks(love handles) is $5,200.00..That is for a 2500cc removal(or less)..Anymore and the price is increased being adjusted to the amount and location..That price includes all surgical fees, anethesia, surgical suite, compression garment for post-op, and 3 follow-up visits..There are additional costs for pre-surgical meds and post-surgical meds..If you have health insurance the med cost is minimal..

    Things to look for in a surgeon:

    *Experience level with the particular procedure you are having done
    *What board certifications they hold, for example- F.A.C.S.
    *What their surgical book looks like and if there is a list of prior patients you could speak to on the overall surgical procedure experience..
    *What type of repore you feel with the surgeon..If you are not comfortable with them, look elsewhere..

    Doc M

  31. #31
    tdawg's Avatar
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    i would say, when having that type of surgeory quality should be balanced with price, but never sacrafice quality or else you are better off not having it done at all

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