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  1. #1
    CSnoddon's Avatar
    CSnoddon is offline Junior Member
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    why 5 on 2 off with gh

    hi guys just wonderin why some people recommend 5 days on two days off gh. Is this just a cost effective reason or is there some cycling reason.i have been on my 1st gh cycle for 3 months nearly 4 now and i have about 5 months worth left and i shoot 5iu,s a day. would it benefit me at all to go 5 on 2 off and get longer out of the gh or stick to every day.

  2. #2
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    this is something i planned on asking too...someone help:P

  3. #3
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    I am far from an expert on the subject but from all my research the only reason I could find to go 5 on 2 off was cost.

    How are you finding the results at 5iu?

  4. #4
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    I think it's cost, avoiding insulin sensitivity issues for 2 days out of a week, also keep in mind that during puperty human body releases GH in pulses, large amount for few days/weeks at the time and then low doses there after, as the pulsation continues...maybe it is to reproduce natural polsation paters to some 0.02cents XXL

  5. #5
    CSnoddon's Avatar
    CSnoddon is offline Junior Member
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    results have been good so far fat reduction and better definition!

  6. #6
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    if its working for you then i wouldnt change anything.i believe during puberty your body releases yout natural gh in growth spurts,something like 5-7 days every month.i could be wrong but i believe this is how it works.the 5 on 2 off or 6 on 1 off is just for cost,because if your taking it in the AM and mid afternoon like you should then your body still produces GH naturally while you sleep

  7. #7
    bigjohnr's Avatar
    bigjohnr is offline Associate Member
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    how many IU's a day do you guys take. I have taken 4 IU's per day but didn't like the sides, I also tried 3 and have been doing 2 IU's for the past couple of months, I am upping it to 3 IU's per day again. any thoughts?

  8. #8
    DBarcelo's Avatar
    DBarcelo is offline Senior Member
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    I usually recomend people go on a 6 day on, one day off split.

  9. #9
    bigjohnr's Avatar
    bigjohnr is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks RedBaron, I don't know much about IGF-1 i need to look into it.
    Do you like it?
    Is it expensive like GH?
    I see it alot on the boards but never looked into what it does.
    thanks again

  10. #10
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    IGF-1 LR3 is nice becuase you can get decent results in a short amount of time (25 days). Running IGF-1 in the reccommended 4 weeks on 4 off manner ends up being the same price as HGH.

  11. #11
    johnsomebody's Avatar
    johnsomebody is offline Senior Member
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    This may be one of the reasons for the 5-day routine, since it proves, at least in rats, that longterm suppression of HGH is not likely if done that way, at least if you're a rat.

    Lanzi R, Tannenbaum GS. Journal of Endocrinology
    Department of Pediatrics, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

    "Endogenous pulsatile GH secretion is blunted by the administration of exogenous GH; however, few data are available on the time course of GH negative feedback, and the mechanism by which this occurs still remains unclear." So they injected rats for five days and..."During the subsequent 4- to 8-h period, recovery of spontaneous GH secretory bursts was evident, and neither the GH peak amplitude nor mean 4-h plasma GH level of rhGH-treated rats was significantly different from that of H2O-injected controls."

    Conclusion: " 1) the inhibitory effect of rhGH on endogenous pulsatile GH release is of short duration (approximately 4 h); 2) the time course of this response does not change after 5-day repeated rhGH administration; and 3) the feedback effect of GH on its own spontaneous release is exerted, at least in part, by increasing hypothalamic SRIF secretion. Such a mechanism of GH feedback may be important in the physiological control of pulsatile GH secretion."

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