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  1. #1
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Who has reconstituted igtropin with BA?

    Until now I have been reconstituting my igtropin with the water provided, using 2 of the 1ml amps for each vial for easde of measuring.

    I have now received my BA from AR-R (fantastic service by the way) so today I reconstituted with BA for the first time.

    I injected 2ml BA into the vial of powder which the turned into a lumpy sludge. I gently and patiently swirled and agitated the vial for 10 minutes but it would not go smooth. I the added 1ml BW to the vial and swirled and agitated a little less gently (patience running thin now) and it mixed into a thick cloudy 'emulsion'.

    I injected 25mcg (.75ml) into each tricep which stung like a sonofabitch but on the upside both tris seemed to swell up instantly, an effect I have not been seeing with gensci's water.

    Knowledgeable bros - how should I proceed?

    Many thanks,


  2. #2
    Magnum II's Avatar
    Magnum II is offline Associate Member
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    I had the very same experience, except I used 1ml of BA in the first vial I mixed. To get any type of emulsion to happen, I literally had to shake the vial violently for five minutes. I later wondered if I had damaged the IGF-1 by doing so. You would never shake GH violently while mixing--that would be a sure way to ruin it. Some of the more experienced users on the board agreed with me on that count so, I took the hit and disposed of the first vial--an expensive lesson learned.

    Now I'm using the distilled vinegar / BW combination recommended by bros like Red Baron (search for thread by his handle). This seems to be working well. Conclusion: for whatever reason, BA and GenSei Igtropin are incompatible in my opinion. I won't try that combo again.


  3. #3
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    city of brotherly love
    i also like sterile viniger and bw
    your tris blew up from being aggitated by the ba

  4. #4
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Thanks for the replies guys.

    So RedBaron recommends .88ml BW and .12ml distilled white vinegar, is this the ratio you guys have been using?

    Is the vinegar just regular vinegar from a supermarket?

    How does the filtering work? - I have never used a whatman filter, give me a step by step "idiot's guide".

    Until I get the supplies to filter my vinegar etc what is my best way forward? - Because I have been using 2 1ml amps of gensci water to 1 vial IGF I will soon run out of gensci water (stupid, I know, but einstein always advocated the use of BA so I was relying on using that) so should I use BW in the meantime or a BA/BW blend?

    DEVLDOG - Yeah, I think you're right about the BA agitating my tris, its more like a painful swelling than a pump.

    Thanks guys,


  5. #5
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Thanks RB, uda man!

    It will take me a week to get the vials & filters so what do you think my best course of action is in the meantime?

    Thanks again,


  6. #6
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RedBaron - AR-R don't have any .2 whatmans, they have .45 whatmans and titans in both sizes, are these the same thing but different brand?



  7. #7
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Good info


  8. #8
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    RedBaron - AR-R don't have any .2 whatmans, they have .45 whatmans and titans in both sizes, are these the same thing but different brand?


    NotSmall. here are ,2 filters they don't have to be the brand whatman.


  9. #9
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    WOW, I injected the remaining 50mcg of my mix today, 25mcg in each bicep - YAUCH!

    I am trying an experiment at the moment, I have a theory that BA can be used to reconstitute igtropin if left long enough to disolve it so I have added 2ml of BA to another vial which I will leave in the fridge overnight and see how it goes.

  10. #10
    Magnum II's Avatar
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    How did your experiment turn out?

    I'm anxious to know if this worked


  11. #11
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnum II

    How did your experiment turn out?

    I'm anxious to know if this worked

    Well, inconclusive so far - if it does work though it'll take bloody ages!

    Its been about 36hrs so far and I think it is disolving but very slowly.

    I'll keep you posted but don't rush out and try it just yet.

    As far as I can work out though even if it takes a week the IGF won't degrade if its sat in BA - can knowledgeable bros confirm this.

    As soon as I get some filters though I'll be using RedBaron's vinegar technique, I might just be a pussy but the BA shots are fukking sore.

    Also does anyone know if I can use BW instead of the gensci water in the meantime? (I have been using 2ml for each vial so I'll run out soon-doh!)

  12. #12
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    The results are in on the IGF / BA experiment: total failiure!

    After 3 days it still had not dissolved so I had to resort to adding some BW and giving it a bit of a shake - I know I probably damaged the IGF but I shot it anyway, I couldn't bring myself to throw it away.

    I am done with IGF and BA, I just wish my filters would get here so I can start RB's vinegar mix.

    I am using BW at the moment, I know it's hard to quantify but does anyone know to what extent this will affect the potency?

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