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  1. #1
    Big Gulps, Huh?'s Avatar
    Big Gulps, Huh? is offline Associate Member
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    How much GH for growth

    I was wondering whats the most GH anyone has done and what is the minimum amount you need to do in order to see more growth than fat loss. How long do you need to run GH for?

    I found different answers on this subject so I wanted some clarification. It seems that most people say you need to take more than 4iu a day to see growth. How much growth though? How much do you think the average person would gain? It seems like everyone says you need at least 4iu per day to see growth but then everyone says that they see too many sides at that dose.

    So i guess I'm trying to find out how much do i need to see growth and whats the highest someone should go and still stay safe? And how much weight have people gained on GH and how much were you taking?

  2. #2
    Big Gulps, Huh?'s Avatar
    Big Gulps, Huh? is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks bro, that was exactly what I was looking for.

  3. #3
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good post, RedBaron.


    Based on conversations with a few people in the gym, it seems that taking 1.5-3.0 IU over a long period of time generates excellent results.

    BTW...remember not to take it before bed since your largest burst of GH happens during the night.

    Apparently, exogenous GH does not suppress the entire production of GH, which is released in several small spurts during the day and night. GH only supresses the spurts for 3-4 hours after each dose.

    So, it makes sense to take it in the morning or middle of the day.

    Last edited by BASK8KACE; 10-06-2004 at 12:28 AM.

  4. #4
    Dmac is offline New Member
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    Yeah, that is a great post RedBaron.

    Another question - you mention side effects will be minimal after building up from 1.5-2IU's per day to 4IU's per day with one AM and one PM shot. Will those sides differ if only taking one 4IU injection per day rather than spreading them out?

    I ask this because in the coming months I will be starting a HGH/Jintropin cycle myself and I know for a fact that I wont be able to always do the desired split injections per day due to various commitments.
    Last edited by Dmac; 10-06-2004 at 04:02 AM.

  5. #5
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    I believe the GH only stays active in the body for about 4 hours. So, 2 injections are probably better than one. But, I will defer to someone who has used GH frequently with success.

    As I said in my above post, you should becareful not to take a shot too close to your bed time since this is the time the greatest natural GH spurt takes place. I think you'd be better off taking one shot in the morning, and one mid afternoon or early evening.

  6. #6
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Since GH is secreted during the first few hours of sleep and immediately after workouts, you probably should take GH greater than 4 hours before sleep and greater than 4 hours before your workout to allow the natural secretions to occur. Why 4 hours? As I stated in one of my posts above, an exogenous GH apparently represses normal GH production for approximately 4 hours after it is injected.

    Some extra info on GH:

    Produced in the anterior section of the pituitary gland deep in the brain, HGH is a microscopic protein substance. Chemically, it is somewhat similar to insulin although it is secreted in short pulses during the first hours of sleep and after exercise; it only remains in the circulation for a few minutes. As such, it is extremely difficult to measure HGH in blood serum. However, the body binds most of the growth hormone in the liver and converts some into Somatomedin-C, another protein hormone also called Insulin-like Growth Factor- I (IGF-I). Since Somatomedin-C remains in the blood stream for 24-36 hours, a blood sample identifying Somatomedin-C will be a more dependable indicator of competent HGH production. Normal Somatomedin-C blood levels in adults range from 200 to 450 ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter). Yet, one-third of individuals over 50 years of age show abnormal levels less than 200 ng/ml. During the growth spurt of youth, HGH levels are maximum and the Somatomedin-C will be measured well over 600- 800 ng/ml. Yet for normal men and women under 40, less than 5% have levels below 250 ng/ml! After 40 many men and women have the same amount of HGH as an octogenerian! And that may be the key to aging as we now know it!

    I read the following, but am not sure if this is from a reliable source:

    1mg of GH is approximately 2.7 IU.

    The pituitary gland produces the most growth hormone (2.0 mg per day, 5.4 IU) at late puberty. An obese middle aged man produces about 0.1 mg per day (approx. 0.27 IU).

  7. #7
    blkplys is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Gulps, Huh?
    I was wondering whats the most GH anyone has done and what is the minimum amount you need to do in order to see more growth than fat loss. How long do you need to run GH for?

    I found different answers on this subject so I wanted some clarification. It seems that most people say you need to take more than 4iu a day to see growth. How much growth though? How much do you think the average person would gain? It seems like everyone says you need at least 4iu per day to see growth but then everyone says that they see too many sides at that dose.

    So i guess I'm trying to find out how much do i need to see growth and whats the highest someone should go and still stay safe? And how much weight have people gained on GH and how much were you taking?
    I am taking 6ius a day for almost 3 months now and it is really starting to work great. I couldnt ask for the fat to fall off any faster and stacking it with AAS is the way to go. As far as sides I have only my hands falling asleep and alittle joint pain (not to bad). This is my third time using GH and I am going to run it for 7 months.

  8. #8
    Big Gulps, Huh?'s Avatar
    Big Gulps, Huh? is offline Associate Member
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    How much weight have you gained from the GH and how much bodyfat do you think you've lost?

  9. #9
    blkplys is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Gulps, Huh?
    How much weight have you gained from the GH and how much bodyfat do you think you've lost?

    I really cant say im taking so much stuff with the growth and dieting that its hard to take a guess. I can say that I was 208 @ 5'6 with a 26 skin fold and almost 3 months later I am 204 with 8 skin fold. I hope to be about 197-198 the day of the contest. You will see alittle fat lose in between the first three months but nothing like what you will see 2 1/2 - 3 months. At that time it will seem like you dropping so much ft that you wont want to stop it.

  10. #10
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by blkplys
    I really cant say im taking so much stuff with the growth and dieting that its hard to take a guess. I can say that I was 208 @ 5'6 with a 26 skin fold and almost 3 months later I am 204 with 8 skin fold. I hope to be about 197-198 the day of the contest. You will see alittle fat lose in between the first three months but nothing like what you will see 2 1/2 - 3 months. At that time it will seem like you dropping so much ft that you wont want to stop it.
    Woo hoo! Thats what I like to hear, I'm about 2 months in so the fat should start melting off pretty soon!

  11. #11
    angelxterminator's Avatar
    angelxterminator is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    The amount of GH that you need to take in a day to promote growth in addition to fat loss is 4-5 units a day. At 2-3 units a day, you will experience fat loss and just some general health related benefits and sense of well being.

    I have taken as high as 8-10 units a day. Some of my bodybuilding buddies have taken as high as 18 units a day! What I will say to you is that after a lot of experimentation, I have concluded that for me anyway 4-5 units is what I need to see growth, and using more than that really doesn't help me much.....just increases my sides by a LOT. On the flip side to this, when I use less than 4-5 units, I don't see growth from GH, just the other fat loss and health benefits.

    So I would say from what I have seen with myself and all of my fitness and bodybuilding friends, the general consensus would be:
    2-3 units a day for general health and fat loss
    4-5 units a day for growth purposes
    The only reason I could see for needing more than this would be if you were a 300 pound pro bodybuilder on a MAJOR stack. In this case maybe 8 units a day, but at this point and above if used for extended time, I would worry about sides like GH gut, etc.

    As far as what to expect to depends on how you use it. By itself, you will gain a very modest amount of muscle....good quality, permanent muscle, but just not that much. If you stack it with AAS's and/or IGF, and other things, then the gains exponentially increase.

    As far as avoiding the sides, what you will want to do is start out slowly (at 1.5 units or so) and take that for a while. Increase to 2 IU's for a while. After this, start taking a second afternoon shot, splitting it into two 1.5 unit shots, etc. until you reach 4 IU's a day (morning 2IU, early afternoon 2IU). If you do it this way, you will have minimal/no sides in most cases.

    Hope this helps.
    very good response. I also have seen buds take as high as 15-18 units a day, and it works with some people, and not others. That is why an endo can be very helpful in that situation. I would not consider my cycle, even with decent knowledge, unless i had everything monitored.

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