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  1. #1
    DaveB12 is offline New Member
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    Might have pierced a vein, should I worry?

    I'm taking IGF1-LR3 and just did glute shots post-workout. Everything was fine, felt normal, etc, but after pulling out of the left side I saw a small blotch of red in the orangeish area at the base of the needle, but before the syringe. Is it possible that I did pierce something and just missed this while aspirating? If so, is this a problem, since I went ahead with the injection?

    I feel fine, and like I said, nothing felt unusual in the shots. If anything, the one from the other side hurt a bit more (and bled a bit more). But I have no idea what to expect if I did in fact do something wrong. So far it's been 15 minutes and I don't feel hypo or dizzy or anything like that, so I'm sure I'm fine, I guess I just don't know how I'd know if I wasn't.

  2. #2
    ZaneFan's Avatar
    ZaneFan is offline Associate Member
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    Dont worry. Pretty hard to hit a vein in the glute area. Sometimes blood gets in the needle while pulling it out after you have pushed the plunger all the way in. IGF1 unless you are doing a monster amount wouldnt hurt you even if you hit a vein. You would feel a little or a lot hypo but since you are not then all is OK.

  3. #3
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    It's probably just a capillary ...I wouldn't worry, you're good to go

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Trust me dude if you had hit a vein you would kniow about it pretty damn quick

  5. #5
    DaveB12 is offline New Member
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    Heh, I forgot that I had made this post. I was fine. Thanks for all the help.

    Kale, when you say I'd know pretty damn quick, what sort of sensation would I get (just out of curiousity)?

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveB12
    Heh, I forgot that I had made this post. I was fine. Thanks for all the help.

    Kale, when you say I'd know pretty damn quick, what sort of sensation would I get (just out of curiousity)?
    If the juice gets in the vein you will have a massive cou***ng fit like you have never had before. You may even pass out ***ending on how much gets in. Other than that you will probably bleed like a stuck pig and get a massive bruise under the skin.

  7. #7
    Joe Dic's Avatar
    Joe Dic is offline Junior Member
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    When injecting into blood stream first place it goes is your lungs(well maybe not first but it gets there) You may not bleed bad may just end up with a hell of a bruise.

    ^^^^hence the cou***ng fit.

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